Computing the better
    The World is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.- Edsger W.Dijkstra Read More

    Describing Algorithm to bring Positive ChangeAn algorithm must be seen to be believed.
    -Donald Knuth
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    Having Strong Base and a Huge NetworkThe Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. -Bill Gates Read More
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Section F, Graphics and Vision of the Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, focuses on foundational aspects of modern computing and technology. It is an international, peer-reviewed, double-blind journal accepting original research papers and articles spanning domains and not limited to software and computing, hardware and ICs, AI and distributed computing, networks, databases, and the cloud.


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With advancements in computers and sensors, humans are collecting more data every day and automating it to generate better results. Studying and designing better algorithms and computing methods is now one of the major elements of research and science. This journal aims to provide academia with new methodologies and applications. Special editions of this journal may contain white papers, reports, accepted standards, and theses.


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Since 2001, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: (F) Graphics & Vision has been an interdisciplinary, academic, open-access, peer-reviewed, refereed journal focusing on all aspects of computer science. The GJCST is superintended and sponsored by the Open Association of Research Society USA (OARS). The OARS has been esteemed internationally since 1964, aiming to highlight the research of frontiers and enhance research and development.


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GJCST-F Volume 25


ISSN Online 0975-4172
ISSN Print 0975-4350
Print Estd. 2001
mEDRA DOI 10.17406/gjcst
CrossRef DOI 10.34257/gjcst
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Technology and Innovation Blog of Computer Science

Recent Articles Published in GJCST-F

An Ambigramic Image File Format

We propose an image file format that can be read in two ways, where two images are recorded in a single file as a bit sequence, and the forward reading the bit sequence makes one of the two images visible, or the backward reading makes another image visible. Such a way of looking at a binary data in two ways resembles that of an ambigram, which is ...

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Visualisation of Multi-Service System Net-Work with D3.Js & Kdb+/Q using Websocket

Visualization of complex web of services running in a multi-service system using D3.js as frontend, KDB+/q as backend and WebSocket & JSON for communication....

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Face Recognition Using Morphological Analysis of Images

Face recognition from still and motion image has been an active and emerging research area in the field of image processing, pattern recognition and so on in the recent years . The challenges associated with discriminant face recognition can be attributed to the following factors such as pose, facial expression, occlusion, image orientation, image ...

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A Video Stabilization Method Based on Inter-frame Image Matching Scorea

Video stabilization is an important video enhancement technology which aims at removing annoying shaky motion from videos. In this paper, we propose an robust and efficient video stabilization algorithm based on inter-frame image matching score. Firstly, image matching is performed by a method combining Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSERs) det...

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An Optimal Factor Analysis Approach to Improve the Wavelet-based Image Resolution Enhancement Techniques

The existing wavelet-based image resolution enhancement techniques have many assumptions, such as limitation of the way to generate low-resolution images and the selection of wavelet functions, which limits their applications in different fields. This paper initially identifies the factors that effectively affect the performance of these techniques...

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Innovative Approaches to Fake News Detection: A Data Mining Perspective

Fake news becomes a major concern in the era of social media, as it can spread rapidly and has significant impacts on individuals and society. Society and individuals are negatively influenced both politically and socially by the widespread increase of fake news either generated by humans or machines. In the era of social networks such as Facebook...

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