Genetics is about how information is stored and transmitted between generations.-John M. Smith Read More

    Every moment of immunity to temptation is a victory.-Unknown Read More

    All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.-Alexis Carrel Read More
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Global Journal of Medical Research: (G) Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine is an international journal for publishing medical research papers. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, doctors, scientists and professors of medical research. We welcome original research, articles, surveys, review papers of all the streams of medical research from all over the world.


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Since 2001, Global Journal of Medical Research (GJMR): (G) Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine, has been an academic open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, refereed journal focusing on all aspects of Medical Research published by Global Journals, which is one of the fastest growing and leading Research Journal publishing organization in the world. The GJMR is superintended and sponsored by Non Profit making Open Association of Research Society USA (OARS). The OARS has been esteemed internationally since 1964, aiming to highlight the research of frontiers and enhance research & development.


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GJMR-G Volume 25 Issue 1


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GJMR-G Volume 25


ISSN Online 2249-4618
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Print Estd. 2001
mEDRA DOI 10.17406/gjmra
CrossRef DOI 10.34257/GJMR
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Recent Articles Published in GJMR-G

Diphylla Ecaudata Spix, 1823 in the Caatinga-Cerrado Ecotone: From Feeding Plasticity to Rabies Propagation in Northeastern Brazil

In the Brazilian Northeast, the state of Piauí exhibits a lacunose chiropteran fauna in terms of diversity. Thus, knowledge about the ecology of these animals, highlighted by the occurrence of significant zoonoses, remains abstruse. The study aimed to update the geographical distribution of Diphylla ecaudata in the Brazilian Northeast, associating...

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Evolution of Degenerative Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease in a Canine Fox Terrier: A Case Report

Degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) consists of progressive degeneration of the mitral valve that can occur either in isolation or in association with the tricuspid valve, leading to incomplete coaptation of its leaflets and subsequent valve regurgitation. It's the most common cardiac condition in small animals, accounting for about 75% of cas...

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Effectiveness of the use of DAFS-25 in the Standard Hepatitis Treatment Regimen for Dogs

The article provides a study on the effectiveness of the drug DAFS-25 in the standard hepatitis treatment regimen for dogs. The study was conducted in a veterinary clinic «Alabai», Astrakhan, based on the treatment of dogs of the Caucasian wolfhound breed from Kangly kennel. Key indicators of liver status in dogs were taken in the study: alkaline...

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Evaluating the Impact of Rapid Thermoresistance (RTT) on Membrane and Chromatin Features in Post-Thawed Bovine Semen

This work aims to evaluate the effects of rapid thermoresistance on the morphofunctional aspects of membranes using flow cytometry, as well as the quality of sperm chromatin using the Toluidine Blue technique, both before and after the thermoresistance test.Six sets of frozen semen from ten bulls were used. The samples were thawed in a water bath a...

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Andrological Points Classification (CAP) Nelore Bulls (Bos Taurus Indicus) Of Different Ages, Kept in Reproduction Central

The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive potential of Nellore bulls at different ages, using the Andrological Points Classification system and to analyze the physical and morphological characteristics of the semen, when submitted to the cryopreservation protocol. Thus, 15 Nellore bulls were evaluated, divided into three groups a...

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Articles under Review

Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women admitted to the maternity at Guelendeng District Hospital in Chad

Anaemia and iron deficiency are major public health issues worldwide, particularly in children under five and pregnant women. It is an indicator of deterioration in both nutritional status and health. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women admitted for consultation to the maternity ward at Guelendeng Di...

Articles under Press


Evaluation of Infertility Cases Attending Tertiary Care Centre with Hystero-Laparoscopy

Background: Infertility affects about 10 – 15% of reproductive age couples. The diagnosis and treatment of this disorder stands out as one of the most rapidly evolving area in the medicine. Majority of pelvic pathology in infertile women is frequently not well appreciated by routine pelvic examinations and the usual diagnostic procedures. The abi...

Obesity in Pregnancy and Surgical Techniques

Background: Obesity has become a modern world pandemic. It causes increased morbidity in the postoperative period. Postoperative wound infection being one of the major contributing factors. Materials and Methods: Ours is a prospective cohort studydone at Fernandez Hospital, Hyderabad, a tertiary care hospitalfrom June 2022 to July 2023. We compared...

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