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GJMBR-E Volume 25


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CrossRef DOI 10.34257/GJMBR
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Recent Articles Published in GJMBR-E

A Data-Driven Approach and Framework to Social Media Strategy and Performance Measurement for Brands

The pandemic, rising inflation, and dynamic changes in the market have increased the importance of having a solid and effective omnichannel strategy. Social media channels form a crucial pillar of a brand’s omnichannel strategy and can be used to achieve various business objectives such as acquisition, engagement, brand awareness, etc. This paper...

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Methodological Nature and Epistemological Bases of Qualitative Studies in Marketing

This research portrays the epistemological bases on which qualitative studies in marketing are based. In the meantime, the main objective was to analyze how qualitative research published in the Revista Brasileira de Marketing is constructed, based on conventional and unconventional epistemologies. The methodological design was that of documentary...

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The Three Most Critical Aspects for Implementing Holistic Customer Experience at Scale

Businesses are increasingly challenged by increasing competition, changing customer preferences and industry dynamics. Moreover, proliferation of channels and customer touchpoints have added to the complexity of keeping up with these constant changes. Only organizations who are nimble enough to understand, evaluate and react to these dynamic requir...

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Facets of Consumer Behavior Management: Reflexes and Neurointerface

The Internet, social networks, cloud services and e-commerce have rapidly become important components of modern human life. However, recent studies of neurotechnological companies have marked the foreseeable transition of civilization from the stage of information development to cyber-physical systems that combine the real "analog" world and cybers...

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Study of Consumers Satisfaction Regarding Fast-Food Restaurants in Cameroon

The main objective of this research is to investigate the consumer satisfaction in the context of booming fast-food industry of Cameroon. More precisely, we break the satisfaction concept into different constructs, atmosphere satisfaction, menu satisfaction and global satisfaction, based on the different drivers of satisfactions; we then evaluate t...

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Articles under Press


Nurturing Growth: Exploring Factors Influencing Female Youth Entrepreneurs in Lusaka's Central Business District

Female youth entrepreneurship is increasingly acknowledged as a catalyst for economic growth, productivity, innovation, and job creation. It plays a pivotal role in sustaining economic dynamism and competitiveness on the global stage. In contributing to the corpus of literature on female entrepreneurship, this study analyzed factors influencing the...

The Efficiency of Corporate Governance Practices in Bangladeshs State-Owned Commercial Banks

The goal of this research is to ascertain how corporate governance (CG) procedures affect Bangladesh's state-owned commercial bank's operational effectiveness. Secondary data were collected from the annual reports for all listed state-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh for the years of 2018 to 2022. The research employs various corporate governan...

Evaluation De La Performance Globale Des Établissements De Microfinance À Partir Du Balanced Scorecard: Une Étude Empirique En Contexte Camerounais

The objective of this paper is to evaluate the overall performance of Microfinance Institutions (EMFs) in Cameroon from the Balanced Scorecard (BSc). To achieve this goal, exploratory interviews with 10 EMFs followed by a confirmatory survey of 88 EMFs were conducted. The main results resulting from the construction of the overall performance index...

Audit Evidence Concept, Classification and Collection Techniques in China and the US

The audit process is the process of continuously collecting audit evidence. Audit evidence is processed when auditors are doing financial audits. Generally speaking, audit evidence shall be both reliable and relevant. Auditors exam evidence available from various sources to decrease the probability of material misstatement and audit failure (Bell, ...

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