Advantages and Challenges to using Telehealth Medicine

Patrick Ou00e2u20acu2122Connell, RN

Volume 15 Issue 4

Global Journal of Medical Research

Objective: Research was conducted to evaluate advantages and challenges to using telehealth medicine. Technology is discussed in relation to ease of healthcare provider use and client use. Ethical issues were evaluated for issues concerning safety and surveillance. Method: Reviews of literature using nursing data base (ProQuest-Health and Medical Complete) with the term telehealth in nursing was used. Limits used to narrow the search were full text, peer reviewed, English language, human only and dates between 2011 and 2014. Results: The literature search located 34 articles from ProQuest. A total of 7 articles that support advantages or disadvantages to using telehealth were used. Conclusion: The articles had mixed result for advantages and challenges at the healthcare provider level and the patient level. Issues with weak signals, misinterpreted data, and patient reading errors were evaluated for safety issues. Several clients and caretakers failed to report results during studies hindering outcomes. Client satisfaction and quality of life were addressed to evaluate the client and family views of telehealth medicine.