Working for and with broadly knowledgeable mindsKnowledge itself is power.
    -Francis Bacon
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    The ability to work with a team for best output.Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships -Michael Jordan Read More

    May none but honest and wise men ever rule
    under this roof.
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Natural Science

Dr. Beknazarova Saida Safibullayevna

Professor, Doctor of Technical Science (DSC), Department of Television and media Technologies, TUIT.

Dr. Rafael Gutirrez Aguilar

Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc., Psychology (Physiological), National Autonomous, University of Mexico.

Andreas Maletzky

Zoologist University of Salzburg, Department of Ecology and Evolution Hellbrunnerstra?e Salzburg Austria, Universitat Salzburg, Austria

Tuncel M. Yegulalp

Professor of Mining, Emeritus, Earth & Environmental Engineering, Henry Krumb School of Mines, Columbia University Director, New York Mining and Mineral, Resources Research Institute. USA

Nora Fung-yee TAM

DPhil University of York, UK, Department of Biology and Chemistry, MPhil (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Prof. Philippe Dubois

Ph.D. in Sciences, Scientific director of NCC-L, Luxembourg, Full professor, University of Mons UMONS Belgium

Dr. Gayle Calverley

Ph.D. in Applied Physics, University of Loughborough, UK

Dr. Richard B Coffin

Ph.D., in Chemical Oceanography, Department of Physical and Environmental, Texas A&M University USA

Prof. Ulrich A. Glasmacher

Institute of Earth Sciences, University Heidelberg, Germany Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center, TERRA-Explore

Dr. Yiping Li

Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, The Academy of Sciences of China Senior Vice Director, UAB Center for Metabolic Bone Disease

Dr. Maria Gullo

Ph.D., Food Science and Technology Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Dr. Bingyun Li

Ph.D. Fellow, IAES, Guest Researcher, NIOSH, CDC, Morgantown, WV Institute of Nano and Biotechnologies West Virginia University, US

Dr. Sahraoui Chaieb

Ph.D. Physics and Chemical Physics, M.S. Theoretical Physics, B.S. Physics, cole Normale Suprieure, Paris, Associate Professor, Bioscience, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology USA

Dr. Lucian Baia

Ph.D. Julius-Maximilians, University Wrzburg, Germany Associate professor, Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Advanced Technologies, Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Advanced Technologies, Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Adva

Dr. Shengbing Deng

Departamento de Ingeniera Matemtica, Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Fsicas y Matemticas. Blanco Encalada 2120, Piso 4.

Dr. Yap Yee Jiun

B.Sc.(Manchester), Ph.D.(Brunel), M.Inst.P.(UK) Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Hai-Linh Tran

Ph.D. in Biological Engineering, Department of Biological Engineering, College of Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Dr. Latifa Oubedda

National School of Applied Sciences, University Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco, Lotissement Elkhier N66, Bettana Sal Maroc

Angelo Basile

Professor, Institute of Membrane Technology (ITM) Italian National Research Council (CNR) Italy

Dr. Yaping Ren

School of Statistics and Mathematics, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming 650221, China

Dr. Gerard G. Dumancas

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Research Program, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Oklahoma City, OK United States

Dr. Bondage Devanand Dhondiram

PhD, Research Scientist, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

Dr. Mazeyar Parvinzadeh Gashti

Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Dr. Eugene A. Permyakov

Institute for Biological Instrumentation Russian Academy of Sciences, Director Pushchino State Institute of Natural Science, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D., in Biophysics Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia

Prof. Dr. Zhang Lifei

Dean, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Ph.D., Peking University, Beijing, China

Prof. Jordi Sort

ICREA Researcher Professor, Faculty, School or Institute of Sciences, Ph.D., in Materials Science Autonomous, University of Barcelona Spain

Dr. Matheos Santamouris

Prof. Department of Physics, Ph.D., on Energy Physics, Physics Department, University of Patras, Greece

Dr. Bingsuo Zou

Ph.D. in Photochemistry and Photophysics of Condensed Matter, Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Director of Micro- and Nano- technology Center

Dr. Linda Gao

Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Dr. Indranil Sen Gupta

Ph.D., Mathematics, Texas A & M University, Department of Mathematics, North Dakota State University, North Dakota, USA

Dr. Alicia Esther Ares

Ph.D. in Science and Technology, University of General San Martin, Argentina State University of Misiones, US

Dr. Lev V. Eppelbaum

Ph.D. Institute of Geophysics, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi Assistant Professor Dept Geophys & Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University Israel

Dr. A. Heidari

Ph.D., D.Sc, Faculty of Chemistry, California South University (CSU), United States

Dr. Giuseppe A Provenzano

Irrigation and Water Management, Soil Science, Water Science Hydraulic Engineering , Dept. of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Universita di Palermo, Italy

Dr. Arshak Poghossian

Ph.D. Solid-State Physics, Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, Russia Institute of Nano and Biotechnologies Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Dr. T. David A. Forbes

Associate Professor and Range Nutritionist Ph.D. Edinburgh University - Animal Nutrition, M.S. Aberdeen University - Animal Nutrition B.A. University of Dublin- Zoology.

Dr. Claudio Cuevas

Department of Mathematics, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife PE, Brazil

Dr. Eman M. Gouda

Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Dr. Baziotis Ioannis

Ph.D. in Petrology-Geochemistry-Mineralogy Lipson, Athens, Greece

Dr. Bing-Fang Hwang

Department of Occupational, Safety and Health, College of Public Health, China Medical University, Taiwan Ph.D., in Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, USA Taiwan

Dr. Xianghong Qi

University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Center for Molecular Biophysics, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, TN 37922, United States

Dr. Vladimir Burtman

Material Scientist at Vaporsens/Gentex corporation, Research Scientist, The University of Utah, United States

Dr. Hammad Khalil

Ph.D, M.Phil

Dr. Punit Saraswat

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) D.Litt (Honorary), Lachoomemorial College of Science Technology Autonomous, India

Mahipal Singh Sankhla

Ph.D. Forensic Science, M.SC. Forensic Science, B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science, Galgotias University, India

Dr. Fedor F. Mende

Ph.D. in Applied Physics, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Ashish Kumar Singh

Applied Science, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, New Delhi, India

Dr. Moaed Almeselmani

Ph.D in Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, M. Sc. in Plant Physiology, Damascus University, Syria

Dr. Sarad Kumar Mishra

Ph.D in Biotechnology, M.Sc in Biotechnology, B.Sc in Botany, Zoology and Chemistry, Gorakhpur University, India

Dr. Yilun Shang

Ph.d in Applied Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dr. Shyny Koshy

Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology, Kent State University, United States

Dr. Moustafa Mohamed Saleh Abbassy

Ph.D., B.Sc, M.Sc in Pesticides Chemistry, Department of Environmental Studies, Institute of Graduate Studies & Research (IGSR), Alexandria University, Egypt

Dr. M. R. R. Prasad

Ph.D., B.Sc., M.Sc. in Chemistry, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Department of Space (DOS), Government of India

Dr. Ferit Gurbuz

Ph.D., M.SC, B.S. in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Kırklareli University, Kırklareli 39100, Turkey

Dr. Maria Kuman

Ph.D, Holistic Research Institute, Department of Physics and Space, United States

Prof. Dr. Celalettin Koçak

Süt teknolojisi

Dr. Marisol G Hale

Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania), M.S. (Columbia University), USA

Dr. Nwawuike Nnawugwu

BSc.Ed, MEd, DSc Geoscience and Geoenvironmental Science, Department of Geoscience, Shimane University, Japan

Dr. Alejandro Plascencia Jorquera

Prof.-Researcher Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico

Dr. Neha Mulchandani

PhD, M.Sc.

Dr. Victor Wanjala

Doctor of Philosophy, PhD student in Pure Mathematics, Maasai Mara University, Kenya

Dr. Peter Trefonas

Ph.D., B. S.

Dr. Sumer Hasimoglu


Dr. Renhai Wang

Ph.D., M.S., B.S., School of Mathematical Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, P.R. China


Reviewers in Natural Science
Moaed Almeselmani, Biochemistry, Biotechnology
Anyim Chukwudi, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D
Dr. Manoj Kr Saikia, Ph.D
Sarad Kumar Mishra, Ph.D.
Kuldeep Singh, Ph.D.
Pantea Davoudifar, Ph.D.
Altamash Bashir, PG
Yap Yee Jiun, Ph.D.
Utpal Deka, Ph.D
Dr. Tarig Osman Khider, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.)
Dr. Hai-Linh Tran, PhD in Biological Engineering
Bilal Ahmed, Doctor of Pharmacy (Preseent) 4th Prof
Patrick Nkemakonam Dikedi, B.Sc., M.Sc., MRes, MINstp, FGS
Dr. Ramadevudu, M.Sc, Ph.D
Dr. J.S.I Rajkumar, Ph.D. in Zoology
Dr. Zambare Vasudeo P., M.Sc., Ph.D., FISBT, FSLSc, FSASc, FIIOAB, FSAB, MSFSN
Arezu Jahanshir, Ph.D.
Dr. Anupreet Kaur, PhD
Chandra Kant Dhakal, M.Sc. Agricultural Economics
Mohammad Valipour, Ph.D.
Dr. M.R. Jayapal, Ph.D.
Shengbing Deng, Ph.D.
Dr. Praveen Agarwal, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Yaping Ren, Ph.D.
Dr. Viksah Pratap Singh Bhadauria, Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Dr. Valsamma KM, PhD (Theoretical Nonlinear Dynamics), MSc Electronics,B Ed, Master in Computer Applications(MCA), Advanced diploma in Computer Applications(ADCA), PGDCA, Certificate in Computing.
Prof. Dr. Eman m Gouda, Professor of Biochemistry, Fac. Vet. Med.
R.A. Rashwan, Ph.D.
C. Sundaravadivelan, M.Sc (Zoology), M.Phil (Zoology), (Ph.D-Zoology)
Pramod Kulkarni, Ph.D.
Yilun Shang, Phd in applied mathematics
Baziotis Ioannis, Ph.D.
Dr. K. V. L. N. Acharyulu, M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Feng Feng, PhD
Dr. Gajendra Pandurang Jagtap, Ph.D. Plant Pathology
Amel, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Sankaranarayanan Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Mallikarjun Yadawe, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Prerna Sharma, M.Sc. in Biotechnology
Shyny Koshy, Ph.D
Venkanagouda M Goudar, M.SC., Ph.D
Daljit Singh, Ph.D. Botany and Plant Pathology
Saikat Kumar Basu, MSc (Botany); MSc (Agricultural Studies)PhD (Biomolecular Science; defending soon)
Dr. Deepak Manik Nagrik, M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D.
Tao Zhang, PhD, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dr. Ravi Varala, M.Sc., Ph.D
Dr. U C Srivastava, M.Sc,M.Tech,Ph-D
Dr. Jianglei Chen, Ph. D,
Nasim Ilyas , BA Psychology, MBBS, M.Phil (Biochemistry)
Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri, Ph.D.
Siva Prasad Kodukula, BE(CIVIL)
Arun S.K. Shunmugam, PhD
Dr. Ashish Chauhan, M Sc Organic Chemistry Ph D Chemistry
Dr. Ekta Menghani, M.Sc.(Life Sciences), Ph.D.(Natural Sciences)
Dr. Rajeev Singh, Ph.D.
Amany A. Mostafa, Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry
Anbazhagan N, Ph.D
Claudio Cuevas, Ph.D.
Karwan Hama Faraj Jwamer, Ph.D.
Rajeev Shukla, M.Sc.,D.Phil
Ogunniyi Laudia Titilola, Ph.D.
Xianghong Qi, Ph.D.
Hazem Mohammed Ebraheem Shaheen, Associate Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology and therapeuticsز
Dr. K. John, M.Sc.,(Ag.),Ph.D
Dr. Ashish R. Warghat, Ph. D in Biotechnology
Apostolos Zarros, DM, MRes, FRNS
Dr. Rupak Gupta, M.Phil, Ph.D in Mathematics Statistics
Changjun You, Ph.D
Dong Meng, PhD
Mohammad Javd Mahmoodi, PhD
Prof. Dr. A. S. Hamad Elgazwy, Ph.D.
Ashwith Chilvery, Ph.D. Material Science
Kamruzzaman, Ph.D.
Dr. A. Jeyasankar, Ph.D
Nissar A. Kuchay, Ph.D
Amit Kumar Singh, MBBS,MD
Laith Ahmed Najam, Ph.D.
Adarsh Reddy, MD, PhD
Preetpal S. Sidhu, PhD Medicinal Chemistry
Suvardhan Kanchi, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Frederick, PhD
Mr. Jiban Shrestha, M.Sc. Agriculture from Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Dr. Ashok P. Salave, M.Sc., Ph.D (Ethnobotany)
Ahmed Hashim, Ph.D
Guangzhen Hu, I received my Ph.D. in plant biology from Chinese Academy of Science with an emphasis on G-protein signaling transduction and protein trafficking/sorting. I am continuing my research on signaling transduction (Jak/STAT), as well as epigenetics (DNA methylation and histone modification) and Long nonc
Dr. Sulochanadevi Baskaran, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology focusing on Structural biology and enzymologyFour year post doctoral research experience (National Institutes of Health & UC Berkeley)
Fadhil Ismail Sharrad, Postdoctoral
Shah Pratik V. , Ph.D.
Sachinkumar R. Patil, M. Sc. Ph. D. (Submitted)
Ananthaswamy Vembu, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., MRMS (Mathematics)
Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani, PhD Agro-climatology and Environmental Ecology (Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China)
Duy Le, Ph.D. Physics
Md. Habibur Rahman, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Master of Science in Fisheries
Amrit Singh, Ph.D. in Physics
Itefa Degefa Alemu, Master of Science in Genetics, Bachelor Science in Applied Biology
Dr. J. Arunadevi, MCA.,M.Phi.,Ph.D( Comp.Sci.), MBA
Sandeep Rout, M.Sc Forestry. Ph.D Forestry Continuing
Dr. Ram Naresh, Ph.D.
Sanjib Choudhury, M.Sc., M. Phil
Rohini, M.Sc (Biochem), M.Sc (Clin.Micro), M.Phil, Ph.D.
Abdallah Bradji, Ph.D. Numerical Analysis
Dr. M. Govindaraj, Ph.D.
Vijayalakshmi Sridharan, Ph.D. (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Lianan Yang, Assocaite ProfessorDr.
Kuruba Adeppa, Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry
Meena Arora, PhD in Computer Science & Engg., M.Tech, BE
Mohammad Zarein, Ph.D.
Abhishek Saxena, PhD
Vladimir Burtman, Ph.D.
Reda Abou El-Ghar, Ph.D.
Antonella Petrillo, Professor
Subhabrata Ghosh, M.Sc Submitting PhD thesis & continuing research
Prof Adrian Armstrong, BSc Geography, LSE, 1970 PhD Geography (Geomorphology) Kings College London 1980 Ordained Priest, Church of England 1988
Ricardo Fagundes Freitas da Cunha, Master degree
Jorge Danilo Zea Camano, Forest engineer
Dr. Shivashankar K, B.Sc.(Agri)MBA,PhD,DEM,DIRM, PDM
Seranthimata Samshuddin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Dr. Firdous Ahmad Shah, Doctortate in Mathematics
Fethi Bin Muhammad Belgacem, PhD in Applied Mathematics, MS1 in Mathematics, MS2 in Biomedical Engineering. BS in Engineering Sciences with Additional Majors in Mathematics and Physics (Triple Major). I am Tunisian and speak few languages fluently.
Prof. Salimullah Khan, Ph.D. in Pharmacy
Dr. Manisha Patel, Ph.D.
K Swarnasri, Master of Technology in Power systems Engineering from NIT-Warangal, India.
Velea Alin, Materials Science, X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Spectroscopy
Dr. G. B. Dharma Rao, M.Sc, Ph.D, PDF
Jaroslaw Baran, Tumor immunology, immunotherapy, innate and adaptive immunity, immunodeficciencies, laboratory diagnostics, myeloid derived suppressor cells,
Olimpio Montero, Ph. D.
Sivakumar V, M. Tech., M.Sc.,
Dr. Vijay Kothari, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Shanker Raj Barsila, PhD
B.T.P. Madhav, M.SC., M.Tech., MBA., (PhD)
Qing Li, PhD in Human Genetics
Rashmi Chauhan, MSc Physics NET/JRF
Sconta Zorita, PhD
Baris Avar, Advanced Materials, Amorphous, Quasicrystalline, Nanocrystalline Alloys, Nanostructured Materials, Powder Metallurgy, Mechanical Alloying, Rapid Solidification, Materials Characterization
Dr. Bilal Aslam, PhD. in Pharmacology
Dr. K. Thirumalaivasan, B.Tech.,M.E.,Ph.D.,
Dr. Sayyed Juned Allabaksh, M.Sc., Ph.D Environmental Science
Fernando de Lima Caneppele, Ph.D.
Paul Anguria, PhD
Dr. Vishnu Narayan Mishra, B.Sc.(Gold Medalist), M.Sc. (Double Gold Medalist), Ph.D. (I.I.T. Roorkee).
Asst. Prof. Dr. Naphatrapi Luangsakul, Low GI food, resistant starch, starch and rice, bakerys products, cereal and cereal products, sourdough
Evangelos Hinis , Ph.D.
Dr. Ashish Kumar, Ph.D.
Dr. Shivani Jaggi Guleria, PhD
Dr. Lawal Mohammad Anka, PhD, MBA, M.Sc, B.Sc
Dr. K.S. Kanwal, Ph.D. Botany
Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Sc.
S Prabakaran, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D) in Mathematical Finance (Derivative Black Scholes Option Pricing Model), Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India, 2007 (First Division) Master of Technology (M. Tech) in Industrial Engineering & Manage
Waleed Ahmed Effat, Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and GIS
Mahesh Sapkota, Master Degree in Agricultural Economics with CGPA 4.0 out of 4.0.
Sheikh Abdul Shakoor, M.Sc (Hons)Botany, M.Phil. (Botany), Ph D (Persuing)
Kulvinder Singh, M.Sc. (Physics) Ph.D. (Physics)
Anwar Mustafa Ezzat, Ph.D in Molecular Physics M.Sc. in nuclear Physics Professor in Molecular Physics
Mohamad Raizul Zinalibdin, Master of Science (Chemistry)
Sanjay Sharma, M.Sc(Mathematics)PhD(Inventory Control)
Olalekan Adewuyi, Ph.D.
Kaustuv Sahoo, PhD
Dr. K. Krishna Surendar, Ph.D (Agriculture) in Crop Physiology
Dr. Vamsi Devarapalli, Ph. D
Dr. R. N. Saraswat, M.Sc. M. Phil. Ph.D. GATE
Ekundina, Victor Olukayode, M.Sc,FMLSCN,AMNIM
Chengeto Gwengo, Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Mukesh Singh Boori, Honorary/UK; Postdoc/USA; PhD/Brazil; Predoc/Belgium; MSc, BSc/India
Ziqing Jiang, Key words: antimicrobial peptide, pathogenic microorganisms, peptide vaccine
Kuldeep Wadhwa, PhD
Elsayed Talaat Helmy, PhD of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Javeed Akhtar, PhD in chemistry
Mohamed Ezzat Abdel-Moneim Khalifa, PhD
Wei Huang, PhD in Biochemistry
Ozlem Tonguc Yayintas, Ph.D.
Mardia Telep El Sayed, PhD
Aruna Dhanapal , ME, Ph.D.
Mehdi Hamid,
Nizhum Rahman, Researcher
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey, M.Sc., PhD
Erwan Sola, PhD Candidate
Li Feng,
Rabab Mohammed Nasser,
Ramachandra Mohan, M Sc, PhD, FABAP, FSESc
Alexandrina Sirbu, Professor, PhD -
Wael Talaat Abd El-Kader Ismail, Ph.D
Thiruna hari Ugandhar, M.Sc.,Ph.D., B.Ed
Yao-Feng Chang, I am a R&D Emerging Memory Cell Engineer at Micron Technology Inc.. I received the B.S. degrees in electrical engineering from National Sun Yat-sen University in 2007; the M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao Tung University in 2009; and the PhD degree in the Department of Elec
Dr. Naresh Kumar Katari, Ph. D
Mostafa M. A. Khater, Master of partial differential equations
Mohammad Hasan Gerami, Ph.D.
Ekta Menghani, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Life Sciences)
Roberto W. Dal Negro, MD; FCCP
Aaron Hsiang Chang, Colorado State University, 2002, PhD (Plant molecular Physiology, Horticulture) Invited reviewer for: Scientia Horticulturae, Pakistan Journal of Botany, Universal Journal of Plant Science, Journal of Biological Science, Forest Pathology, etc
Sudev Naduvath, M. Phil., Ph.D.
Dr. Suyash Narayan Mishra, Ph.D.
Ajin R S, M.Sc Applied Geology
Dr. Sandeep, Ph D
Juned Alam, PhD
Renata Oliveira Batista, Ph.D.
Dr. Anirvan Sircar, Doctor of Philosophy
Fahad Ahmed, M.Sc
Dr. Vikas Dubey, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Ratan Borse, MSc., Ph.D.
Dr. Rahul Jagannath Deasale, Ph.D.
Sapina Abdullah, PhD (Food Biopolymer) from Universiti Sains Malaysia
Milan S. Vadodaria, Ph. D.
Reyhan Irkin, Food Engineering
Dr. Mahender Singh Poonia, Ph. D.
Changlei Xia,
Dr. N.R. Santhi Maheswari, MSc.,Mphil.,PhD
Farnoosh, PhD
Mehmood Ali Noor, PhD Scholar
Prof. Dr. Ram Chhavi Sharma, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Nadir Ali Birmani, PhD
Srinivasa Ra Karumuri, Ph.D
Yao Zheng , Ph.D
Vani Lakshminarayanan, PhD
Massinissa Yahia, Doctor
Naziah Muhamad Salleh, Phd Building Survey
Prashanta Kumar Mandal, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Esam Mahdi, Assistant Professor of Statistics
Joice Sophia Ponraj, M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D
Guilherme Ferreira Gomes, M.Sc. Ph.D.
Dr. Santhosh Kumar E.S., MSc PhD
Okafor Ugochukwu Chukwuma, B.Sc, M.Sc Environmental Microbiology, Ph.D in view
Maciel de Moraes Filho, Ph.D in Biological Sciences (Genetics)
Ezekiel Mugendi Njeru, PhD
safwan mohammed, MSc- land degradation Tishreen University-2016. (average 87.9%). MSc -Land Evaluation Damascus university:2013. (average 85%). Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Engineering Damascus university: 2009. (average 75%), and ranked as top student.
Victor Ade. Ajibade, Ph.D Medical & Pytotherapeutic Microbiology
Elgin Ong, B.Sc
Abdellahi Soueid Ahmed, PhD
Ujjawal Kumar Singh Kushwaha, PhD Scholar
Jia Li, PhD
Aliyu Bhar Kisabo , Master Degree In Instrumentation
Aklilu Bajigo Madalcho, M.Sc in Agroforestry and Soil Management, B.Sc in General Forestry
Ravi Kumar Vyas Devambatla, Ph.D.
Lorena De Medina Salas, PhD
Asmaa Abubakr Mahmoud Azzazy, assistant lecturer
Mihaela Toderas, Professor PhD. Habil. Eng.
Swati Saxena, M.Sc., Ph.D
Pedram Azari, PhD in Polymer Chemistry
Bejo Duka, Physics Geophysics Physics Education
Hamdy Ali Hamdy Abo-Taleb, PhD. Ecology and Invertebrates 2015 MSc. Marine Ecology 2010 BSc. Marine Biology and Fishes 2004 Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt ICDL TOEFEL
Afshin Davapanah, PhD
Elisabetta Albi, Professor
Cush Ngonzo Luwesi, Associate Professor, PhD
Mona Mohamed Ghaly, Ph.D
Farley William Souza Silva, Doctorate in Entomology
Yilmaz Kaya, PhD
Md. Soyebur Rahman, MSc. in Statistics
Giuseppe Gallo, PhD student
Amal Marrekchi, Phd Student
Juan Francisco, PhD
Rafal Czerwieniec, M.Sc. Chemistry, Ph.D. Chemistry
Lidong Zhang, PhD
Dr. Naresh Kumar, Ph D
Swapnila Roy, PhD
Guilherme Ferrerira Gomes, PhD
Iqbal Hussain, PhD; Postdoc
Semir Bechir Suheil Gaouar, Molecular Genetic
Wuletaw Mekuria, Ph.D.
Gabriele Neretti, Ph.D.
Luisa Margarida D. R. S. Martins, Ph.D.
Giuseppe Schiavone, PhD
Leonardo de Figueiredo Vilela, Post doctoral in Agricultural Microbiology Doctor in Biochemistry - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Master in Biochemistry - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Ramesh Mullangi, PhD
Ali Jihad Hamad, PhD
Monica Carrera, PhD
Muhammad Razlan Zakaria , Ph.D.
Erdogan Gunes, PhD.
Muhammad Arshad Ullah, PhD Agronomy- Agriculture
Ojo Olayinka Abosede, Ph.d Animal Physiology
Shuchi Bhatt, MSc Marine Science, Ph.D. Pursuing In Marine biology and Oceanography.
Ijaz Ahmed, PhD Physics
Muhammad Faisal Manzoor, PhD
Rakesh Puttreddy, PhD in Chemistry
Nadir Yildirim,
Sladjana Vicentic, -Master studies at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade-Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture, sub-module Landscape Horticulture -PhD studies at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture (PhD student)
Concepcion Lujan-Alvarez, I was born in Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico. Since 1986, I am a full time Professor-researcher at Faculty of Agricultural and Forest Sciences-University of Chihuahua. I got my Ph.D. Degree (Doctor) in Sustainable Forestry Development, Participatory Strategic Planning and Community Forestry Development
Amanda Lidia Alaica-Ciosek, Ph.D. Candidate
Ahmed Bahgat Khalil Abd Allah, MSc. (Chemistry) and assistant Lecturer in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt
Michele Saroli, Associate professor
Ibiyemi Abideen, Ph.D
Rebeca da Silva Cantinha, Biomedical Researcher, Master and Post-Doctor in Nuclear Technology.
Neamul Ahsan Noman Khandoker, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
Dr. Samar Saad Mohamed Seoud, 1- Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Sciences (B.V.Sc. , 2009), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.2- Master of Veterinary Medical Sciences (M.V.Sc. Degree in Fish Diseases & Management, 2017), Infectious and Fish Diseases Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura
Thanh Huyen Vuong, Dr.
Sanket Prakash inamdar, M.Tech
NARASHANS ALOK SAGAR, MSc. and PhD Pursuing in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Mohammed Kouidri, Doctorate
Waqas Khalid, MS/M/Phil Mathematics
Carlos Eduardo Santolalla Vargas,
Aboussabiq Fatima Ezzahra,
Jose Domingos Santos Da Silva, PhD
Unuabonah, Emmanuel Iyayi, PhD Chemistry
Lucas Lavo Antonio Jimo Miguel, PhD student at third year at UFRJ-Brazil (2017) Master in Science, 2014.
Professor. Hind Rustum MohammedShaban,
Jing-Doo Wang,
Balisa Mosisa Ejeta, B.Pharm, M.Pharm
Abass Hassan Abdelkader, Ph.D. in Mathematics
Claudio Aguilar Ramirez,
Mehdi Jafari,
Yu-Min Shen, Doctor
Ankit K. Rochani, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, Ph.D
Binyam Zigta Teferi, PhD candidate
Getu Bayisa Wakjira, Bachelor of Degree in Pharmacy and MSc in Clinical Pharmacy
Ogunlade Clement Adesoji, B. Tech, M. Sc, Ph. D (in view)
Shu Xu, I have obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering with expertise in process system engineering (process simulation/control/optimization/ data analytics). I have published 7 journal articles and given 5 conference presentations in AIChE conferences.
Idrees Qasim, Ph.D
Houedanou Koffi Wilfrid,
Diego Maia Zacardi, Doctorate
Durga Prasad Behera, M.SC,M.PHIL,Ph.D , MBA
Sourav Das, PhD (Marine Science) M.Phil (Environmental Science) M.Sc (Biochemistry) B.Sc (Microbiology) Post Graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS
G. Jayaparthasarathy, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Iguer Luis Domini dos Santos, Graduate and postgraduate degree in mathematics
Santhosh George, Ph.D
Dr. Vimalkumar S. Prajapati, M.Sc. Ph.D (Microbiology)
Felipe Machado de SantAnna, Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Master in Veterinary Science with emphasis in Technology and Inspection of Products of Animal Origin Senior Ph.D student in Veterinary Science with emphasis in Technology and Inspection of Products of Animal Origin
Thiago Gilberto do Prado, Professor PhD
Sevil Cetinkaya, Nanoparticle, geopolymers, gas sensor, preparation of concrete admixtures
Zafer Comert,
Nevien Mahmoud Ahmed, PhD in Biochemistry, Alexandria University Master Degree in Environmental Studies
Ubon Akpan Abasiekwere, Ph.D in Mathematics
Dr. Guruprasad Nagraj, B.E, M.S, PhD
Dr. Shikha, B.Sc (Mathematics), 2012, Delhi University, India M.Sc (Mathematics), 2014, Delhi University, India Ph.D (Mathematics), 2017, Jamia Millia Islamia, India
Mario Bernardo-Filho, PhD
Harisha Mageppa, B.V.Sc & A.H M.V.Sc (Veterinary and AH Extension)
Jhy-Charm Soo,
Tugba Gurkok, PhD
Dr. Moustafa Mohamed Saleh Abbassy, ? Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry &Pesticides, Education: B.Sc. M.Sc. Ph.D. - Pesticides Chemistry - Alexandria University ? Employment History: Research Assistant - Assistant Lecturer - Lecturer Analysis, Institute of Graduate Studies & Research Center, University of Alexandri
ahmed Aberqi, Associate Professor
Kingsley Eghonghon Ukhurebor, B.Sc (Applied Physics/Geophysics), M.Sc (Electronics Physics), PGD (Education)
Abdelmageed Mohamed Othman, Ph.D. degree in Science (Microbiology), Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Mahendiran Mylswamy, PhD
Julian Puszkiel,
Smiyou Ayele Osseni, Lecturer, Specialty: Materials Chemistry Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering
Anamitra Chatterjee, Postdoc
Aletta Roletta Elizabeth Prinsloo, PhD (Physics)
Aliyev Zakir Huseyn Oqlu, higher academic - prof. RAE
Seyyedeh Roodabeh Moosavi Noori,
Jefta Mvukaye Sunzu, PhD Applied Mathematics, MSc-Applied Mathematics, PgD-Mathematical Sciences, BSc with Education,
Fredrik Lukas Benu, PhD
Ahmed Ismail Ahmed Safi, PhD. holder
Maria Gabriella Trovato, Landscape Architect Assistant Professor
Vu Thanh Phuong,
Ana Boquete Castro, DDS, MS, PHD
Xuan Hoa Nguyen, Doctoral Degree (Philosophy)
Leonardo Schippa, Ph.D., Aggregate Professor
Dr. Benedict Barnes, PhD (APPLIED MATHEMATICS)
Ahmet Serhan Hergul, I am working as research assistant in Kocaeli University. MSc thesis was about trigeneration. Last year, i have passed doctoral sufficiency. Now, i am looking for doctoral thesis topic. Organic rankine cycle, biomass-biogas, dye sensitized solar cell fabrication topics in the favorite list.
Muhammad Abubakar Siddique, Doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) M.Phil microbiology PhD biological sciences (on going)
Dr. Sudhakar Dwivedi, M. Sc. (Ag.), Ph. D., Agricultural Economics
Nazmul Huda, MS in Animal Science
Ann A. J. Mofunanya, PhD
Dr. Emmanuel Teitey, 1.Ph.D in Finance 2.Doctor of Finance & Administration
Mohammed Jasim Mohammed, 1. Ph.D , University Malaysia Perlis, from 2015 to 2018 2. Master , UKM , from 2013 to 2015 3. Degree, Al Anbar University, from 2007 to 2011
Umair Riaz, PhD
Omar Ndaw Faye, Rice breeder, Agronomist Engineer
Teresa Gladys Ceron Carrillo, Chemistry, Food science, food microbiology, bioactive compounds, product development.
Ogah Anselm Ogah, PhD
Miguel Angel Perez Cisneros, I am a chemist of formation, gone away from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) in 1988. Realize postdegrees in industrial economy (specialization) (USM), Master in environmental engineering (UCAB) and doctorate in sciences of the engineering (UCV).
Nabil Ali El-Faramawy, 1. Aug. 1983 Mar. 1988: Assistant Lecturer of Physics 2. Mar. 1988 Apr. 1994: Lecturer of Physics 3. Apr. 1994 Apr. 2001: Assistant Professor 4. Apr. 2001 July 2008: Associate Professor 5. June 2008 up to now :Professor 6. July 1998 July 2004: Guest Scientist in Institute of Radiati
Marco Aurelio Pessotto, PhD student
Dr. Yousef Mohammed Rabaa Hawsawi, PhD Post-Doctoral
Dr. V. Valarmathi, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D in Zoology
Weiam Abdul Raheem Hussein, PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Marwan Yousif Hussain, in Turkish Mervan Hseyin, Ph.D. in Microbiology, Msc.in microbiology, Bsc. In Biology,
Victus Bobonkey Samlafo, Ph.D ( Radioanalytical chemistry)
Suheb Mohammed, PhD in Plant Breeding
Minoo Sadri, Associate Professor
Muhammad Ali, M. Sc Microbiology
Laisyn Posada Prez, PhD and Magister Scientiae in Plant Biotechnology
Iddrisu Seidu, BSc. Natural Resources Management
Molla Gereme Taye, BSc in dryland crop and horticultural science MSc in agricultural engineering/Molecular plant biotechnology
Dereje Shanka, PhD
Bhaumik Vaghela, Master of Philosophy in Life Science, Master of Science in Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science in Zoology
Tam Nguyen Van,
Taye Buke Ashango, Assistant Professor
Oumarou Souleymane, Associated Researcher in genetic and plant breeding. Rice Breeder at National Institute for Agricultural Research of Niger (INRAN)
Athira Sathyan, Masters in Biotechnology
Taranum Sultana, PhD
Khansaa Al-Essa,
Karthikeyan Balasubramanian, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Wafaa Mokhtari,
Shamima Sultana, MSc in Fish genetics and biotechnology, BSc in Fisheries (Honours)
Dragoi Andrei-Lucian, Pediatrician (MD) specialist
Dr. Mikhail F. Bagaturov, bachelor, ph.d candidate
Tejdeep Kaur Kler, Ph D in Zoology
Dr. Magda hassan Abdellattif,
Swechha Mishra, PhD
Boussou Koffi Charles, Doctorate in aquatic ecosystem studies
Nwawuike Nnawugwu, PhD in view
Chethan S G, M.Sc., Organic Chemistry, (Ph.D.,)
Dr. S Kalaiselvan, B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Chih-Wen Chang, Ph.D.
Shravanti Joshi, Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Chemistry)
Dr. Md. Nazirul Islam, Chief Scientific Officer
Bunmi Olasanmi, Lecturer I
Manish Goyal, Lecturer
Habu saleh Hamisu, Senior Research officer/Plant breeder
Yi-Zhi Wang, Postdoc fellow
Dr. S. Umavathi, Assistant Professor Department of Botany Adhiyaman Arts and Science College for Women Uthangarai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. Thiyam Jefferson Singh, JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW
Rajesh Kumar Shukla, Professor & Dean Faculty of Engineering & Technology
wadei faris mohammed al-omeri, Department of Mathematics, Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt 19117, Jordan
Wafa Frooq Suleman Badulla, Analytical Chemist
Radhakrishnan Bheeman, M.SC., M.Phil.,Ph.D
Kantharaju K, M.Sc., Ph.D
Dr. P. Ramanathan, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Ahmed Mohammed Abbas, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry
Dr. Ajai Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor
Dr. Om Prakash, Assistant Professor
Sabreen Ezzat Fadl, Biochemistry Dept., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Matrouh University, Matrouh, Egypt.
Denbela Hidosa Ano, Jinka, Ethiopia
Leonid Ushanoff,
Mumini Ndenge Dzoga, Lecturer
Gilvan Moreira da Paz, Gilvan, Paz
blaghen mohamed, Professor
Sangeetha KN, Researcher
Adnene Arbi,
Esha Anand Tambe, Ph.D. Scholar
Mashau Aluwani Shiridor, PhD Candidate
Rania Fahmy Ismail, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt
Fahmy A.S. Hassan, Professor
Joao Roberto Ratis Tenorio da Silva, Professor
Lutfi Akin,
Saad Bin Ahmed, Lecturer
Naveen Kumar, Scientist
Haithem Abouda, Univerty of carthage
Heba hassan hosny mahboub,
Kyu-Tek Park, Ph.D., Professor
Shixuan Chen,
Ephraim Suhir, Ph.D., PhD
Mohd Farid Atan, Lecturer
Dr. Ramesh S. Gani, Assistant Professor
Dr. N. Latha, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ahmed Mohamed Moawad Mabrouk, 2001
Syed Asad Abbas, Ph.D. candidate
Oznur Ozkan Kilic, Prof. Dr.
Yahaya Yakubu, Partner/Researcher
Francisco F. Pedroche, Dr.
Dimaghi Schwamback, PhD student in hydralics and sanitation engineering at the University of São Paulo (Brazil).
Arun Jenish, Ph.D Scholar, Department of Fishing Technology and Fisheries Engineering, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Thoothukudi-628 008 Tamil Nadu, India.
Jagannatha N, Associate professor
Dr R K Diksit, Professor
Tarit Goswami, Final year student, B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College
Hélder Puga, Assistant Researcher
Dr Omprakash Sikhwal, Professor Department of Mathematics Poornima Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan) INDIA
Tesfay Gebermariam Tesfahannes, Assistant Professor in Quantum Optics and Information
Ahmed N. K. Alfarra, Ahmed N. K. Alfarra is a Ph.D. in Business Administration, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.
Dr.Madhukumar R, Assistant Professor Department of Physics R.T.E.Societys Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ranibennur-581115 Karnataka, INDIA
Shyam Sundar Chandramouli, Researcher (Previously graduated with PhD and worked in financial industry)
Abdul Wahab, PhD Scholar
RICARDO PEREZ-AGUILA, PhD in Computer Science. Founding Partner & Developer - Intelligent Solutions for Multimedia Analysis. Founding Partner & Data Scientist - Data Analysis Division.
CHINNAKANNU JAYAKUMAR, Teaching Fellow,Department of Applied Science and Technology, Alagappa College of Technology, Anna University, Chennai,India.
Dr Manjeet kour Arora, Head botany department shri Jain diwakar college indore
Raimi Morufu Olalekan, Department of Community Medicine, Environmental Health Unit, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Gloryland Campus, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Sathiskumar Swamiappan, Post Doctoral Fellow
Dhanalakshmi Kaliyaperumal, Assistant Professor
Vishnu Narayan Mishra, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics,Indira Gandhi National Tribal University,Lalpur, Amarkantak, Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh 484 887, India
Lakshmi Narayan Mishra, Assistant Professor,Department of Mathematics,School of Advanced Sciences,VIT University,  Vellore 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
Dr Li Zihan, Research Analyst Department of Environmental sciences University of Glasgow United Kingdom
Tsz Kin Martin Tsui,
Dr. Suratani Sreedhar, Professor
VINOD B R, Assistant Professor
Dr. Prashant Shrivastava, Assistant Professor
SUKANTA BISWAS, Associate Professor
Dr. Karumuri Vijaya Babu, Head, Department of Physics, The Bapatla College of Arts & Sciences, Bapatla-522101 Andhra Pradesh India
Bett Caren Chepkemoi, MSc Biotechnology student
Mariya Aleksandrova, Reviewer
Abdullahi Adinoyi Ibrahim, Lecturer
Ahmad Azeem, Postdoc researcher
Arturo G. Gracia Jr., Lecturer
ESRA CEBECI, My major is vegetable breeding. Currently I am working on abiotic stress tolerance.
Consolata Kirigia, Lecturer
Dr. N. Lingaiah, Associate Professor
Yusuf BAYAR,
Shirley Seixas Pereira da Silva, Bióloga, Msc.
Dr. Herendra Kumar, Assistant Professor
Madeleine Ali Al-Tahan, PhD
Consolata Kirigia, Lecturer
Dr Geeta Verma, Assistant Professor
Mohammed Ali Mohammed Al-Bared, Research Scientist
Emma Panzi Mukhokosi, Lecturer-Physics Muni University Uganda
shaheen khurshid, Assistant Professor
Mohamed Ziyaina, Dairy scientist at Tillamook dairy company.
Hadi Aryan,
Fathima Safra Niyaz, Research Associate
Anh Phu Nam Bui,
shaheen khurshid, Assistant Professor
Sergey Maratovich Korotaev, Deputy Director of Geoelectromagnetic Research Centre of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences (GEMRC IPE RAS)
Aziz-Ur-Rahim Bacha, Research Associate
Dr Harminder Singh, Assistant Professor
Pinky Sultana, PhD Scholar
Dr. Brij M Upreti, Assistant Professor
Xinmeng Zhang, Dr.
Hashnayne Ahmed, Masters in Mathematics
Paulo Ricardo da Silva Oliveira, Professor
Sagar Roy, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr. Suresh B. Pathare, Assistant Professor
Filip Ivančić, Postdoctoral Fellow
Wessel Hendrik Moolman, D.Com in Statistics Diploma in Datametrics
Yibeltal Adane Terefe, Research associate at University of Limpopo
Lin Lin, Associate Research Scientist
Shubham Dutta, Post-Doctoral Scientist II
Md Shehan Habib, Scientific Officer
Akhilesh Sanjay Prabhu Khope, Software Engineer, Data
Siddhartha Paul, Junior Research Fellow
Manikandan Elayaperumal, Professor & Head
Dr. C. Janani, Assistant Professor
Dr.Madhukumar R, Assistant Professor Department of Physics RTES Arts Science and Commerce Degree College, Ranebennur, Karnataka, INDIA
Jayasmita Jana, Post-doc fellow
Gilvania Lucia da Silva Vilela, PhD in Physics. Associate professor at Pernambuco University, Brazil. Visiting Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Jenifer Steffi J, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics, SMS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu India
Santosh Adhikari,
David Rowland,
Avradip Ghosh, PhD student
Dr.D.KAVITHA, Associate professor
Sixolise Mcinga, PhD Soil Science- Candidate NMU-George campus
SAGER Manfred, Bioforschung Austria, Element analysis, Wien, Austria
Jahwarhar Izuan Abdul Rashid,
Dr. Amanulla Khan, Assistant Professor
Dr. Ravi Kale, Prof. Dr. Ravi Kale
Adithya Balasubramanian, Mr
Imre Hegedüs, Dr.
Jyoti U. Devkota, Professor of Statistics
Dr Kiran Zahid, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Abdul Jafari Shango, Researcher
Almir Jordão da Silva Junior, Dr
Miguel Ángel Gamboa-Álvarez, Investigador adjunto
Ravindra Ashok Sharma, Masters Student
Anderson Oliveira Souza,
Ravindra Ashok Sharma, Masters Student
Dr. PRDAEEP, B S, Associate Professor & Head, Dept of Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary College, Shivamogga, Karnataka- pin code - 577201
Dr. R. ANBURAJ, Associate Professor
Soad Abubakr Abdelgalil Abdelmageed,
Donia DRIDI, Post Doc research assistant
Armelle Estelle Belibi Tana, Dr
zeinab hamza ahmed, Peer reviewer
Dr. Sushil Kumar Upadhyay, Assistant Professor
Akila Ekamparam, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Sri Sarada College for Women(A), Salem-16, Tamilnadu, India.
Michael Burnett,
Leonardo Vazquez,
Dr Abhilash Babu G, Junior Research Officer
B. Hariharan, Scientific Officer
Helen Cristina Lazzarin,
Dr. Shyam S. Borwar, Research Fellow in Physics,The Institute of Science, Mumbai, India.
Vaishali Vilas Agte,
Dr. M. Jeyaraman, Assistant Professor
Dr. Sunil Dagadu Patil, HOD & Associate Professor
Nicoleta Nedelcu, Dr. (Ph.D.) Chemistry The Romanian Academy - Bucharest, Romania Master of Science Degree (MSc) - Physics University Ovidius Constanta - Constanta, Romania Diploma (BSc) - Physics University Ovidius Constanta - Constanta, Romania Office: B233W3 Email: nnedelcu [AT] mtroyal [DOT] ca
Greici Bergamo, Food Engineering Food Science Specialist Master in Nutrition and Food PhD in Food Science
Maricar Aguilos, Researcher
Dr Sumit Kumar Gupta, Dean & Faculty of science Department of Physics
DR SANYOGITA SHAHI, Professor, Department of Science (Chemistry) Kalinga University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Dr. R. Ganesamoorthy, Assistant Professor
Mona Abdelrahman Mohamed Khaier, University of Bahri, College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
Germán Castellanos-Dominguez,
Manoel Alonso Gan, Dr
Dr. Neha Mulchandani, Assistant Professor
Kailash Singh, Post Doctoral Fellow
Maria Antonia Machado Barbosa, Professor/researcher
Azeem Uddin Siddiqui,
Mohamed Rasheed Roshana, Research Assistant
Tiparat Tikapunya, I have been contacted from your editorial team according to my publication on the changes in physico-chemical and microbiological properties in Thai cocoa bean fermentation.
Partho Protim Barman, Assistant Professor
Rajat Hegde, Senior Research Fellow
Ayisi Nyarko Daniel,
Huimin Yang,
Dr.D V Chandrashekhar, Vice Principal, Professor and Head Mathematics,
Hani Mohamed Mehanna, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering
Tillayev Sanjar Usmonovich, Associated Professor
Dr Nitin Agarwala, Research Fellow
Mohammad ferdows, Professor in applied mathematics
Marie-France Stendahl, Ph.D. student
Muhammad Abdurrahman Munir, Lecturer
FRANCISCO ANTÔNIO DE OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, PhD in Physiological Sciences with emphasis on the study of the cardiovascular effects of food supplementation
Argha Mondal,
Ruisheng Zheng, Professor
Muzafar Riyaz, Research Scientist
Juan Carlos Guzmán Santiago, Revisor
TIRATH RAJ, Research Professor
Pankaj Kumar Kumawat, Senior Researcher
Mohamed Saad Bouh ELEMINE VALL,
TIRATH RAJ, Research professor
Luiz Otavio Rodrigues Mendes,
Huynh Cong Viet Ngu, Huynh
Bernard Baffour Asare Bediako, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Amaan Javed, 3rd Year MBBS, University College of Medical Sciences
Ruili Chang, Deputy director of Academic Affairs Office
Jingjing Tao, MS, Purdue University
El Mostafa TARI,
Elaine Cristina Ferreira Silva Fortes, Professor
Chengwei Li, Ph.D
Arinal Haq Izzawati Nurrahma,
Ivy Okello,
Malhari Chandraharsh Nagtilak, Assistant Professor
Li Zhao,
Arunas Ramanavicius, Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Owais Ali Wani, PhD
Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Assistant Professor
Zhen Hua, Doctor of Philosophy.
Goutam Ghosh, Postdoctoral Researcher
Armando Ferrer Serrano, Head of Research Group Bioactive Compounds and Green Chemistry. Head of Chemistry Department.
Saurabh Raikar, Assistant Professor, Don Bosco College of Engineering, Goa
Chahrazed Rahmouni,
Ali Atef Yousef Ali,
Tao Zhang,
Marwa Mahmoud Zaki, Lectuerer
Rensley A. Meulens, ir. (msc)/mba
Zhuonan Lin,
Geetha Subramaniam, Associate Professor
Anastácio Pascoal Epandi Canhanga,
Zbigniew Raszewski,
Vyacheslav M. Abramov, mathematician
Yuqi Zhu,
Feng Wang,
mkaddem mounira, assistant professor in biological sciences
Holovatsky Volodymyr, Prof
TINGTING YIN, Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow
Yang Liu, Associate Professor
Fadime Donbaloğlu Bozca,
Sergio Alberto Acevedo Corredor, Chem. M.Sc. PhD. Posdoctor Sc.Chemistry
Santosh Mazumdar,
Jiaming Luo,
David Marqués Villarroya, Dr.
Sofia Aleshina, Student
Zhuonan Lin, Ph.D., Research Scientist
Anil Kumar Kanuri, Graduate Research Assistant
Mary Neupane, Lecturer in Higher level to Post graduate level
Nicola Cantasano, Marine Biology especialized in Seaweeds and Coastal Management
Douglas Henrique Bottura Maccagnan, Doctor of Science
Duoduo Wang,
Ryan Bugeja, Senior Systems Engineer / Researcher
Zhifang Lyu, Doctor
Jorge Luiz Cardoso,
Prof. Dr. Geetha Subramaniam, Dean cum Interim Pro Vice Chancellor, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, INTI International University.
Gabriel Marín Díaz,
Ricardo Tajra de Figueiredo, Dr Ricardo Tajra de Figueiredo
Nagaraju Sakkani, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Yannick Saturnin Evina Aboula, Dr
LeileiZhang, Ph.D; university lecturer
Blagovest Chanev Belev, Full Professor
Lida Najmi, PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at South Dakota State University
Júlio Deuner Konrath, D. Sc in Ecology & Socio-Environmental management
Gilson Gilmar Holzschuh,
Samaa Faramawy, National Institute of Standards
Zainab Awad, Professor of Astrophysics
Ieva Cesniene, Dr. Marian C. Miller Asst. Editor, GJSFR, Global Journals Organisation
Chen, Bo Chou,
Weichao Qian,
Alexandru MariusTătar,
Karla Danielle Xavier do Bomfim, Pediatrician-Neonatologist PhD in Child and Adolescent Health Master in Mother and Child Health
Atiqur Rahman, Plant Breeder



Biao Hu

PhD, MEng, BSc,

Dr. Marjan Assefi

Ph.D of Nano Engineering, Doctorate of Healthcare Administration, Master of Nano Science and Nano Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Virginia at Lynchburg, United States

Dr. Lyndon O. Barton

M.M.A.E., B.S.M.E.

Dr. Ke Liu

Ph.D in Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, China

Dr. Mostafa Ghasemi Baboli

Ph.D, M.S in Chemical Engineering & B.S in Petroleum Engineering

Dr. Elaine T Frates

Ph.D. (Northwestern University), MS (Duke University), USA

Prof Oscar Sunny Onuke

PhD, M. Eng, B.Eng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria

Dr. Qichun “Kit” Zhang

Ph.D., in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Chair Professor of Inclusive AI at Buckinghamshire New University, UK

Dr. Mahdi Hosseini

Department of Civil Engineering, Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Engg., Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Dr. Safieh Javadinejad

Lecturer in Concordia university and I am a postdoc researcher and research assistant and graduated with Ph.d in water resource engineering, Hydrology and climate change from the University of Birmingham

Dr. Maruyama, Kyuichi

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, M.E., B.E., Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Sunil Kumar Jilledi

B.E, M.TECH, (PhD)

Dr. Hao Yi

Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Abdel-Fatah

Ph.D, M.SC, B.SC in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt

Dr. Paige I. Wheeler

Ph.D. (The Princeton University), MS (New York University), USA

Dr. Philip G. Moscoso

Technology and Operations Management IESE Business School, University of Navarra Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management, ETH Zurich M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, ETH Zurich Link: Philip G. Moscoso personal webpage

Dr. Yudong Zhang

B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Signal and Information Processing, Southeast University Professor School of Information Science and Technology at Nanjing Normal University, China

Dr. Steffen Lehmann

Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries Ph.D., AA Dip University of Portsmouth UK

Hiroshi Sekimoto

Professor Emeritus Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Ph.D., University of California Berkeley

Dr. Chao Wang

Ph.D. in Computational Mechanics Rosharon, TX, US

Dr. Ciprian Lapusan

Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Dr. Fentahun Moges Kasie

Department of mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Institute, of technology Hawassa University Hawassa, Ethiopia

Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera

Ph.D. Dep. Cartographic and Land Engineering, University of Salamanca, ?vila, Spain

Dr. Minghua He

Department of Civil Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084, China

Dr. Balasubramani R

Ph.D., (IT) in Faculty of Engg. & Tech. Professor & Head, Dept. of ISE at NMAM Institute of Technology

Dr. Burcin Becerik-Gerber

University of Southern Californi Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Ddes, from Harvard University M.S. from University of California, Berkeley M.S. from Istanbul, Technical University

Dr. Haijian Shi

Ph.D. Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Oakland, CA, United States

Dr. Kitipong Jaojaruek

B. Eng, M. Eng, D. Eng (Energy Technology, Asian Institute of Technology). Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen (KPS) Campus Energy Research Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Houfa Shen

Ph.D. Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Prof. (LU) Prof. (UoS) Dr. Miklas Scholz

Cand Ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, Ph.D., CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng, FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA, VINNOVA Fellow, Marie Curie Senior, Fellow, Chair in Civil Engineering (UoS) Wetland systems, sustainable drainage, and water quality

Dr. Fausto Gallucci

Associate Professor, Chemical Process Intensification (SPI), Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Assistant Editor, International J. Hydrogen Energy, Netherlands

Dr. Jui-Sheng Chou

Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A. Department of Civil and Construction Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech)

Dr. Hugo Silva

Associate Professor, University of Minho, Department of Civil Engineering, Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Minho Portugal

Dr. Zhen Yuan

B.E., Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering University of Sciences and Technology of China, China Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau, China

Dr. Ananda Kumar Palaniappan

B.Sc., MBA, MED, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. University of Malaya, Malaysia, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Dr. Sofoklis S. Makridis

B.Sc(Hons), M.Eng, Ph.D. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Western Macedonia, Greece

Dr. Wesam S. Alaloul

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University Technology Petronas, Malaysia

Dr. Salvatore Brischetto

Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic University of Turin and in Mechanics, Paris West University Nanterre La D?fense Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy

Dr. Jun Wang

Ph.D. in Architecture, University of Hong Kong, China Urban Studies City University of Hong Kong, China

Dr. T.S. Jang

Ph.D. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Director, Arctic Engineering Research Center, The Korea Ship and Offshore Research Institute, Pusan National University, South Korea

Dr. Stefano Invernizzi

Ph.D. in Structural Engineering Technical University of Turin, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, Italy

Dr. Cesar M. A. Vasques

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Dr. Maurizio Palesi

Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Italy

Dr. Giacomo Risitano

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering at University of Perugia (Italy) "Automotive Design" at Engineering Department of Messina University (Messina) Italy.

Dr. Zi Chen

Ph.D. Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, US Assistant Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, US

Dr. Pallav Purohit

Ph.D. Energy Policy and Planning, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi Research Scientist, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria

Dr. Zhou Yufeng

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Duke University, US Assistant Professor College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr. Eric M. Lui

Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University USA

Dr. Xianbo Zhao

Ph.D. Department of Building, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Senior Lecturer, Central Queensland University, Australia

Dr. Gordana Colovic

B.Sc Textile Technology, M.Sc. Technical Science Ph.D. in Industrial management. The College of Textile ? Design, Technology and Management, Belgrade, Serbia

Dr. Philip T Moore

Ph.D., Graduate Master Supervisor School of Information Science and engineering Lanzhou University China

Dr. Shun-Chung Lee

Department of Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Dr. M. Meguellati

Department of Electronics, University of Batna, Batna 05000, Algeria

Dr. Alex W. Dawotola

Hydraulic Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg, Delft, Netherlands

Dr. Ye Tian

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University 121 Electrical, Engineering East University Park, PA 16802, US

Dr. Vivek Dubey(HON.)

MS (Industrial Engineering), MS (Mechanical Engineering), University of Wisconsin FICCT Editor-in-Chief, US

Dr. Maciej Gucma

Assistant Professor, Maritime Univeristy of Szczecin Szczecin, Poland Ph.D.. Eng. Master Mariner

Dr. Omid Gohardani

Ph.D. Senior Aerospace/Mechanical/ Aeronautical, Engineering professional M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. Aeronautical Engineering B.Sc. Vehicle Engineering Orange County, California, US

Dr. Jalal Kafashan

Mechanical Engineering Division of Mechatronics KU Leuven, BELGIUM

Dr. A. Stegou-Sagia

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

Dr. Adel Al Jumaily

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (AI), Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology, Sydney

Dr. Shaoping Xiao

BS, MS Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University The University of Iowa, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Center for Computer-Aided Design

Dr. Stefano Mariani

Professor of Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy

Dr. Charles-Darwin Annan

Ph.D., Professor Civil and Water Engineering University Laval, Canada

Dr. Maria Daniela

Ph.D. in Aerospace Science and Technologies Second University of Naples, Research Fellow University of Naples ?Federico II?, Italy

Dr. Paolo Veronesi

Ph.D., Materials Engineering, Institute of Electronics, Italy President of the master Degree in Materials Engineering Dept. of Engineering, Italy

Dr. Togay Ozbakkaloglu

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Francesco Tornabene

Ph.D. in Structural Mechanics, University of Bologna Professor Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering University of Bologna, Italy

Dr. Bin Chen

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Xi?an Jiaotong University, China. State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering Xi?an Jiaotong University, China

Belen Riveiro

Ph.D., School of Industrial Engineering, University of Vigo Spain

Dr. Saeed Chehreh Chelgani

Ph.D. in Mineral Processing University of Western Ontario, Adjunct professor, Mining engineering and Mineral processing, University of Michigan

Dr. Wei-Hsin Chen

Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University, Department of Aeronautics, and Astronautics, Taiwan

Dr. Joaquim Carneiro

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto(FEUP), University of Minho, Department of Physics Portugal

Dr. Wenfang Xie

Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Automatic Control, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China

Dr. Iman Hajirasouliha

Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK

Dr. Pangil Choi

Ph.D. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech University, US

Dr. Ephraim Suhir

Ph.D., Dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow University Moscow, Russia Bell Laboratories Physical Sciences and Engineering Research Division USA

Dr. Ren-Jye Dzeng

Professor Civil Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan Dean of General Affairs, Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan USA

Reviewers in Engineering

Hani Vahedi, Ph.D. Student in Power Electrical Systems
Minghua He, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Y.P. Singh, M.Tech,PhD
M A Farsi, Ph.D.
Sunil Kumar J, Ph.D., M.Tech, BE
Prashant Kumar, B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication)
Raja Sekhar D, PhD
Dr. Rajender Kumar, M.Com., Ph.D., M.A.Eco., MIMA, PGDFM, PGDMM, LL.B.,DCFA
Prasenjit Chatterjee, Ph.D. in Production Engineering M.Tech(Production Management)
Md Multan Biswas, M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Electrical Energy and Power System Group)
Md. Farhad Ismail, B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
Mohammed Diany, Ph. D. in mechanical engineering
Prof J. Viswanatha Rao, Ph.D.
Chao Wang, Ph.D.
Reinaldo Morales, PhD
Varadala Sridhar, M.TECH,MSC
Farzad Ebrahimi, Ph.D.
Chutisant Kerdvibulvech, Ph.D.
Bensafi Abd-El-Hamid, Ph.D., Polymer Thermodynamics and Polymer Physics
Tatiana Ilkova, Ph.D.
Niraj Shakhakarmi, Ph.D.
Asif Islam, M.Sc. (Electrical & Electronic Engineering), B.Sc. (Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Major - Power Systems)
Haijian Shi, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering License Professional Civil Engineer in US more than 15 publications in journals and proceedings
Dr. K.S. Zakiuddin, Ph.D., M.Tech, MIRPM
Dr. Mohammad Faiz Liew Abdullah, Ph.D.
Lapusan Ciprian, Lecturer Ph.D. Eng.
Dr. K. Ramani, BE.,ME.,Ph.D
Dr. Ashok G. Matani, Ph.D.[ Mechanical Engg], MBA
Jian Liu, Ph.D.
Salar Salahi, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Bharat Raj Singh, B.Tech.(Mechanical Engg.), M.Tech( Analysis & Desgin), Ph.D.-in Mechanical Engg.
Piotr Mackiewicz , assistant professor in The Chair of Roads and Airports
Syed Jahangir Badashah, B.E., M.E (Applied Electronics), MISTE, MIETE, Ph.D.
Maciej Gucma, PhD. Eng. Master Mariner
Dr. Rajiv Mahajan, Ph.D, M-Tech
Md. Mottaleb Hossain, B.Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Tao Yang, Ph.D, Ohio State University
D. Arumuga Perumal, Ph.D
Dr. M V Raghavendra, Ph.D.
Jaikaran Singh, M.Sc.(Electronics), M.Tech.(VLSI Design), Ph.D.(Optoelectronics)
Dr. Ch. V. Subbaro, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, M.E
Dr. Zeeshan Nawaz, PhD in Chemical Engineering & Technology
Prof. K.M. Pandey, Ph.D
Krishnan Kumar Paliwal, Ph.D. (CSE)
Dr. Piyush P. Gohil, PhD Mechanical Engineering (Composite Materials)
Anil, Ph.D.
Mehjabeen Javed, M.Sc (Zoology)
T.S. Ghouse Basha, B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D.
Dr. Surojit Ghosh, BE(Mechanical), ME(Production), PhD(Engineering)
Ravindra Kumar Sharma, B.E., M.Tech.
M.N. Lakhoua, Assistant Professor
Kesava Reddy Chirra, B.E (Mechanical)M.Tech (ThermalEngg)
Needhidasan Santhanam, B.E(CIVIL), M.E., PGDEPM, PGDIPM, Ph.D
Dr. P. Nagasekhar Reddy, M.Tech, Ph.D
Mohammad Ali Irandegani, Ph.D.
Masood Hajali, Ph.D., P.E., Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Prof. Gautam Vikhe Patil, PhD M.B.A (Operations) Diploma in Foreign Trade B.E. Mechanical Diploma in Mechanical Engg. S.S.C
Muhammad Naeem , BSc Electronics Engineering
Zahera Mekkioui, Ph.D.
Dr. Abbas Moustafa, Ph. D., Ph.D.
Dr. Shefiu S. Zakariyah, Ph.D.
Ye Tian, Ph.D.
Er. Gurjeet Singh, Ph.D. CSE
Arun Wamanrao Dhawale, Ph.D., ME Civil Engg
Susarla Venkata Ananta Rama Sastry, B.Tech (Chemical Engg.), M.Tech (Process Engineering & Design), Ph.D.
Ehsan Kamrani, Ph.D.
Prof. Shashikant Shantilal Patil, M.Tech, MBA HR
Shadab Anwar, Ph.D. in Geo sciences
Rajeev Kumar, M.Tech Microelectronics & VLSI Design
Dr. SZ Mohamed Shamshuddin, MSc (Chemistry), PhD(Catalysis), PDF
Ali Ebadi, Master of Electrical Engineering (Power)
Dr. Arun Kumar Dwivedi, Ph.D. (Civil Engg.) P.G.Dimploma (Industrial Water & Waste Water Treatment) M.Tech. (Water Resources Engineering) B.E. (Civil Engineering)
Dr. Mrs. Suchita D. Nimbalkar, M.Sc. B.Ed. Ph.D.
Hatice Basak Yildirim, Research Assistant
Ali I. Al-Mosawi, M.Sc. in Materials Engineering
Murat Oturakci, PhD Candidate
Eena Gilhotra, M.Tech.,B.E.
Aditya Pratap Singh, Ph.D
Josue Cuevas, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Tarun Kumar Lohani, M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D.
Najm Obaid Salim Alghazali, PhD in Civil Engineering
Xuanzhi Zhan, Ph.D.
Ghanim Alwan, Associate Professor Dr.PhD
Farhad Mirzaei, Ph.D.
Samavedam Santhi, Mtech, PhD
Lalitha Subramanian, B.Tech (EEE)
Dr. Pradip D Jadhao, B.E. (Civil), M.E.(Civil- Geotechnical Engg.) Ph.D.(Civil)
Yazachew Alemu Tenaw, MSc in Analytical Chemistry
Piyush Pathak, Ph.D. in Materials Science
Abhijeet Dasgupta, PhD Research Scholar (University of Sheffield, UK) M.Tech, B.E
Vishnupriya Gupta , Ph.D.
Abhishek Sengar, M.TECH ECEB.E. ECE
Andrew Wenjie Cai, Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering; American Chemistry Society; Materials Research Society; Alpha Sigma Mu member
Sudhakar, Ph.D.
Qize Le, Ph.D. in Engineering, focused on System Engineering, Product Development, Engineering Design
Husain Mehdi , M.Tech (Machine Design)
Yawar Hussain, Ph.D., Doctoral Student
Rahul Davis, M.Tech (Production & Industrial Engineering)
Shyam Lal Sharma, PhD., M.Tech.( Mechine Design ) , B.Tech.( Machanical Engineering )
Akanksha Gupta, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Alireza Rafieerad,
Ayesha Tasneem, BS-Software Engineering
Dr. Hitesh panchal, Ph.D. (Solar Thermal Engineering) Thesis Submitted M.Tech. (I C Engine & Automobile)
Ehsan Javadi Shokroo, Ph.D.
Balu, M.Sc., M.Phil.,(Ph.D).
Chung-Ming (John) Own,
Dr. Ramachandra V Pujeri, BE (Electronics and Communication Engineering), ME (CSE) Ph.D. (CSE), MBA (HR)
Khaled El-Sayed Ahmed, Ph.D., Lecturer in Biomedical Department
Konstantinos Kalovrektis, Ph.D.
Dr. Omid Gohardani, Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
Khondekar Mofazzal Mossain, M.Tech
Diego Gonzalez Aguilera, Ph.D.
Dr. Masoud Rahiminezhad Galankashi, PhD in industrial engineering Department of Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Bharat Bhushan Jindal, PhD in Structures ( submitted)
Esmaeil Kordi, Ph.D.
I. Thirunavukkarasu, Ph.D.
Mehmet Bulut, PhD
Alex Dawotola, Ph.D.
Aswathy N, M.E VLSI Design
Dr. DSR Murthy, B.E.(Electronics), M.Tech(CSE), Ph.D.(CSE)
Dr. Kunaljeet Tanwar, Ph.D. Environmental Chemistry
Ndemanou Buris Peggy, Student
Amin Paykani, Ph.D.
Ibikunle Frank, Ph.D.
Amin Habibzadeh, Ph.D.
Dr. Sujata Pandey, Ph.D.
Bharath, MTech, (Ph.D)
Pourus Mehta, Ph.D. (Physics)
Zhibin Lin, Ph.D.
Mohammad Barghi Latran, Ph.D.
Raza Abdullas Saeed, PhD
Subhash Namde Waghmare, UG: B.E. (Mech. Engg.),PG: M.Tech. (Mech. Engg. Design),PhD: Perusing,MBA(Marketing & Finance)
Dalgobind Mahto, Ph.D. in Engineering
Saif Imam, Ph.D
Dr. Wael A. Salah, Degree:Bachelor of Engineering , Electrical and Computer Engineering/Palestine Polytechnic University Masters:Master of Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Universiti Sians Malaysia PhD:Doctorate of Philosophy Ph.D, Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Universiti Sians Malaysia
Min Zhang, D.E. ,lecturer
Pravin Thakre, Ph.D.(Mathematical Sciences)
Dr. Punal M. Arabi, B.E. ( Electronics & Instrumentation) M.E. (Power System) Ph.D ( Medical Electronics)
Dr. R S Meena, PhD
Mojtaba, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Dr. Meyyappan Venkatesan, M.E., Ph.D
Meysam Khaleghian, I got my PhD in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia polytechnic institute and state university in January 2017. my main focus of research is vehicle dynamics, control, state estimation, Robotics, time mechanics, tire-road friction and experimental and numerical stress analysis.
Thamir Khalil Ibrahim, PhD. Mechanical Engineering- Thermofluid
Mahdi Moharrampour, Faculty of civil Engineering ,
Muhammad Hassan Raza, PhD
Dr. Mohammad Zarein, Ph.D.
Gurhan Ertasgin, Lecturer (Asst. Prof.)
Dr. Mohammad Israr, Ph.D.
Hema Krishna Ravuri, BSc., MSc., MPhil., Ph.D.., post doctorate.
Lounis Zoubida, -Professor , - Director researcher -President of scientific council -Director of industrial research laboratory industrial safety and sustainable development -Director doctoral school in engineering of process safety and environment
Mohd Ikmal Ismail, BSc in Mechanical Engineering PhD in Sound and Vibration
Prof D.V. Mahindru, M.Tech
Nikhil Taxak, Ph.D (Medicinal Chemistry) M.S. (Pharm.) Medicinal Chemistry B.Pharma.
Agusmian Partogi Ompusunggu, Ph.D.
Anastasia Maggina, Ph.D.
Dr. Akash Saxena, M.SC(C.S), M.TECH(C.S), M.PHIL (C.S), PH.D(C.S)
Manal A. Salem, Ph.D., Geotechnical Engineering, 2006 The University of Texas at Austin, Austin
Serkan Araci, Ph.D.
Yu Wang, Research associate
Swapnil Pramod Kanade, M-Tech specialization (Control Systems)
Dr. Santosh K Pandey, PhD (Computer Science)
Prachand Man Pradhan, M.Sc. Structural Engineering (1998-2000) Ph.D. Scholar (2009-2014)
Seyed Hashem Samadi, Ph.D.
Prabu Sevugan, B.E(CSE).,M.Tech(RS).,M.Tech(IT).,Ph.D(CEG-AU) POST DOC FELLOW
Prof. Arun Agarwal, M. Tech in Telematics & Signal Processing and PH.D continuing.
Wenjiao Song, PhD
Masoumeh Sadat Latifi, PhD
Fatemeh Farhatnia,
Ashish Runthala, M.Sc., M.E., PhD (About to finish)
Md. Nasimuzzaman Chowdhury, M.Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Entsar Kouni A Alhaj Mohamed Elbishti, Phd in accounting
Dr. V N Jha, MBBS, MD (Aerospace Medicine)
Kalyan Rapolu, PhD in Engineering
Somayeh Ahmadi, Ph.D.
Jayant Hari Gambhir, ME ( E&TC) (VLSI & Embedded Systems) BE (Electronics)
Farhad Mirzaei, Eco efficient livestock production management
Joydeep Majumder , M.Sc. Ph.D
Shaymaa Abbas Abdalsada, Ph.D.
Dr. Mukul Chandra Bora, PhD
Dr. Mamun Habib, Dept. of Opeartions Management Ph.D. in Computer & Engineering
Khaled Nabih Zaki Rashed, PhD in Organic Chemistry.
Md. Tasruzzaman Babu, B.Sc in mechanical engineering
Dr. Fairuz Izzuddin Romli, PhD
Nhat-Duc Hoang, Ph.D.
Sivanantham S, B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D
Ramanpreet Singh, B.E (Mechanical Engineering ) M.Tech (Machine Design)
Masoud Valinejad shoubi, Ph.D. in Arch.
SA. Edalatpanah, M.Sc in Applied Mathematics, Ph.D: University of Guilan
Efstratios Ntantis, Mechanical Engineering
Andrea Amicarelli, PhD in Hydraulic Engineering
Ramesh Kannan, M.E., Construction Engineering and Management
Dr. V. Jayakumar, PhD
Dr. Manit Arora, MBBS (Hons), MS (Ortho)
Rolando Salgado Estrada, PhD Civil Engineering (structures)
Nabel Kadum Abd-Ali, Bs.C. : 1994, AL-Mustansirya University, Engineering College,Mechanical Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq. Ms.C. : 2007, Academy of Graduate Studies, Engineering College, Industrial and Production Engineering, Tripoli, Libya. Title: [A Study of the Most Effective Factors on Production Costs i
Pramod Kumar Gupta, PhD (submitted), MBA(IB), MBA, BSc
Dr. Yogendra Tandel, Ph. D
Sukumar Senthilkumar, Post Doctorate in Mathematics and Post Doctorate in Computer Science & Engineering,
Krishnakumar Chittibabu, B.E., M.Tech., PhD.,
Sangeeta Vhatkar, PhD Pursuing
Dr. A. Subramanian, M.Tech, Ph.D.(Optimal location of FACTS Devices in power systems)
Dhanya Nair, I am a semiconductor process engineer with experience and expertise in semiconductor manufacturing, memory technology, radiation effects on electronics, CMOS technology, and electronic circuits and testing.
Dr. Sam-Ang Keo, Materials and Structural Engineering, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Infrared Thermography, Mechanic of Materials, Finite Element Method, Thermal, Laser, Microwave, Signal Processing
Sankaranarayanan Seetharaman, PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
Anand Pillarisetti, Ph.D.
Ashish Singh, M.Tech, Ph.D(submitted)
Dr. Ramachandran Guruprasad, M.Sc.(IT), M.Tech(IT), MBA(IT), Ph.D. (IS)
Abhishek Anchal, M.Tech PhD (Pursuing)
Dr. Khuda Bakhsh Malik, PhD
Esmaeil Asadzadeh, PhD scholar
Barun Mazumdar, M.Tech
Ahmet Haxhiaj, Dr.sc Prof. asoc
Ahmad Ali Abdel Sater, PhD holder in Applied Linguistics in English Language.
Hua Jiang, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
Mohammad Jannati, Phd
Dr. Sanjay Pachauri, Ph.D.
Mashhood Mashhoodi, Ph.D.
Varun Penmatsa, Ph.D.
Taha Zakaraia Abdel Wahid, Scientific Research Director and Assistant Professor Department of Basic Sciences, October High Institute for Engineering and Technology, 6th October City, Giza, Egypt.
Satya Aravind Gangu, PhD in Chemical Engineering
Er. Madhav P. Koirala, Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Anupam Dixit, Pursuing M.E
Atria Pradityana, Doctor
MD Asaduzzaman Nur, BSc in EEE
Raju Chowdhury, B.Sc & M.Sc (Mathematics)M.Phil (Applied Mathematics)
Neeraj kumar, M.Tech
Dr. Saurabh Manro, P.hd (Maths), M.Ed
Naif Fawzi, PhD In Human Resource Management
Rajamahanti Surya Kiran, M.TECH , (PhD)
Huseyin Murat Cekirge, MS Civ Eng 1968 PhD App. Mech 1972
Dr. Ram Kishan Malik, Ph.D.
Dr. B. Yogesha , B.E.,M.Tech(IIT, Kharagpur).,Ph.D(IITM, Chennai)
Fei Yi, Ph.D. in Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Sanjeev Anand Sahu, Ph.D.
Virender Suhag , MD DNB PGDHHM
Dr. T. Muthamizhan, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) M.E.(Power Electronics and Drives) B.E. (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Tianshou Ma, Ph.D.
Libin jia, Ph.D.
Yahia Zakaria, Ph.D.
Faisal Al Mozahid, B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, M.Sc. in Electronics Engineering, M.Sc. in Glass and Ceramics Engineering
Hasnain Nangyal, Ph.D.
Milind Gadre, Ph.D.
Ahmed Kadhim Hussein, Assist.Prof.
Sivarao SUbramonian, PhD. (Mech. & Mfg) M.Eng. (Mech. & Mfg.)B.Eng. (Mech. & Mfg.)Professional Engineer (Mech.)
Abinet Tesfaye Eseye, PhD in Electrical Power System Engineering and Automation
Deepika Garg , P.hD.
Dr. Seetaiah Kilaru, PhD
Divya Gudapati, M.Tech
Dr. Rabin C.P., M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, F.S.Sc, F.S.E.Sc, F.I.S.E.C, F.I.S.B.T. F.I.S.C.A., (D.Sc)
Nagashree B, Mtech in Structural engg
Kelly Wibbenmeyer, MBA, PMP, Six Sigma Black Belt, ITIL certified, PhD Student
Abilash, MTech, BTech
Mehmet Serkan Kirgiz, Philosophy of Doctorate in Structure
Mehrdad Shafiei Dizaji, PhD
Dr. J. Komalalakshmi, M.C.A.,M.PHIL,PH.D
Hammad Salahuddin, MS in Structural Engineering
Sakshi Gupta, M.Tech Structural Engineering
Reza Lotfi, Industrial engineering phd
Kassu Jilcha, P.hD.
Padmini, Ph.D
Abolghasem Kazemi, Chemical Engineering Natural gas processing Process Design Process Simulation Petrochemical Processes
Haji Khan Khoharo, MBBS, M.Phil, FCPS
Zul-Atfi Ismail, Master of Science in Technology Management
Gopinath Palai, PhD
Dr. Suryakanth Malgikar, M.D.S
Yenesew Sewnet Yizengaw, M.Sc. in Rural development, B.Sc. in Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
Mehdi Shahraki, Ph.D
Teguh Sugiarto, finance, accounting, economics and tax
Dr. Sunil Kumar, Ph.D., M.Phil., M.A., PGDM
Vandana Singh, PhD, Post Doc
Carlos Alberto, Analysis of Productivity, Bioeconomy, Climate Change
Hao Liu, B.S. Biotechnology Ph.D. Biochemistry
Shailaza Shrestha, M.Sc. Medical Bio-Chemistry Ph.D. Medical Bio-Chemistry (Pursuing)
Rahul Rai, M.Sc. Medical Anatomy Ph.D. Medical Anatomy (Pursuing)
Jassim Mohammad Abdulkarim, Ph.D
Atishey Mittal, M.Tech
Md. Samdani Azad, P.hD.
Audeh Ahmad Bani Ahmad, Ph.D. in Accounting
Sara Vahid, Ph.D candidate in structural engineering
Baban Parisa Dathwade, BE., M.Tech.
Jyoti Devidas Patil, M.Sc., M.Phil, B.ed. Ph.D.
Dr. Pawan Whig, Ph.D.
Dr. Manash Pratim Sharma, PhD
Behzad Eslam Panah, Ph.D.
Dr. Arshia Rashid Baig, BDS, MDS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics)
Ram Chandra Chaurasia, Ph.D
Yousuf Jamal, Post-doc Phd
Abdul Sahib Almadhhachi, Assistant Professor
Xuan Wu, B.S. (EE), MS degree in (EE)
Engin Ozdemir, Prof. Dr.
Shiou-Jiuan Li, PhD
Pasquale Gallo, Post-doctoral researcher
Sushanth KJ, BE, M.Tech
Amit Tiwari, M. Tech (Production Engineering) , BE(Mechanical Engineering)
Jun Su Park, PhD
Sossio F Graziano, Post-doc research fellow
Kennedy Chinedu Okafor, Ph.D, M.Eng, B.Eng, CCNA, CCNP, CompTIA A+, Server+
Prof Israel W. Udomisor, Ph.D,India. M.A, BFA,New York,Diploma.Berkshire U.K.,PGDM ,India
Sourav Poddar, M.Tech, Ph.D (Pre-Thesis viva-voce over)
Amir Hassan Montazer, PhD in Nanophysics; M.S. (Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-Nanophysic B.S. (Solid State Physics)
Dr. Chander Prakash , Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering
Marianna Meo, PhD
Haoting Shen, Research Scientist
Michael Nones, PhD
MD. Eanamul Haque Nizam, B.Sc In Textile Engineering (BD)M.Sc in Textile Engineering (BD)M.Sc in Fashion Design and Engineering (China)
Prof. Pushpa Nagini Sripada, PhD
Fozia Fatima, Ph.D
Ibukun Makinde, BSc - Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, MSc - Chemical Engineering, MS - Chemical Engineering, PhD - Chemical Engineering
Neel Rajeshbhai Shah, M. Tech (Structural Engineering)B.E. (Civil Engineering)
P K Chaturvedi, PhD M Tech MS Consulting Management BE
Dr. Sadu Venkatesu, Ph.D In Engineering Sciences (Mechanical Engineering)
Stelios Markoulis, PhD in FinanceCass Business School, London
Md. Kamrujjaman, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Canada, Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mukhles Al-Ababneh, PhD
Chung-Kuang Hou, PhD in Management Information Systems
Sachin Patil, Doctor of Philosophy degree in Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University
Dr. Raja Samikkannu, PhD
Mustafa Jahangoshai Rezaee, PhD
Sonia Chalia, B.Tech-Aeronautical Engineering M.Tech- Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
Ramachandran Rajaraman, M.Com,M.B.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Alireza Rostami, PhD
Franco Concli, Assistant Professor
Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji, PhD
Kai Seng, KOH, PhD in Engineering, B(Eng) Chemical Engineering
Ikvinderpal Singh, B.Sc.(IT), MCA, Ph.D.
Hayfaa Abdulzahra, B.Sc and M.Sc from University of Technology - Baghdad Iraq Department: Computer Science and Information Technology Ph.D candidate in UTM Razak School for Engineering and Advanced Technology
Hamid Alasadi, Professor . Ph.D.
Cristiano Jose de Andrade, Postdoctoral Researcher on Chemical Engineering
Yizheng Cao, PhD
Dr. Saravanan Vasudevan, M.E., Ph.D
S. Muthubalaji, Ph.D. (Power Sytems), M.E. (Power Electronics & Drives) B.E. ( Electrical & Electronics)
Mohammad Masoud, Ph.D
Barbara Franaoise Cardoso, PhD
Hassan Ali Ozgoli, PhD
Khadim Moin Siddiqui, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D
Madhu Santosh Kumar Mutyala , PhD (Electrical & Computer Engineering)
Reza Allahvirdizadeh, PhD
Sandeep Phogat, B.Tech, M.Tech, M.B.A, Ph. D (P)
Mohammad Moonesun, Ph.D.
Mathan Kumar N, BE,ME,Ph.D
Yury Nikitin, CSc, Assoc. prof.
Gang Zheng, Ph.D
Alessia Quitadamo, PhD student
Sasan Ghasemi,
Hamed Tirandaz, PhD
Sanan H Khan, PhD
Sunil Prasad, Master of Technology
Xiongbo Duan, Ph.D
Ming Tao,
Farid Khosravikia,
Ilgar Rajabov,
Soheil Gohari, Doctor of Philosophy in the area of Mechanical Engineering
Yoshinori Fukubayashi,
Dr. D.B. Jani, PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Suoying He, Doctor of Philosothy
Yakup Yildiz,
Taha A. Elwi,
Abdelkadir Belhadj, PhD Student _ Mechanical EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringFaculty of Technology
Dr. Jayaraj Y. Kudariyawar, B.E (Mechanical Engineering), M.Tech (Thermal Engineering), Ph.D (Engineering Science)
Hassen Fourati, Associate Professor
Alireza Javanshir,
Professor Klaudio Bari, PhD in Material ScienceMSc Nuclear EngineeringBSC Mechanical Engineering
Ram Singar Yadav, Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering
Mohamed Ghannam,
Chao Liu, Ph.D.
Arul Elango, Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy)
Miad Saberi, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering-Geotechnical Engineering
Syed Rafiee Abied, M.sc(EEE) B.sc(EEE)
Canh V. Le,
Dr. G. Usha, PhD
Huseyin Erdogan, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Phd., MSc.
Tariq Bashir, PhD in Electrical Engineering
Man Mohan Singh, Phd Pursuing
Stanyo Neykov Dinov, PhD in Law at the University of Heidelberg, LL.M. (Glasgow), (Heidelberg), Master of Law at the South West University Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
La Ode Ichlas Syahrullah Y, Biomechanics, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Satish Chand Gupta, M.Tech
Gzen Bereket, Professor
Seyed Mohammad Amin Ghotbi,
Nepal Chandra Roy, PhD
Avinash Kumar Ranjan, M.Tech (Geoinformatics)
Flavia Chiva Carvalho, Adjunct Professor
Kalyana Saravana Sumanam, Ph.D (pursuing final year) in Satellite Communications
Maulikkumar Pandya, Ph.D. (pursuing)
Surjit, MCA, M.Tech, PhD (Pursuing)
Chafik Okar, Professor
Toshiyuki Takahashi, CompTIA CTT+
Robinson Ichakpa Ejilah, PhD Mechanical Engineering
Babak Karimi Ghalehjough, PhD at Geotechnical Engineering
Fahimeh Hooriabad Saboor,
Shaik Himam Saheb, M.Tech(PhD)
Rodolfo Rosario Klautau de Araujo Gomes, Bachelors degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
Nguyen Van-Nghia, PhD and researcher in hydraulic construction, soil mechanic and geomaterials, hydropower.
Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Malik, PhD
Jiaxin Zhang, My main research aims to develop novel techniques for the efficient integration and quantification of uncertainty in computational modeling of structural component and system response. These techniques will be employed to improve computational simulation-based design practices for structures of all
Chenapragada Amarendra, M.Tech,(Ph.D)
Srinivasa Rao Naraganti, M.S. (USA), (Ph.D)
Mohd Suhaib Kidwai, Masters and bachelors in technolgy(M.Tech and B.Tech) in electronics and communication
Soroush Sadripour, Solar Energy, Nanofluid, Thermodynamics, Fuel and Combustion
Chetan Kumar Hirwani, PhD (Pursuing) M. Tech (Machine design) BE (Mechanical Engineering)
Aitor Hernandez Michelena, PhD
Dr. Dipak Kumar, PhD
Ali Hussein Wheeb, M.Sc. in Computer Engineering B.Sc. in Control and System Engineering Research Experience
Jafar Ramadhan Mohammed, PhD
Nasir Kant, PhD
Sneha Gaddam, Ph.D
El Baroudi, Associate professor
Mohamed Fawzi Suleiman, PhD degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, OH, USA Post-Doctoral Reserasch Associate at the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Raghavendra D Naik, PhD
Ricardo S. Barros, Phd in Civil Engineering (Masonry Heritage) Master in Seismic improvement, consolidation and restoration of historic buildings and monuments Degree in Civil Engineering
Hugo Miguel Andrade Lopes Figueiredo da Silva, PhD student Post-Graduation in Mechanical Engineering MSc. in Materials Engineering Bsc. in Material Engineering
Dr. Ch. V S Parameswara Rao, Ph.D M.Tech (Tool Design & Mfg.) B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering
yu-chien Ko, Ph. D.
Milad Ghorbani Moghaddam, Ph.D. Candidate
Kris McGlinn, Ph.D
Cihan Bay?nd?rl?, Asistant. Prof. Dr.
Safa Ben Arab, Doctor in Mechanical Engineering
Ali Anvari,
Danilo Oliveira De Souza, PhD
Nibras Abo Alzahab, Biomedical Engineering Student
Ruggieri Nicola, Architect
Aattache, Dr in civil enginnering
Samira Benaicha, Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department, University of Setif1, Algeria
Hassan Alimam, Teaching Assistant Since 2013, holding MSc. degree in Mechanical Design Engineering with experience in automatic control and Mechatronics System. I am really passionate with Advanced research in robotic and automation.
Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, PhD
Enrico Tubaldi, Lecturer in Structural Engineering
Binyang Song, PhD candidate
Roberto Palma, PhD
Deniz Uzunoglu, Waste water treatment, adsorption, catalysis, nanoparticle bio/-synthesis and characterisation, hydrogen gas production, bio/-sensors, detection studies,
Mohamad Rizza bin Othman, Dr.-Ing. (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
Brahim Sabir, Phd
Rafael Delucis, PhD in Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
A.Santhi Mary Antony, B.E (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) M.E (Power Electronics) Ph.D (Currently Pursuing in the area Renewable Energy)
Julius Caesar Puoza, PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Hassan Hassanien Mohamed Darweesh, Butcher of Science, Chemistry (Cairo University), M.Sc. and Ph.D. Theses (Ain Shams University), Assoc. Prof. and Professor from NRC.
Memduha Ergut, Chemical Engineering
Dr. Farrukh Jaleel, PhD Chemical Engineering and Technology
Abdulkadir Akyel, PhD
Federica Ongaro, PhD, Aerospace Engineering MSc Civil Engineering
Prakash Arumugam, M.Tech., Ph.D.,
Yuanchen Cui,
Djoko Legono, Prof. Dr.
Sanjoy Paul, PhD
Najib Mohammed AL-fadhali, ? Ph.D. in Technology Management (project management) from UTHM Malaysia
Nur Alom, M.Tech from IIT Guwahati, India Ph.D. pursuing from IIT Guwahati, India
Xiang Xiang, graduate student
Malik Muhammad Zaid, BSc Electrical Engineering
Rahul A Trivedi, PhD, MS (Arizona State University), BE (India)
Prof. Surendra Rahamatkar, B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., D.Litt.
Rakkiyappan Chandran, PhD
Shaik Himam Saheb, m.tech(phd)
N.K. Amudhavalli, Ph.D
Srikanth desu, M.Tech,Ph.D
Ali Gharamohammadi,
Jian-yong Han,
Bin Wang, Associate professor
Mustafa Arslan, Chemistry, polymer, material
Esraa Saleh Abdelall, Ph.D in Industrial and Manufacturing System Engineering
Ali I. Al-Mosawi, 1. Ph.D. Student in Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Miskolc, Hungary (2016-2020). 2. M.Sc. in Materials Engr. Babylon University, IRAQ, 2003. 3. B.Sc. in Materials Engr. Babylon University, IRAQ, 2000.
Dr. Wilson Nwankwo, PhD(IT), MSc, MBA, BSc,LLB
Mohammed Wahhab Aljibory, Assit.Prof. in Mechanical Engineering (Power)
Sudeep Baudha, Ph. D
Ernesto Grande, Associate Professor
Krishna Paramathma. M, M.Tech, Ph.D( pursuing)
Md Symon Jahan Sajib, Ph.D in Chemical Engineering
Alagappan Pandian, Ph.D in Electrical Engineering
Douglas Aguiar do Nascimento, Msc candidate researcher, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.
Yu Zhao,
Mugdha Tripathi, MTech
Mousa Mohamed Mohamed Mousa, Professor, Doctor, Engineer
Riyadh sabah saleh Al-Turaihi, Riyadh S. Al-Turaihi
Monika Mathur, Associate Professor
Oseni Taiwo Amoo, Fellow Researcher
Thales Botelho de Sousa, PhD Student in Industrial Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo (EESC-USP). Professor of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (IFSP), Campus Registro.
Engr. Dr. Simon Ogbeche Odey, Senior Lecturer
Bouzir Tallal Abdel Karim, Dr Tallal Abdel Karim Bouzir of Université de Biskra, with expertise in Acoustic Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Architectural Engineering.
Anesi S. Mahenge, Senior Lecturer
sara yassin omar, research assistant
Dr. Shubhangi Digambarrao Chikte, Professor & Chairman Department of PG Studies in Computer Science & Engg. VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI VTU Centre For PG Studies, Kalaburagi
Marco Antonio Lara De La Calleja, PhD and Professor researcher
Amira Mohamed Attia, teaching assistant
Abhijeet Dasgupta, Research Assistant, Callisto-Space
Ryan Bugeja, Senior Systems Engineer/Researcher
Dr. Chandan Deep Singh, Assistant Professor
Segun Aina, Lecturer
Dr.Rajitha Gunaratne, Senior Lecturer/Principal Investigator
Dr. Fabricio Moraes de Almeida, Dr. Doctor in Physics - UFC. Professor and Researcher for the Doctoral Course in Regional Development and Environment at the Federal University of Rondônia (UFRO), Brazil, Deputy Coordinator of GEITEC – Research Group in Management of Innovation and Technology of the UFRO, Brazil. E-mail:
Dr. Tushar Hrishikesh Jaware, Asst Prof E&TC Dept R C Patel Institute of Technology Shirpur
Gholamreza Gholipour, Structural Engineering
Ahmed Hussain Ali Abdelrahman, PhD research candidate, Department of civil and environmental engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Carla Simone Tafuri Marques, Phd
Oussama Ibrahim,
Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo, doctor in civil engineering
Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Kamran, Associate Professor
Peter Eze,
Dr. Pratim Kumar, Assistant Professor
Zhicheng Gao,
Laidson Paes Gomes, Dr.
Dr. Pala Gireesh Kumar, Assistant Professor
Ansari Omar, University Professor in Higher Normal School of Technical Education, Mohammed V University in Rabat Morocco.
Juan Sebastian Villegas Santos, Mechanical Engineer
Jankhankumar Patel, Masters in applied science
Dr. Ramchandra Ganpati Desavale, Associate Professor
Andres J. Prieto,
Razieh Tavakoli, Research Scholar (Civil Engineering)
Ashish Yadav, Ph.D. scholar
Azemsha Siarhei Aleksandrovich,
Chunchu Bala Rama Krishna, Research Associate
sivasankaran, Assistant Professor
Dr. D.B. Jani, Associate Professor
Nilay N Shah, Assistant Professor
Fatma SARF, Associate Professor
Samuel Sakyi Koram, Dear Editorial Team, I am forever grateful to be given such an opportunity to be a part of your peer reviewing team. Many thanks and kind regards. Sincerely yours, Samuel Sakyi Koram. email: samuelkoram [AT] yahoo [DOT] com mobile: +8613878117571 whatsapp number: +8613878117571
Tarikul Islam, Lecturer
Ma Quanjin,
Dr. P. Sivasankaran, Ph.D, ME, BE in Industrial Engineering
Dr.P.Aparna, Sr.Asst.Prof
Rami Mahmoud Bakr,
Sandeep Jaiswal, Assistant Professor & Head of Department (Biomedical Engineering)
BENAATOU Wafa, PhD in Computer Science and Telecommunication
Feiyue Ma, Ph.D candidate
BERGHOUT BELKACEM, PhD student Architect
Belgacem MAMEN, Associate Professor
Helena Arias Lara Leite,
Rohit Kumar, Research Scholar
Manu Gupta, Assistant Professor
Dr. Mohammadhadi Sarajchi, Ph.d in Electronic Engineering, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK.
Fatih Ahmet Şenel, Dr.
ANSHUMAN GUHA, SR. DATA SCIENTIST AT CAPITAL ONE https://www.linkedin.com/in/anshumanguha/
Dr. Kiran Ajetrao, Assistant Professor
Dr. Hardik B. Ramani, Assistant Professor & Head, Mechanical Engineering
Hedi DHOUIBI, Dr. Associate Professor and Director of University of Kairawan
Setareh Ghaychi Afrouz,
Mohammad Abedin, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, FL, United States
Dr.CHINA VENKATESWARLU SONAGIRI, Professor in Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Arthi, Professor
Dr.M.Xavier James Raj, Head, Orbital Analytic Section (Rtd.) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research Organization, Trivandrum - 695 022, India.
Dr. Taha Awad Allah El-Sayed Ibrahim, Associate Professor
Oleg Nicolaevich Skrypnik, Doctor, Professor
Dr. Narayanaswamy P R Iyer, Electronics consultant
Khalid Rashid, Post Doctoral Scholar
Digamber Singh, Senior Research Assistant
Suyog Dixit,
Muhammad Shahzad Nazir, Assistant Professor
Satishkumar Boguda, Bachelor of Technology Affiliated to JNTU India – 2006
Muhammad Shahzad Nazir, Associate Professor
Mohammad Azim Eirgash, Ph.D. in Construction Engineering and Management at KTU. B.Tech, NITW, India
Hasanov Ramiz Alish ogli, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
Kalaimurugan K, Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Syed Ammal Engineering College
Dr Neeraj Kumar Misra, Associate Professor at BIET Hyderabad India
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor
Benisha M, Assistant Professor
Laxmi Wadhwani, B.Com
Dr Nidhi Tiwari, Associate Professor
Anisha. M, Assistant Professor
Dr. Dilip Kumar Behara, Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering
Parthiban P, Independent Research Scholar
Dr.A.Karthick, Assistant Professor selection grade
NiravKumar Baldevbhai Umravia, Assistant Professor
Nikhil Vasant Khatekar, Assistant Professor
César Leonardo Guevara Gordillo,
KALAIMURUGAN K, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. K .Sathyamurthi, Controller of Examinations
rajesh pathak,
Warid Wazien Ahmad Zailani, Dr
Héctor Enrique Jaramillo Suárez, Professor
Luis Jesús Villarreal Gómez, Research Professor
Dr.Abeer Adel Salih, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Eyal Nitzan, Postdoctoral researcher
Alex Alves Bandeira, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Polytechnique School at Federal University of Bahia – UFBA Department of Construction and Structures – DCE Adresse: Rua Aristides Novis 02, Federação, Salvador – BA, Brazil, Zip Code 40.210-630
Mohammad Yacoub Khalaf Al Shdaifat, Nanotechnology and Thermal Systems
Meghali Devi, Research Scholar
Yubiao (Gary) Zhang, Ph.D., Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, M.Sc., B.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
Dr. Nitesh Kumar Dixit, Associate Professot
Kaushik Ghosal, Ph.D. Research Scholar
Dr. Abeer Adel Salih,
NZIE Wolfgang, Associate Professeur
Dr Prathik S Jain, Associate Professor
Lisa Wang, PhD Candidate
Harshit Prakashbhai Bhavsar, Assistant Professor
Tai-Yi Liu, Doctor
Dr. Neeraj Kumar Shukla, Associate Professor
Abraham Dandoussou, Dr.
NZIE Wolfgang,
Dr. Suman Chatterjee, Researcher
raoudha chaabane, prof
AmirHossein MajidiRad, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Muhammad Suhail, Research Associate
Abdul Rehman, PhD-Student/Research Associate
Goutham B, Assistant Professor
Dr.T.Joby Titus, Assistant Professor(Sr.Gr)
Antonella Bevilacqua, Acoustics, Engineering, Architecture
Peyman Aela,
Fausto Galetto, Scholar about ... (Quality, Reliability, Statistical Methods, Life Tests, Maintenance, Spare Parts Management, Optimum Preventive Intervals Management)
Dr. Somnath Das, Assistant Professor
V.SrirengaNachiyar, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.)
Anvar Togaev, PhD, Docent, Head of Department of “Technological Reliability of Machines”, Tashkent State Transport University
Dr. Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Assistant Professor
Nasimeh Shahrokhishahraki,
Abdel-Nasser Sharkawy, Assistant Professor
J R K Kumar Dabbakuti, Professor
Manikandan, Researcher
Minh Hoang Nguyen,
Xiangyu Shao, space manipulator, sliding mode control, fractional order control, quadrotor UAVs, learning for control.
CHUDZIKIEWICZ Andrzej, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland
Suliman Khan, PhD Scholar (Applied Mathematics)
Jithendra Sai Raja Chada, B.tech
Muruganantham VR, Associate Professor
Fabio Roberto Chavarette, Associate professor
Volkan KORKUT,
Alex Milton Albergaria Campos, PhD student and Researcher at Federal University of Ouro Preto
V.Kishen Ajay Kumar, Associate Professor
Prof. Ketan D. Panchal, Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
MD KAMRUL HASAN, Doctor of Philosophy
Ramalakshmi R, Assistant Professor
Kishor Biswas, R&D Manager
S SMITHA, PhD Research Scholar
Ali Bououden, CDTA
Zhaoyi Xu,
MIHIR BHATT, Assistant Professor
Sourav Kumar Panja, Research Scholar
Saif Mohammad Ishraq Bari, PhD Candidate (MSE), MSc (MSNT), BSc (ME)
Siddhi Marathe, BE
Tarekul Islam, B.Sc. in Textile Engineering M.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Swagat Madhav Karve, Assistant Professor
Duncan Gibbons,
Dr.V.SHANMUGASUNDARAM, Assistant Professor
Muhammad Azmain Abdullah, MSME Currently enrolled in Ph.D. Program Manufacturing Engineer at Caterpillar Inc.
Dr. Mukesh Didwania (PhD), Associate Professor
Akansha Suri, Post-Graduate Researcher
Dr.Syeda Sumera Ali, Associate Professor
Xinghui Liu,
QIAN Hongjiang, Assistant engineering
CAROLA XIMENA GUZMAN MEDINA, Industrial Engineering and Business Administration
Hamed Khatibi, Scientific Researchers
Purushottam Chandrabhan Jadhav, Lecturer
Vignesh.M, Assistant Professor
Nzale Mimbe Willy Arnaud, PhD
César Tadeu Nasser Medeiros Branco, PhD Research in Mechanical Engineering
Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdussalam Ali Ahmed, Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdussalam Ali Ahmed, PhD in Mechatronic Engineering, Head Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Bani Waleed University, Libya
CRISTIANE RUIZ GOMES, Adjunct Professor I at the Federal University of Pará, currently at the Federal University of Ceará
Ngnassi Djami Aslain Brisco, Dr
Trinh Thanh Tung,
Dr Rishi Sarup Sharma, Associate Professor and Head Department of Electrical Engineering
Ngnassi Djami Aslain Brisco, Dr
Prof. Chintan Patel, Assistant Professor
Amagu Amagu Clement, Amagu, Amagu Clement; B.Sc. Geology and Geophysics (EBSU, Abakiliki, Nigeria); M. Eng (Hokkaido Univ. & Kyushu Univ. Japan); PhD in view (Hokkaido University, Japan)
MOHAMMAD QASIM SHAIKH, Application Development Project Lead - R&D, Solvay Materials USA
Senthilrani Shanmugavelu, Associate Professor
Ruohan Guo, PhD candidate
Mrs. Kirti Niralgikar, Assistant Professor
Rafael Luiz da da Silva,
Mark Bomberg, Heat, air, and water transports in porous materials, construction materials, building physics (except for acoustics) indoor envirornment, energy efficiency and modeling in construction, HVAC in buildings
Sina Kaabipour, Ph.D. candidate
Dr.M.Arumuga Babu, Assistant Professor
Özcan Otkun,
Wenning Chu,
Mohguen Ouahiba,
Venkata Chaitanya Krishna Chekuri, SoC Design Engineer
Bani Gandhi, Research Schoars
Somnath Biswas, Postdoc
HOssein Kabir,
Kittidhaj Dhanasiwawong, co-research assistant
Sa-nguansak thanpornpoonpong, Assistant Professor
Atallah Ouai, Amar Telidji University of Laghouat, Algeria
Daniel Iyinomen, Dr
Mrs.V.Malathi, Assistant Professor -II
GADOURI Hamid, Teacher
Mahya Beheshti,
Tanzila Tabassum,
Milad Khatib, Ph.D in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, ISSEA-Cnam, Beirut, Lebanon
Kundan Goswami, Research Engineer
Judong Lee, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Rafael Rodrigues Fortes, Mechanical Product Engineering and Masters in Science of Materials and Energy
Valery Rostislavovich Polyakov, Computational Chemistry, AI, ML
Montdher Alabadi,
ARUN SANKAR M S, Postdoctoral Researcher
Mays Kareem Jabbar Alsabah,
Belkacem BALAH, hydraulic
Jithendra Sai Raja Chada, Junior Engineer, NS Engineering Company Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Mansi Girdhar, Doctoral Candidate
Ali MASOOD, Research Engineer
Younes SAADALLAH, Lecturer
Dr. Saubhagya Kumar Panigrahi, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VSSUT Burla, Samabalpur, Odisha, India
Mayank Bendarkar, Research Engineer II
Basel Younes,
Mukesh M S, Adhoc Assistant Professor
Moacir Medeiros Veras, Doctor in Mining Engineering. Federal Institute of Amapá, Brazil.
MD SHOHEL RANA, Application Engineer III M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Georgios Fotis, Ph.D.
Sanjaysinh Patil, Design and Technology Teacher, Industrial Engineering Background
Romualdo Marrazzo, ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
Juan Fernando Hernández Ruiz,
Taha Adbelhamid Yehia, Researcher
Siamak Feizi,
Mohammed zeeshan uddin, PhD candidate
Ionel Lucian Dumitrescu, Main researcher in the field of mechanization and automation of the technological processes of production, storage and industrialization of horticultural products
Hassan ELnagar Hassan Ibrahim, • Assistant General Manager of operation • Ph.D. in material science • Membership of Royal society of chemistry (RSC) and •Arab Society of Material Sciences (ASMS) • Alexandria National Refinery Petrochemicals Co. (ANRPC)
Mahshid Talebian, Windsor Law alumni LLM in Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Chang Jiang,
Ana Cristina dos Santos Freitas Barqueira, Ana Barqueira
Jesus Sanchez Cortes, Researcher
Yang Liu,
Sándor FEHÉRVÁRI, PhD, MSc Civil Engineering, Structural engineer specialized on concrete technology, M.Sc. Civil Engineering-Economist, Legal Engineer
xun-guo zhu, professor
Ethar Abdalmonem Awad, Research Assistant
POKU GYASI, Reviewer
Zhuonan Lin, Ph.D., Research Scientist
Firas Daghistani,
Mazouzi Amine, ENSTTIC
Manthan Vikas Pawar, Master of Science – Robotics and Mechatronics, New York University
Dr. Theoneste Nshizirungu, Ph.D, Engineering
Xinyao Zhang,
Christine Ezzat Danial, lecturer assistant
André Oliveira de Moraes, M.Sc. Industrial Engineering - Industrial Management
Nouby Ghazaly, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Dean, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt
Laxman Timilsina, Research Assistant
Letícia dos Santos Pereira, I have a masters degree in Mechanical engineering and finishing my PhD in nuclear technology in structural analysis.
Yuanchun GU, PhD.
Oleksandr Yeromenko, Develop and research composite polymer materials for tribological purposes
Babacar LY, Researcher in Soils stabilization for subbases, bases and subgrade layers of roads
Qurbanov Huseyn Nuraddin, Agricultural engineer Chairman of the council of young scientists
MD NAFIS IMTIYAZ, Civil Engineer
Grzegorz Kunikowski,
Di Wang, Research Engineer
Terry Moschandreou, Doctor of Philosophy Applied Mathematics
Safaa Najah Saud Al-Humairi, Assoc Prof
Cao dongjiang, Secondary technical expert of the company
Mohamed Abdelhamid Mohamed Shahat,
Jinhai Zhao, Structural vibration control, mechanism resonance shock absorption. Structural damage analysis, high temperature structural stability analysis
Mahesh Kottalgi, Research Associate



Dr. Hiroshi Suzuki

Medical Doctor, Ph.D., Professor emeritus of Niigata University and (Professor, Vice-President) Niigata Seiryo University, Japan

Dr. P. Umar Farooq Baba

MBBS, MS, MCh(Plastic Surgery), Department of Plastic Surgery, SKIMS deemed University, India

Dr. Alfio Ferlito

Professor Department of Surgical Sciences University of Udine School of Medicine, Italy

Rama Rao Ganga

MBBS MS (Universty of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, India) MRCS (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK) United States

Dr. Izzet Yavuz

MSc, Ph.D., D-Ped Dent. Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry, University of Dicle Diyarbakir, Turkey

Dr. Han-Xiang Deng

MD., Ph.D. Associate Professor and Research Department Division of Neuromuscular, Medicine Davee Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurosciences Northwestern, University Feinberg School of Medicine, United States

Dr. Roberto Sanchez

Associate Professor Department of Structural and Chemical Biology Mount Sinai School of Medicine Ph.D., The Rockefeller University, United States

Dr. Feng Feng

Boston University Microbiology 72 East Concord Street R702 Duke University, United States of America

Sanguansak Rerksuppaphol

Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Srinakharinwirot University NakornNayok, Thailand

Dr. CHO Chi-Shing, William

Ph.D., Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong

Dr. Pejcic Ana

Assistant Medical Faculty Department of Periodontology, and Oral Medicine University of Nis, Serbia

Dr. Ivandro Soares Monteiro

M.Sc., Ph.D. in Psychology Clinic, Professor University of Minho, Portugal

Dr. Pina C. Sanelli

Associate Professor of Radiology Associate Professor of Public Health Weill Cornell Medical College Associate Attending Radiologist NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital MRI, MRA, CT, and CTA Neuroradiology and Diagnostic Radiology M.D., State University of New

Dr. Seung-Yup Ku

M.D., Ph.D., Seoul National University Medical College, Seoul, Korea Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

Antonio Simone Lagan

M.D. Unit of Gynecology and Obstetrics Department of Human Pathology in Adulthood and Childhood ?G. Barresi? University of Messina, Italy

Dr. Sonia Jain

Ph.D, M.Sc, B.Sc in Medical Microbiology

Dr. Lisa Koodie

Ph.D. in Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minnesota, United States

Dr. Yash Kapadia

Doctor of Dental Surgery, University of Louisville School of Dentistry, United States

Dr. Subhadra Nandakumar

Ph.D., M.Sc in Applied Microbiology, B.Sc in Microbiology, University of Madras, India

Dr. Krishna M Vukoti

Ph.D in Biochemistry, M.Tech in Biotechnology, B.S in Pharmacy, Case Western Reserve University, United States

Dr. (Mrs.) Sunanda Sharma

Ph.D, M.V.Sc., AH, M.V.Sc in Animal Reproduction, Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Veterinary & Animal Science, Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, India

Dr. Izzet Yavuz

Ph.D, M.Sc, D Ped Dent. Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry, University of Dicle, Turkey

Dr. Guodong Niu

Ph.D. in Entomology, M.S. in Microbiology, B.S. in Environmental Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, United States

Dr. Arpita Myles

Ph.D, M.Sc. in Biotechnology, B.Sc in Microbiology, Botany and Chemistry, United States

Dr. Rajeev Vats

Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc in Zoology, M.Phil in Bioinformatics, PGDCA, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Dr. Sultan Sheriff Dhastagir

Ph.D, M.Sc in Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis/Benghazi University, Libya

Dr. M. Alagar Raja

Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Sciences, M.Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Analysis, B.Pharmacy S. Chattanatha Karayalar College of Pharmacy, Nalanda Collge of Pharmacy Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. Wael Ibrahim Abdo Aikhiary

Ph.d, M.Sc in Clinical Pathology, MBBCH, M.D in Medicine, Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine, Egypt

Dr. Xingnan Li

Ph.D in Cell Biology, B.S in Molecular Biology, Stanford University, United States

Dr. Osama Hasan Alali

Ph.D, Master's Degree, Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics, Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, University of Aleppo Dental School Aleppo, Syria

Dr. Rabiatul Basria SMN Mydin

Ph.D in Cancer Genetics, BSC (HONS) in Biotechnology, University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Tsvetelina Velikova

Ph.D, MD in Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Sofia Sofia University, Bulgaria

Dr. Naina Deshpande

Professor in Pharmaceutics Head, Department of Pharm.D

Dr. Dianne H Labat

Ph.D. (Columbia University), MS (Brown University), USA

Dr. Michel Leclerc

Immunology of Invertebrates, Orléans University (France)

Dr. An-quan Shang


Dr. Július Rajčáni


Prof. Giuseppe Merra

MD, PhD, MS, FEFIM, FRSM, Associate Professor of Human Nutrition and Dietetics Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, Section of Clinic Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Reviewers in Medical
Subhadra Nandakumar, Ph.D.
Dr. Kailin Yang, BS, PhD
Umar Saeed, MS/ M-Phil (Applied Biosciences: Major Healthcare Biotechnology)
Mr. Girish Kumar Gupta, M.Pharma (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Ph.D.
Krishna M Vukoti, Ph.D, M.S, B.S
Anish Chandy, MBA, M Pharm, Ph.D. DIM, B.Ph,
Rama Rao Ganga, MBBS
Sunil Sirohi, BPharm (Pharmaceutical Sciences) MS (Pharmacology) PhD (Pharmacology)
Dr. Ani Etokidem, MBBCh (Cal), MPH (Cal), CertIT (CRSG/MDI), FRSPH (London)
Dr. Pradeep kumar, B.Sc., B.Pharm.,M.B.A., M.Pharm., P.hd. in pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Analysis)
Dr. Rajan Sharma,
Dr. Tarvinder Singh,
Dr. Sharan Badiger, M.D
Iheanyi Omezuruike Okonko, B.Sc., M.Sc., F.D.
James John, Ph.D.
Mamatha. A, PhD in Pharmacy
Dr. Sunanda Sharma, B.V.Sc. & AH, M.V.Sc (Animal Reproduction, Obstetrics & gynaecology), Ph.D.(Animal Reproduction, Obstetrics & gynaecology).
Dr. Abhinav Wankar, MBBS DNB (Health and Hospital Administration) MNAMS AMPH (ISB)
Dr. Pankaj Kumar, MVSc, PhD
Izzet Yavuz, M.Sc., Ph.D., Pediatric
Dr. Rakesh Verma, Ph.D (Medical Oncology) M.S. Toxicology B.S. Life Sciences
Prem Arora, MD, FAAP
Manish Pratap Singh, M.Sc. Biotechnology, M.Tech. Biotechnology
Jixin Zhong, Ph.D.
Sadip Pant, MD
Cafarotti Stefano, MD General Thoracic Surgeon
Guodong Niu, Ph.D., M.S., B.S.
Praveen Kumar P K, M.Tech (Biopharmaceutical Technology)
Amrinder Singh, MSPT , PhD
Sunil Kumar, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.
Arpita Myles, PhD
Dr. Nidhi, MDS, BDS
Bilal Ahmed, Ph.D.
Gaurav Singhal, Master of Tropical Veterinary Sciences, currently pursuing PhD in Medicine
Rasha Khalil Al Saad, Ph.D.
Belayneh Kefale Gelaw, B.pharm
Preetam Nivrutti Chavan, Master of Pharmacy (Pharmacology)
Dr. Ansuman Panigrahi, MBBS, MD in Preventive and Social Medicine
Jianxu Li, Ph.D.
Rusu Ligia, Ph.D.
Sedeek Mohamed Sedeek, MBBCH , Master degree Orthopaedic , FRCS Ireland
Paramdeep Singh, MBBS, MD (Radiology) Fellowship Neuroradiology
Prof. Mukesh Tiwari, M.B.B.S.,M.S.(ORTHOPEDICS).
Dr. Manthan Mehta, MBBS
Dr. K. Meena Anand, MDS (Periodontology), Cert.In LASER, Cert. PHFI Smoking cessation, FAIMER Fellow
Dr. Rajeev Vats, M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. PGDCA
Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman, PhD (Molecular Virology)
Dr. Ashok Kumar Jeppu, MBBS; MD biochemistry
Tanka Khanal, Master of Veterinary Science (Medicine)
Dr. Bhushan S Gaikwad, BDSMDS (Prosthodontics)
Getahun Asebe, Veterinary medicine, Infectious diseases, Veterinary Public health, Animal Science
Dr. Suneeta Singh, B.A.M.S., DIPLOMA IN YOGA., P.G.D.M.H.C., M.D.(PANCHKARMA)
Della Ata, BS in Biological Sciences, MA in Regional Economics pharmacy
Dhastagir S Sheriff, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Niaz Ali, B. Pharmacy Honor, Ph.D. Pharmacology
Namrata Singh, Ph.D. Biomedical sciences
Dr. R. T. Kashinath, Msc Biochemistry, Ph.D. Biochemistry (Medical Faculty), FICS
Dr. Prasoon Gupta, Ph. D.
Jin Li, Postdoctoral fellow Stanford University School of Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine
Amusa S. Adebayo, PhD Pharmaceutics MSc (Pharmaceutics), MBA B. Pharm.
Kalyana Chakravarthy, BDS, MDS in Public Health Dentistry
Viral N Shah, MBBS, MD (internal medicine) DM (endocrinology) FCCP
Jixin Zhong, Ph.D.
Conxita Mestres, Pharmacy Doctor
Dr. Rekha Shenoy, BDS, MDS
Alagar Raja, M.Pharm,PhD
Farid Azmoudeh Ardalan, National board of clinical and anatomical pathology M.D.
Dr. Prashant Pandya, B.Pharmacy, MMM, Ph.D ( Alt. Medicine and Business Management)
Datta Debranjan, MSc, Ph.D.
Li-Pin Kao, PHD
Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Tahrir Nazzal Aldelaimi, B.D.S.,M.Sc.,F.I.B.M.S., D.L.M.F.S.
Henrique Tomaz do Amaral Silva, PhD Medical Image Processing (2014)
Wael Ibrahim Alkhiary, MD, MSc, PhD
Xingnan Li, Ph.D.
Emre Yalcinkaya, Chief of CU and Grade A Consultant Cardiologist
Rahul Vikram Singh, MSc, PhD(P)
Arundhati Biswas, MBBS,MS(General Surgery),FCPS,MCh,DNB (Neurosurgery)
Santhosh Kumar, Reader, Department of Periodontology, Manipal University, Manipal
Minyahil, MSc in Clinical pharmacy
Dr. Hrushikesh Aphale, MDS- Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Fellow- World Federation of Orthodontist, USA.
Soroush Haghighi-Manesh, PhD
Jaya Chandra, MSc Medical Microbiology
Dr. G.R. Baranidharan, M.V.Sc(Ph.D)
Dr. Mohammed Osman, MRCPI Ireland MD oncology Egypt
Osama Alali, PhD in Orthodontics. Department of Orthodontics. School of Dentistry, University of Damascus. Damascus, Syria. 2013 Masters Degree in Orthodontics. Department of Orthodontics. School of Dentistry, University of Damascus. Damascus, Syria. 2006 Postgraduate Diploma in Orthodontics. Department of
Shahanawaz SD, Master of Physiotherapy in NeurologyPhD- Pursuing in Neuro PhysiotherapyMaster of Physiotherapy in Hospital Management
Vikram Kemmannu Bhat, MBBS MS DNB MNAMS PhD [ENT]
Sofia Nancio, Ph.D.
Dr. Sumeet Gullaiya, M.Pharm, PhD
Md. Nazmul Hoque, Master of Science in Theriogenology
Hafiza Sobia Ramzan, M.Phill
Prabudh Goel, MCh (Pediatric Surgery, Gold Medalist), FISPU, FICS-IS
Hedilberto Sousa, Mestre em Clínica Odontológica
Senthilkumar Rajagopal, PhD
Victor Eduardo de Souza Batista, DDs, MSc candidate.
Dr. Aarti Garg, Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) M.D.S. in Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistr Pursuing Phd in Dentistry
Saw Bawm, BVSc, MAgr, PhD/ZCE
Ghulam Nabi, M.Phil. Endocrinology
Sukesh Voruganti, PhD candidate
Dr. Shabana Naz Shah, PhD. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Dr. Maulin P Shah, Ph.D., Environmental Microbiology
Jimmy Tam Huy Pham, MHS, MA, DO
Carola Erika Lorea, Junior fellow at Italian Institute of oriental Studies
Sabreena Safuan, PhD (Pathology) MSc (Molecular Pathology and Toxicology) BSc (Biomedicine)
Anubrata Paul, Ph.D.
Raouf Hajji, MD, Specialty Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine
Suresh B N, PhD
Vaishnavi V.K Vedam, Master of dental surgery _ oral pathology
Surekha Damineni, Ph.D with Post Doctoral in Cancer Genetics
Parul Kodan, MD MEDICINE
Simon Bernard Iloki Assanga, Senior Researcher, PhD in Pharmaceutical Science; SNI 1 Level ; Specialist in Pharmacology, Immunology and Molecular Biology and Head of Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Bioactivos y Alimentos Funcionales(LIBAF) de RUBIOPHARMA.
Garumma Tolu Feyissa, MPH, PhD candidate
Hasan Emre Aydin , MD, PhD
Birendra Kumar Roy, M.V.Sc.,Ph. D.
Tariq Aziz, PhD Biotechnology in Progress
Dr. Sai Mahesh Reddy Avula, M.V.Sc
Dr. Preethi Selvaraj, MD Community Medicine
Otieno David Odongo, Ph.D.
Navjot Shah, Ph.D.
Ajay Manickam, MBBS
Rupinder Kaur Brar, MBBS, MD PATHOLOGY
Dr. Suraj Agarwal, Bachelor of dental SurgeryMaster of dental Surgery in Oromaxillofacial Radiology.Diploma in Forensic Science & Oodntology
Abhinav parakh, Master of Dental Surgery
Bindhu Suma Sekar, Msc Medical Anatomy,phD
alessandra pelagalli, senior researcher
Maria Bindu Bagh, MS, PhDFellow, National Institutes of Health
Tesfaheywet Zeryehun, MSc
Dr. Sharad Bhalekar, M.S. (ENT)
Aarti Kochhar, MDS Prosthodontics
Manoj Deshmukh, MPT Neurology
Yasir Mehmood, M. Phill
Mahesh Shivaji Chavan, PhD
Xiaosun Lu, PhD
Ramya Siddaiah, BDS,MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery).
Dr. Renita Soares, MDS Conservative, Esthetic dentistry and Endodontics
Damiana Scuteri, Post-Doc Degree in Pharmacy, PhD in Cellular Biochemistry and Activity of Drugs in Oncology
Gunjan Kalyani, M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Dr. K. Silambuselvi, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D. Nutrition
Nidhi Manaktala, BDS, MDS (oral Pathology)
Mojtaba Ghasemi, Biomedical Research
Dr. Harsha Makwana, MD Anaesthesia Working as Associate Professor in emergency medicine department
Rui Pedro Pereira de Almeida, PhD Student in Health Sciences program, MSc in Quality Management in Healthcare Facilities
Yon-Min Kim, Radiotechnologist (Korea) ARDMS (abdome, OB& GY, Vascular sonographer)
Gladius Jennifer Hirudayaraj, M.Sc (Biostatistics) and PhD (Public Health)
Dr. Jaya Singh Kshatri, MBBS, MD (Community Medicine), PG Diploma in Geriatric Medicine
Prabhaker Mishra, Ph.D. (Statistics)
Abdel Rahman Zueter, B.Sc. Laboratory Medicine, M.Sc. Laboratory Medicine, M.Sc. Medical Parasitology, Ph.D. Medical Bacteriology
Yang Qiya, PhD
Dr. Yadneshwar Khobragade, MBBS(AIIMS), MD(AIIMS) PG-DMCH(IGNOU)
Dr. Sachin Kumar, PHD
Meliha Merve Hiz, PhD
Namrata Singh, M.Pharm
Nikita Saraswat, M.Pharm
Dr. Pranay Wal, PhD
Saturnino Marco Lupi, Research fellow
Anwar Said El-Shahawy, Doctorate DEtat, Mention Science, Academy of Montpelier (France) 1979
Masako Shomura, Resistered NursePublic Health NursePhD
Mohammad Mostafa Ansari-Ramandi, Cardiology resident
Razzagh Mahmoudi, PhD
Muktachand L Rokade, MBBS,MD,DNB Radiology
Rachel Mahas, PhD Health Education MS Basic Medical SciencesMPH
Dr. Nilesh Vinayak More, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Biotechnology)
Md. Abu Sayed, PhD
Kyoko Kasahara, MD., PhD.
Md Mustahsan Billah, M.Pharm
Shyamchand Mayengbam, Ph.D. (Food and Nutritional Sciences)
Beatriz Losada Vila, Univ Complutense Madrid: Degree of MedicineMedical OncologistMaster CNIO Molecular OncologyExpert Degree Thromboembolic diseaseMaster ICO Investigation in Oncology
Agostino Pozzi, MD
Dr. Jayaweera Arachchige Asela Sampath Jayaweera, M.B.B.S. (Peradeniya), M.Sc.(Peradeniya), M. Phil (Peradeniya) Dip. Micro (Colombo) MD trainee
Dr. Indra Selvam, PhD (Nursing)
Lilit Karapetyan, PhD
Sreekumar Ramachandran, Ph.D
Alejandro Palacios, PhD
Igor Victorovich Lakhno, MD, PHD, Ob&Gyn
Addis Shiferaw, MSc
Indra P Sharma, Master of Clinical Optometry (MClin.Optom)
Magali Robert, MSc (health research)
Abera Geatchew Obsa, MA in Counseling Psychology
Danyel Bueno Dalto, Veterinary Ph.D. in Animal Science Nutrition Minerals and Vitamins
Divya Mudumba, Bachelor of Dental Surgery Master of Dental Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry
Liye Zou, Effects of aging and neurological disorders on health, PhD
Tebelay Dilnessa, MSc in Diagnostic and Public Health Microbiology
Rabiatul Basria SMN Mydin, Ph.D (Cancer Genetics)BSc. (Biotechnology)
Yan Wang, PhD
Farideh Bahrami, PhD
Sanjeev Vasudev Jakati , MDS Orthodontics
Amin Abolhasani Foroughi,
Raziyeh Maasoumi, Sexology Sexual and Reproductive Health Mixed methods studies Quantitative methods studies Qualitative methods studies
Jamila M.M Alshaiki, PHD medical Microbiology
Dr. Malathi N, MDS Oral Pathology
Koyel Kar, Bachelor of Pharmacy- Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and allied Health Sciences (WBUT). Master of Pharmacy- JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty (JSS university, Mysore). PhD- Registered in 2013 at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (formerly known as WBUT), West Bengal
Mahiti Gupta, PhD
Meysam Ebrahimi Far,
Sheyda Najafi,
Marakanam Srinivasan Umashankar, M.Pharm.,Ph.D.,
Saurav Khanal, Doctor of Pharmacy ( Pharm D)
Ghanshyam Gahlot, M.Sc(Medical) Biochemistry with Ph.D. (Medical) Biochemistry From:- Sardar Patel Medical College, District (Bikaner), State (Rjasthan), Country-India.
Eleftherios Karatzanos, MSc, PhD
Fatiha EL Hilali, PhD
mario cappellette jr, PhD, DDS https://lattes.cnpq.br/3772804052798387
Mohammad Kermansaravi,
Faten Abo-Aziza Mohamed Abo-Aziza, phD
Jan Dauwe, Medical Doctor orthopaedic and trauma surgery
Marzieh Amirmostofian, Medicinal Chemistry Synthesis Analytical Instruments
Marcos Moradas, Profesor Asociado
Maria Vadala, researcher
Gisele Farias,
Francis ZEUKENG, Ph.D
Dr. Arpit Bandi, MBBS, MS (General Surgery)
Meer M Chisthi, MBBS, MS(General Surgery)
Mustafa Geleto Ansha, Master of Public Health in Health Services Management
Laila Ezzat Abdulfattah, PhD
Marcus V H Carvalho, Professor Of Surgery
Cristiane Helena Gallasch, Registered Nurse Nursing PhD
Sattwikesh Paul, MS in Veterinary Surgery
Jose Olimpio Tavares de Souza, Doctor Veterinary Medicine Specialization Veterinary Ophthalmology Master in Biological Animal Science
Grigorios Nasios, Neurologist, Associate Professor for communication disorders Speech and Language Therapy Department
Cleidiel Aparecido Araujo Lemos, DDS, MSc, PhD Student
Mehmet Bugra Bozan, General Surgery Breast Surgery Thyroid Surgery Laparascopic Sleeve Gastretomy Gall Bladder Surgery Colorectal Surgery Gastrectomy and Gastric Cancer
Dr. K. Gopakumar, PhD (Biochemistry) and DSc (Fisheries Science), FIC, FNAS, FAA, FSFT
mahendra gudhe, MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), Fellowship In Spine Surgery
Mahmoud Mohamed Elalfy Elhefnawy, PhD of forensic medicine and toxicology
Prof. Pankaj Kumar Shukla, B.V.Sc & A.H.; M.V.Sc.(Poultry Science); Ph.D. (Poultry Science)
Bruno Silva Lemos, Master and PhD in Nutritional Sciences
Ovidiu Mitu, Specialist in Cardiology
Meeti Punetha, Pursuing Phd in VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY (IVRI 2016- Uptodate) MVSc. Animal Physiology (NDRI 2014-2016) BVSc & AH (GBPUAT 2009-2014)
Maurilio de Souza Cazarim, Bsc. Pharmacy
Heba Abdullah Ali, *PhD of pharmaceutics, *Master of science (pharmaceutics) *Bachelor of Pharmacy
Frank Kiwanuka, BSN, MSN, CCRN,PhD
Maria-Lauretta Orji, MBBS FWACP
Tsvetelina Velikova, Clinical Immunology MD PhD
Dr. M V N L Chaitanya, M.Pharm., Ph.D.,
Avni Gupta, Bachelor of Dental Surgery Master of Public Health (Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Payel Sil,
Salma Abdelrahim Saad Shoulah, PhD degree in veterinary Medicine Specialized Infectious Diseases
Nwaka Benjamin Uchechukwu, PhD (Environmental and Radiation Physics) M.Sc (Radiation and Health Physics) B.Sc (Physics/ Education) NCE (Physics/Chemistry)
Jaswandi Tushar Pitale, Ph.D.
Rishan Singh, Biologist, Republic of South Africa
Jacqueline Maisonnave, Dr. DVM,MSc, MPVM, PhD
Fabio Kamamoto, md, Phd
Dr. Rangeel Singh Raina, Professor & Head
Amal Ibrahim Khalil, Associate Professor
Fatma Aboul Khair Farag, Assistant professor of maternity health nursing faculty of nursing Fayoum University Bader University
Danilo Rodrigues Barros Brito, Doctor
Bruna De Oliveira Ascef, Ms.
Dr. Nazek Al-Gallas Alwan,
lubab Tarek Nafea, clinical pharmacist
Zainab Gazar Alkotb Alagamy, Lecturer of Community Health Nursing - Faculty of Nursing - Fayoum University
Zorayda Barrios Puerta, Docente
Dr. Angel G. Polanco Rodriguez, Regional Research Center, Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico. Social Medicine and Public Health Department
Nipin kalal, Nursing faculty
Angela Helena Marin, Reviewer
Dr. Yogesh Sisodia, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics,
Tatiana Martins, https://scholar.google.com/citations?ser=IaocrLMAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR Enfª MSc. Tatiana Martins - COREN-SC 340204 Specialization in Hospital Management - FUNDASC Specialist in Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - HERRERO Doctorate in Nursing - PEN/UFSC CNPq Scholarship Holder
Okoroiwu Henshaww, BMLS, M.Sc, Ph.D in view
Mahmoud Ahmad Mohamed EL-Saied, • B.SC of Biological Sciences, Fayoum University (2002/2006). • Postgraduate Studies in Clinical Biochemistry and Physiology, Suez Canal University (2009/2010). • M.SC Degree in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research Institute, Sadat City University (2011/2017), Molecular Biol
Zeukoo Menkem Elisabeth, PhD
Ihab Eldessouki, MD, MsC, PhD
NOOPUR KHARE, pursuing PhD in Biotechnology
Dr. Honey Gurbaxani, Co sultant orthodontist
Fabio Oliveira de Souza, Biomédico. Especialista em Gestão e Biossegurança em Estética e Cosmética. Mestre em Genética.
Farhana Rizwan, Assistant Professor
Victor Edmundo Valdespino Castillo, Oncology
Alberto De Vitta, Doctor
Shoaib Ahmad, Assistant Professor A & U Tibbia College and Hospital, Karol Bagh, NewDelhi-110005 India
Shiva Shankar Jha, Director, Mahavir Vaatsalya Aspatal, Patna, Bihar, India
Secunda Rupert, Senior Assistant Professor & Co-Investigator, Stem Cell Research Centre, Government Stanley Hospital, Chennai-01
Prakash Simkhada, Lecturer
Erivan Clementino Gualberto Júnior,
Diptiman Choudhury, Assistant Professor-III
Gustavo Lugo Zamudio, Master
Olfat Salem, Professor Nursing Administration
Dr. Bhavna Sharma, Consultant Pathologist
A.T.M. MIjanur Mijan Rahman, Associate Professor
Dr. Hrishikesh Kashyapa, Drug Safety Physician
Rengin Kosif, Name: Rengin Surname: Kosif
Dr. Priza Subedi, Assistant Professor (Physiology)
Dr. Priyanka Chakkarwar, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
Dr. Esther Kemunto Mocheche, LECTURER
Dr.Garima Suryavanshi, Assistant Professor
Dr. Ashish Shrikant Satpute, Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department
Sahar Ali Abdelmohsen, Assistant professor of medical surgical nursing
Rasha Ibrahem EL- Sayed Anany, Assistant professor of nursing administration and management. Faculty of nursing. Port-Said University
Simarjeet Kaur, Assistant Professor
Gokul Sridharan, Associate Professor
Madiha Hassan Nabih Mohamed, lecture of medical surgical nursing - Faculty of nursing Mansoura University - Egypt
Dvison de Melo Pacifico,
Evgeniya Beskhmelnitsyna, Beskhmelnitsyna
Lisa Koodie,
Johirul Islam, Research Associate
Abdul-Hafee, M., M., Prof Emeritus at Animal Health Research Institute ARC, Egypt, Assiut Lab.
Dr. Sachin Sharma, Senior Resident
Dr. Thayumanavan Thangavelu, Professor of Biotechnology
Shaik Chand Basha, Assistant Professor
Aalaa abo elnour, DR
Navya C J, Asst. Professor in community medicine
Nikhil Shantilal Dangar, Assistant Professor (Animal Genetics and Breeding) College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari - 396450, State - Gujarat, India
Jayendrakumar Dasharathlal Patel, Chief Executive Officer
Tahmina Shirin, Professor (Virology) Chief Scientific Officer Department of Virology
Elmano De Araujo Loures, MD,Msc
Rafael Henrique Prado Silva, Graduated:
Bhanu Kumar Sharma, Asst prof
NDO Jotham Yhi-pênê,
Saleh A. S. AlAbdulhadi, Assistant Professor & Consultant, Medical Molecular Genetic Founder and Chairman of Medical Molecular Genetic Unit Head of Medical Genetic Division
Loai Aljerf, Prof.
Dr. SHAIK HARUN RASHEED, Professor in Pharmaceutics Head, Department of Pharm.D
Dr. Smita Suhane, Assistant Professor, Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune- 18
Dr. Anurag Minz, Zonal Child Health Consultant
Akhilesh Kumar, Scientist (Senior Scale)
Kariyawasam Kellapatha Vithanage Sasika Peshala, Lecturer, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Tariq Al-Saadi, Neurosurgery
Dr.Hayder A.L. Mossa, Assistant Professor
Firas R. Jameel, Researcher
Alessandro Parodi,
Dr. Sandul Yasobant, Researcher
Patricia Milhoransa, PhD
Júlio César Chaves Nunes Filho, Reviewer
Smitha Sivapragasam, Postdoctoral research fellow
Muhammad Sirajo, Senior Lecturer
ILUKOR GERESOM, Principal Health Tutor/Deputy Principal, School of Hygiene-Mbale, P.O Box 221, Mbale, Uganda
Dr Chaitanya Shrikant Hawaldar, MDS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Head and Neck Oncosurgeon.
Rafael Germán Campos-Montiel, Professor
Priyanka samantha Nawarathna, Pharmacist
VIKRAMJIT SINGH, Teaching Associate
Mansoor Aslamzai, Professor, Department of Neonatology, KUMS
Anes Abdulwahid Mohammed Thabit, Head of Pharmacy department, Medical sciences college, Al-Razi university, Yemen
Hemanth kumar Mamidi, Research Assistant
Sathiskumar Swamiappan, Post Doctoral Fellow
VIKRAMJIT SINGH, Assistant Professor
ilknur Babahan,
Jiang-yang (JY) Zhao, My PhD training was primarily genetics and molecular immunology. Currently I am working on antibody therapeutics discovery and development. I would like to offer peer reviews in related fields.
Dr Mangla Sood, Associate Professor Pediatrics Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla
Giselle Cristina Vargas Vargas, Medico Anestesiologo Profesor Universitario Fisiologia Medica/Farmacologia para anestesiologos
Raquel da Silva Ferreira, Review of scientific articles
Alexandrina S Nikova, Resident at the department of neurosurgery, Evangelismos General Hospital Master student at the department of neurosurgery, National and Kapodistrian unviersity of Athens PhD candidate at the dep. of neurosurgery, Democritus university of Thrace
Ajay chhabra, prof. head
Rajesh Kumar, Assistant Professor
Abeer Saad Ahmed, Professor of veterinary Microbiology & head of unit of chemistry and Clinical Pathology department, Central Laboratory for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics (CLEVB), Abbasia, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt.
Chien-Wei LEE,
Ramakrishna Prudhivi, Associate Professor
Changlin Yang,
Muhammed Sahin,
Dr. Lokesh Kumar Yogi, MS Orthopedic Surgery
Dr. Mohd Athar Iqbal, Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon & Implantologist
Dr Shashank Agarwal, Assistant Professor ( Orthopaedics)
Dr. Shibu Sasidharan, Head, Trauma, Anaesthesia and Critical Care, MONUSCO, Goma, DRC.
Mylsami T, Associate Professor
Abhishek Mishra, Postdoctoral Fellow
Thiago Henrique Jiran Ferreira Leite, Master´s in progress
Marzia Khatan Smita, Lecturer
David Melendez-Martinez,
Jian-Lie Zhou, M.D., Ph.D., FCCP
MIRZA SALMAN MIRZA ABID BAIG, Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutics
Rania Elsayed Ramadan,
Dr. Parijat Chakraborty, BDS, MDS
Nidhi Biren Parikh, Final year post graduate student in conservative dentistry and endodontics
Dr. Palani Selvi Kamaraj, M.D.S- Master of Dental Surgery in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Omar Mardenli, Dr
Inbaraj Kanitha Christy, Post Doctoral Researcher
Ali Serhal,
Bárbara Camilo Rosa, Reviewer of articles in the field of speech therapy, specifically in audiology in relation to the auditory system and electrophysiology.
pascale aouad,
Peter C. Hart,
Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi G, MDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. Saiwasan Buathong,
Delina Xhafaj, PhD
Anca Jivanescu, Professor, DMD, PhD
Seema Saini, Professor
Dr Sunil Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor Community Medicine
Dr Sunil Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor Community Medicine
Monique Oliveira Freitas, PhD student/researcher of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Nehaben Gujarati, Ph.D
Muhammed Emin DÜZ, Amasya University, Sabuncuoğlu Şerefeddin Training and Research Hospital, Clinical Biochemistry
ashraf sameh refaie,
Bárbara Riestra-Candelaria,
karim Mahmoud Mohamed Fathy Gharbeya,
Paulo Rodolfo Tagliari Barbisan,
mathieu levesque, Neurologist, FRCP, MD
Ravi Manne, Biochemist
Dr. Aditi Munmun Sengupta, Medical Officer, CK Birla Hospitals; Research Scholar, University of Calcutta; Harvard Medical School, Post Graduate Association Member; Life member,Indian Science Congress Association.
Dr. Fathima Seles, Pathologist
Abubakari Wuni, Senior Health Tutor Head, Research Quality Improvement & Ethics Unit Nurses and Midwives Training College, Tamale Ghana
RITA D CRASTA, RN 1V QI specialist with Covenant health System
José Francisco Murrieta Pruneda, Reviewer
Chien han tsao, otorhinolaryngology, OSAS, transoral robotic surgery
Ahmed Magdy Ahmed Khalil,
Mohammed Albreiki, Post Doctoral Fellow / Clinical Scientist-Biochemistry
layla Omran Elmajdoub,
Dr. Venkatesan Natarajan, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education and Research, Bangalore, India - 560064
Noenko Igor,
Dr. Veenu Sangwan, Assistant Scientist Nodal Officer, AICRP
Rana Ahmed Mohammed Elsaied Elfitiany,
Alexis Germán Murillo Carrasco, Mr.
Atindra Mishra, Associate Professor
kwabena oppong,
Wadad S Mneimneh,
Wendy Kaichun Xu,
Shalin Parikh, Senior Research Scientist
killi Nidesh Kumar, Associate Professor
Cyrus Mutie Paul, Senior Nursing Officer, Assistant Lecturer in Nursing and Public Health (BSN & PH, MSc International Health).
Claudemir de Carvalho, Dr.
DR. khushboo badjatya, PROFESSOR
Laura Gusman Soares,
Dr. Sumanth S. Hiremath, Assistant Professor
Ruchi Dhar, Assistant Professor Dept. of Community Medicine
Kaushalendra Chaturvedi, Sr Scientist
Sandeep Kumar Yadav, Research Scientist
waad Ayed Al-Otaibi,
ZHEN XIAO, PhD candidate, graduate researcher of Brown Univerisity
Emilio Viktorov Mateev, Assistant Professor
MOHAMMED JAFFER PINJAR, Assistant Professor of Physiology
Dr. Saurabh Pramanik, Assistant Professor
Utpreksha vaish, Postdoctoral Scholar
Yuniel Amado Díaz Naranjo, Doctor
Alexander Biart Vega, Dr.
Jiatong Li,
LI, Hang Long, Mr
mounia bendari, professor
Dr.Namrata Madan Khetal,
Dr Manish Purohit, Associate Professor,Microbiology Co-PI Virology Lab
DR. HARI TEJA AVIRNENI, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Danfu Ma, Ph.D.
Eman Shawkat Ramadan, Prof. Dr. Eman S. Ramadan
Puja Gupta, Postdoctoral fellow
Bruno Rabello Gueldini, Psychologist, psychoanalyst and masters student and researcher in the Postgraduate Studies Program in Clinical Psychology at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. I also work as a consultant in schools and have experience with issues related to the clinic, sexuality and gender.
Rafael Franco e Silva, Health and safety
Nikola Smatlik,
Alexandre Gonçalves,
Abdelmhmoud Atalmanan Abdelsadig, Vaccinologist, Immunology & virology Department of veterinary laboratories, Ministry of Environment Water and Agriculture Alhaditha quarantine, Virology and molecular biology unit SAUDI ARABIA
Owais Ahmed Patel, Senior Resident Doctor
ZAHOOR AHMAD PARRAY, Research Associate
Aouatef Mahfoudh, Professor
Shimaa Mubarak,
David Rowland,
Mrudula Naidu, Research Scientist
Namrata Makkar, Senior Medical Administrator
Ritesh P Thakare, Ritesh P. Thakare, PhD Postdoctoral Research Associate Brown University
Dr.Jayakumar K, Professor and Head of the Department
Kyaw Thiha, Medical Officer (Team Leader)
klevisa.muca klevisa.muca,
klevisa.muca klevisa.muca,
Happy Nkanta Monday, Researcher
Grace Ugochi Nneji, Research Assistant
Fatma Ben Waer,
Joy Nissi.Palagani, Doctor of Pharmacy
Jasmine Farhana, Assistant professor in psychiatric Nursing
Rajat Goyal, Assistant Professor
Aprajita Pankaj,
Peng Li,
Ian Robertson, MD
Chechare Dheeraj Dattatray, Asst.Prof.
Somya Ranjan Dash,
Sangeetha Nagalingam, MD Pathology
PRASANNA K VADDI, Post-Doctoral fellow
Dr.Namrata Madan Khetal,
Shohreh Ghasemi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of OMFS Department of Augusta University
Chinmay Guralwar, Medical intern
Dr. Masaraf Hussain, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, AIIMS, Guwahati, India
Victus Bobonkey Samlafo, Associate Professor
Kapil gupta, Doctor
Dominik Lewandowski,
Lahoda Daria, PhD, cardiologist, therapist, doctor of humoral medicine, assistant of the department of family medicine and polyclinic therapy of Odesa National Medical University
Hector R. Diaz Aguila, Consulting professor
Arushi, Healthcare Research Data Analyst
Aynur Aliyeva,
Nicolás Padilla-Raygoza, Coordinator of Research Projects
Peihui Zou, Dr.
Ana Milena Doria Martínez, Forensic Odontology
Jinhua Chen,
Susan Asiimwe, Midwife and womens health specialist
Ahmed Mahmoud Kadry Tayee,
Antonella Scarciglia,
Isha Soni, Postdoc
Ben Bouzid Yassine,
Iane de Oliveira Pires Porto,
Heba Gamal Ali Abdullah, PH degree in food hygiene and control ( researcher)
Yingqi Wang,
Natalia Wojtasiak,
Matheus Amorim Grigorio, Reviewer
Ana Lucia Monteiro Wanzeller, revisor
Shravan Gowrishankar, Doctor
xiaoyu hu,
Victor Hugo Schaly Cordova, Biologist, Pharmacist and Master in Psychiatry and Behaviour Science.
Nalin Krishantha Abeydeera, Kekiriwara Godage, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
Rasha Gomaa Tawfik, rasha
Pratap Basim, Formulation Scientist
Maria Jose Pelaez Soni,
Dr Fariah I. Gaba, BMedSci.Hons,UK, DDS
Dr. Fariah Gaba, General Dentist



Dr. Ambar Vijay Beharay

PhD in Management, MBA (Marketing), B.Com, Pune University, India

Dr. John D. Theodore

American Military University JDT Management Consultants, President. D.B.A., Business Economy University of South Africa Ph.D. Aristotelian University Business Administration Ph.D. Administration, University of Kansas USA

Dr. Mehdi Taghian

Senior Lecturer Faculty of Business and Law BL Deakin Business School Melbourne Burwood Campus Australia

Dr. Agni Aliu

Ph.D. in Public Administration, South East European University, Tetovo, RM Associate professor South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia

Dr. Wing-Keung Wonn

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Finance and Big Data Research Center Asia University, Taiwan

Dr. Carlos Garcia Pont

Associate Professor of Marketing IESE Business School, University of Navarra Doctor of Philosophy (Management), Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Master in Business Administration, IESE, University of Navarra Degree in Industrial Engineering, U

Dr. Bassey Benjamin Esu

B.Sc. Marketing; MBA Marketing; Ph.D Marketing Lecturer, Department of Marketing, University of Calabar Tourism Consultant, Cross River State Tourism Development Department Co-ordinator, Sustainable Tourism Initiative, Calabar, Nigeria

Dr. Ivona Vrdoljak Raguz

University of Dubrovnik, Head, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Croatia

Dr. Albrecht Classen

Staatsexamen/M.A. University of Marburg, Germany, Ph.D. University of Arizona, University Distinguished Professor at the University of Arizona, Director of Undergraduate Studies, United States

Prof. Moji Moatamedi

Honorary Vice Chair Ph.D., at The University of Sheffield, MBA, Manchester Business School University of Manchester UK

Professor Maura Sheehan

Professor, International Management Director, International Centre for Management & Governance Research (ICMGR) Ph.D. in Economics UK

Dr. Carl Freedman

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in English, Yale University Professor of English, Louisiana State University, US

Dr. Tsutomu Harada

Professor of Industrial Economics Ph.D., Stanford University Doctor of Business Administration Kobe University, Japan

Dr. Xiaohong He

Professor of International Business University of Quinnipiac BS, Jilin Institute of Technology; MA, MS, Ph.D., (University of Texas-Dallas) UK

Dr. Shnke M. Bartram

Department of Accounting and Finance Lancaster University Management School Ph.D. (WHU Koblenz) MBA/BBA (University of Saarbr?cken)

Dr. Dodi Irawanto

Ph.D., M.Com, B.Econ Hons. Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia

Yue-Jun Zhang

Ph.D. Professor of International Business College of Business Purdue University Northwest Hammond, Indiana US

Dr. Brandon S. Shaw

B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Biokinetics, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Professor Department of Sport and Movement Studies University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Dr. Menon Sreedharan Mampully

MA, Ph.D, LLM, MBA. CAIIB, University of Mumbai, India

Paul Thaddeus Kazibudzki

Doctor of Economic Sciences (Ph.D) Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Field: Economics Discipline: Management Sciences Name and type of organisation providing education and training Institute of Organization and Management in the Industry, Poland

Dr. Robert Soni

Ph.D in Management

Dr. Yongbing Jiao

Ph.D in Marketing, Masters Degree in School of Management, Ningbo University of Technology, China

Dr. Mohsen Ben Salem Brahmi

Ph.D in Economics ICT Management (Honors), Campus Southern Scientific IAE Business Administration School, France

Dr. Ali Dehghan

Ph.D. in Technology, MS.c. in Engineering Management, MS.c. in Marketing & e-commerce, BS.c in Electrical Engineering, Eastern Michigan University, United States

Dr. Bhavesh O. Vanparia

Ph.D in Management, BBA, MBA in Marketing, PGD in Research Methodology, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, India

Dr. Charles A. Rarick

Ph.D in Policy Analysis and Administration, M.B.A in Management, B.S. in Accounting, Psychology, Purdue University Calumet, United States

Dr. Afroditi Anagnostopoulou

Ph.D in Operational Research, BSc in Management Science and Technology, Department of Management Science and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Dr. Mohd Norfian Alifiah

Ph.D in Business Management (Finance), Master in Business Administration (Finance), Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Gabariel Dwomoh

Ph.D in Human Resource Management, MBA in Finance, Industrial Management, Universidad Empresarial De Costa Rica, Ghana

Dr. Mohamed M. Elheddad

Ph.D, M.Sc in Economics, BA (Horour) in Economics, Hull University Business School, University of Hull, United Kingdom

Dr. Bettina Mrusek

Ph.D. in Business Administration from Northcentral University, Assistant Professor and Program Chair for the Master's in Aviation Maintenance at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. United State

Dr. Nigel Raylyn DSilva

Ph.D in Econometrics, MBA in International Business, B.Sc in Statistics, N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & Research, Affiliated to Mumbai University, India

Dr. Iqtidar A. Shah


Dr. Bhakta Bandhu Dash

Ph.D. (Management Studies), MBA (HR), LLB, M. A. Psychology, 1 st Class 1 st Gold Medalist, Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade) Human Resource Management, Associate Dean, Admission and Students Affairs, ASBM University, India

Prof. Dr. Lóránt Dénes Dávid

PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Dr. Vitalii Nitsenko

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Educational and Scientific Institute of Marine Business, Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine

Dr. Johnbosco Chukwuma Ozigbu

Ph.D, M.Sc., MBA Banking and Finance, B.Sc. Marketing, International Economics and Finance, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Mishra

DLitt, PhD, MTTM, MHM, MBA, BHM, FIH, FMBRC, FHIS, FABI, FIIP, FCEGR, FRIOASD, FSASS, MIMA, MISTD, MISTE, AMT (AIMA), Dean – School of Hospitality & Tourism, Galgotias University, Greater Noida.

Dr. Ina D McDermott

Ph.D. (New York University (NYU)),MS (Johns Hopkins University), USA

Dr. Anurag Hazarika


Dr. Bentolhoda Abdollahbeigi


Dr. Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

MBA degree

Dr. Samrat Ray

Senior Researcher in Economics, Lecturer in Marketing and economics at Polytechnic University, Russia

Reviewers in Management
Ashraf Imam, BSc(Hons), PGEDP, MFC
Zied Bouaziz, Ph.D.
Ayhan Kapusuzoglu, Ph.D.
Hakimi Abdelaziz, Ph.D.
Dr. Jyoti Agarwal, Ph.D. in Commerce P.G. Diploma in Business Management
Dodi Irawanto, Ph.D. Cross Cultural Management
Yongbing Jiao, Ph.D. Marketing Associate Professor of Marketing
Mounir Belloumi, Ph.D.
Mohsen Bensalem Br., Ph.D.
Dr. Badar Alam Iqbal, Ph.D, M.Com, DSW, DBA, AIMA-Accredited Management
Sangeeta Mohanty, PG Statistics, Ph.D.
Dr. Soma Sharma, M.Com, MBA, MIRPM
Srividhya Srinivasan, M.com, M.Phil, MBA
Dr. P. Malyadri, M.Com, (HRM), Ph.D.
Amir Manzur Wain, M.Phil
Dr. Bhavesh Vanpariya, Ph.D., MBA, PGDRM
Haruna Issahaku, PhD, Mphil, Bsc.
Nasim Ghanbartehrani, PhD in Industrial Engineering MBA
Beenish Ameer, BBA(HONS), MS(FINANCE)
Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman, Ph.D., MBA (HRM), MPM (Project Management), M.A English, M.Ed. (Education)
Nadeem Abbas, MBA
Alireza Mamaghani, Ph.D.
Ali Dehghan, PhD
Charles Rarick, Ph.D., Saint Louis University
Iosif Cornel, Economist
Ajmer Singh, PhD.
Naveed Saif, PhD ( HR )
Alaa Musallam Albkour, Pursuing Ph.D. (Accounting and Finance), from AMU, Aligarh (INDIA).
Ruhizal Roosli, Ph.D. in Housing Studies, ME in Housing Studies
Sajjad, MS Management
Ashish Agarwal, Ph.D. (IIT DELHI)
Saleem, MS (HR) MBA
Gabariel Dwomoh , Ph.D.
Abhishek Tiwari, PGDM (honours) (HR & Finance), M.A. (Economics) M.Com , B.Com, C.A. PEE
Ramel D. Tomaquin, Ph.D., Ph.D. in Philippine Studies and Doctor in Public Administration ( Ph.D., DPA).
Shun-Chung Lee, M. Tech
Dr. Ajay Pal Kaushik, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Dr. Junaid M. Shaikh, PhD,M.Phil; M.Com;B.Com (Hons),GDCA
Dr. V. Mahalakshmi, ML, MBA, Ph.D.
Anil Kumar, M.Sc. in Computer Science MBA
Dr. Bhawana Bhardwaj, Ph.D. ( Management), UGC-NET, MBA(HRM)
Mansour Esmaeil Zaei, Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Arts, Panjab University, Area: Knowledge Management M.A. Public Administration, Major: Change Management, Department of Social Sciences & Economics, Tehran Payeme Noor University (TPNU), IRAN, 2010 B.A. Teaching at Primary School, Isla
Dr. Ramu Nagarajapillai, M.com.,M.Phil.,M.F.M.,PGDBA.,Ph.D
Dilip Saikia, M.Phil in Applied Economic, MA
Md. Mamunur Rashid, Master of Business Administration in Finance & HRM. Student of M.Phil
K. M. Anwarul Islam, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Ph.D.
Dr. Byram Anand , B.Tech (civil ), MBA ( marketing Management), M.com(general) PGDCA( computers) PDAOR, Ph.D
Amir Khazaei, Ph.D.
Daniela Roxana Andron, Lecturer, phD in Management, Teacher Training -Economics
Dr. N Maruti Rao, M.Com.,M.Phil., Ph.D., IIMA-FDP Alumni
Md. Hasebur Rahman, MBA,PhD Fellow
Dr. Anas ALQudah, Assistant Professor Ph.D Financial Management Master Degree Financial Management BA Accounting
Adil Zia, PhD in Marketing Management
Sunil Kumar, Ph.D., M.Phil., PGDM and MA
Zeba Amjad, M.phil(Economics) Research Continue
Mohammad Reza Noruzi, EMBA, PhD Student
Rakshit Negi, D.Phil. in Commerce/e-Marketing
Dr. M. Safdar Rehman, PhD
Akmal Shahzad, MS-MGT
Ivona Vrdoljak Raguz, Ph.D.
Abdul Latif Alhassan, Bsc. Business Administration (Banking and Finance) M.Phil. Business Administration (Risk Management and Insurance)
Gorze Mitka Iwona, Ph.D.
Abhishek Kumar, B.Sc., MBA
Sang-Bing Tsai, Editorial board member of Issues in Business Management and Economics (IBME) Editorial board member of Open Journal of Finance Editorial board member of SOP Transactions on Marketing Research
Dr. Haitham Hmoud AL Shibly, PhD in Information Systems 2007 School of Design, Communication & Information Technology, University of Newcastle- Australia
Dr. Yuen Yee Yen, PhD (Management) (Multimedia University Malaysia)
Naveed Ahmad S/O Mushtaq Ahmad, MS ( Business Administration )
Muhammad Israr, Ph.D.
Muhammad Hashim , Ph.D.
Mohd Norfian Alifiah, PHD in Business Management (Finance)
Uqbah bin Muhammad Iqbal, PhD (History) (February 2012 - Present) - Now waiting for the viva process in June 2015 Master of Business Administration (MBA) (2012) B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) (International Relation) (2008)
Allieu Badara Kabia, Bsc. Hons Financial services, MSc. Economics with several certificatioons. Now final year PhD researcher in Economics
Dr. Ashok Kurtkoti, BE. MIE. MMM, PhD
Odo Stephen Idenyi, PhD Economics,Diploma Accountancy
Dr. Wael Elhelece, Ph.D.
Wided Mohamed Ragmoun,
Rishipal, Ph.D., MBA
Fakhri Issaqui, Ph.D.
Rajnish Aggarwal, MBA Finance
Agheorghiesei (Corodeanu) Daniela-Tatiana, Associate Professor, PhD.
Dr. Abhilasha Sharma, Ph.D, MBA, B.Sc
Dr. Jayasmita Rath, PhD
Dr. G C Mohanta, Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Masters Degree in Space Engineering & Rocketry, Masters Degree in Business Administration, PhD in Management Studies
Bratu (Simionescu) Mihaela, PhD in Statistics
Dr. Harry Charles Devasagayam, MSW, MBA, Fellow in Academy of HRD and PhD
Dewan Muktadir-Al-Mukit, MBA, BBA (Finance)-University of Dhaka Currently Working as Lecturer in Finance
Dr. Kapil Jain, PhD M.Phil M Com, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management from Institute of Management Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore.
Dr. Vikas Gautam, BSC, MBA, MPHIL, PHD
Hira Mehmood Abbasi, Masters in Economics and Finance
Dr. Prerna Bamoriya, Ph.D. MBA (MS) B.Com (computer application)
Sulieman Ibraheem Al-hawary , Associate Professor of business Administartion
Aimen Ghaffar, BBA Hons.(Finance) MS (Finance)
Mokhalles Mehdi, Pursuing Ph.D PGDM (International Business with Marketing) BE (Computer Science)
Khaliq ur rehman Cheema, PhD Fellow
Prof. Bhavesh Parmar, Ph.D., M.Phil, MBA, BBA
Beenish Bashir, MPhil finance
Dr. Gibbet Murambiwa Magaisa, Doctor of Business Administration
Leow Chee Seng, MBA, Ph.D
Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi, Ph.D,M.B.A,M.A.(Eco.), M.Com,B.Com,
Bhojak Nimesh Pramodkumar, PHD Pursuing in Management, UGC NET Qualified, MBA, BBA
Salam Jassim Hmood, PhD Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management, Strategic Management
Dr. Srinivas K T, M.Com, Ph.d
Lalatendu Kesari Jena, Ph.D.
Ravikumar R, B.sc (Agri), MBA (Agribusiness), Ph.D (Agribusiness and Development Management)
Priyanka P.V, MBA, (PhD in Management), Post Graduate in Advertising and PR and Executive Program for Young Managers.
Umar Ijaz Ahmed, PhD
Uqbah bin Muhammad Iqbal, PhD in History Master of Business Administration Bachelor in International Relations
Kailaspathi. M. Vishwakarma, M.Com., M.Phil,(Ph.D.)
Souhir Neifar, P.h.d Student (P.h.d to be defended in March 2016)
Ramzi Trabelsi, Ph.D in economicsMaster in international finance and macroeconomicsBachelor in economics: finance, monney and bank
Dr. Gazala Yasmin Ashraf, MBA, PhD
Fisseha Mengstie, veterinary epidemiologist
Emnet Negash Debele, MBA in Busienss Adminstration and Assistant Professor at Jimma Univeristy,Ethiopia
Dr. Amit Bijon Dutta, Ph.D, MBA, PG Diploma in Advance Computing,BE(Civil), Diploma in Civil Engineering
Avinash Advani, MS in Human Resource Management
Neeraj Kumar Sharma, MBA, PGDFT, DME, M.Phil(Management)
Dr. Ashutosh Nigam, MBA, MCA Ph.D.(Management)
Rudrarup Gupta, B.Com, MBA
Samuel Pule, MSc.SCM, MBA (Finance & Accounting), PGD(Project Planning & Management), BSPM
Xhavit Islami, Master of Economic Sciences in Management and Informatics
Perumalla Varalaxmi, M.COM.,MBA., PH.D
Dr. Dinesh Mahajan, M.Com, B.Ed., UGC-NET, Ph.D. (Commerce)
Professor Dr. Rer. Pol. Stefan Stackl, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance
Ikrame Selkani,
Thabit Hassan Thabit, Master in Accounting
Mathewos Woldemariam Birru, M.sc. in accounting and finance
Amal Farouk Soliman, Assistant Professor - Business Administration
Bilal Ahmad Pandow, M.Phil MFC
Afroditi Anagnostopoulou, PhD in Operations Research
Devrshi Upadhayay, B.Com-Accounting and Statistics, M.Com, MBA-Finance, PhD-Finance
Ayhan Kuloglu, PhD
Tarekegn Tariku, Msc in Accounting & Finance
Foram Neel Shah, MBA (Marketing)
Md. Nayem Alimul Hyder, LL.B(Hons) LL.M M.S.S in Social Welfare Ph.D in Law
Simon Nahusenay Ejigu, Lecturer
Mohamed Elheddad, PhD student Economics, third year
Richa Aryan, B.COM, M.COM, MBA, Ph.D.
Tajalli Fatima, MS management sciences
Md. Ashraf Ali, BBA (Major in Finance and Banking), MBA (Major in Finance and Banking)
Shahriar Daudpota, MSc. HRD & Consultancy
Ioan-Bogdan Robu, Lecturer, PhD in Accounting and PhD Candidate in Statistics
Sirajuddin Omsa, Doctorate
Anshika Bansal,
Mohammod Naymur Rahman, BBA, MBA, Jagannath University
Amir Ahmad Dar, Ph.D
Apurva Bhatnagar, MHRM , PhD ( Pursuing)
Ali Ahmadi,
Alesia Nichols, Results-driven, personable leader with 25 years extensive experience managing recruiting, hiring, negotiating and strategic/succession planning within highgrowth, evolving banking, retail and energy environments. Able to lead and direct changes in HR delivery throughout all levels of an organizati
Dr. (Mrs.) Chinyere Samuel Ecoma, NCE, B.A. (Hons.) Education History, M.A. African History, Ph.D History
Bettina Mrusek, Ph.D. in Business Administration from Northcentral University
Marcelo Amaral Dionisio, PHD Student
Jung Lang Cheng, Associate Professor
Abdullah Mohammad Al-zoubi, PH-D Accounting Professor Assestence
Aderibigbe Oluwagbemiga Abiodun, B.sc (Hon.) Library and Information Sciences Masters in Library and Information Sciences (M.sc) PhD (In view)
Witness Maluleke, Doctor Technogiae: Policing
Mohamednour Eltahir Ahmed, Phd
Dr. Jan Mohammad, PhD
Ranitha Weerarathna, * Master of Business Administration- University of Sunderland *Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management programme, completed at ICBT Campus, Sri Lanka * Master in Labour Relations and Human Resource Management University of Colombo- (2015-2016) Coursework completed * Bachelor of Business Ma
Umer Jeelanie Banday, (Ph.D Economics), Hub Scientist (Economics) IITD, India
Michael Jordan Bianchi, Michael Bianchi holds a degree in Chemical Engineering with a Masters degree in Project Management and Product Development in Production Engineering from the School of Engineering of So Carlos, University of So Paulo. His work focused on the development of a tool for hybrid project management
Dr. Onkar Nath Mishra,
Dr. Chintala Balaji, Ph.D, M.Phil, M.B.A, B.Sc, Assistant Professor, KL Business School, KLEF, GUNTUR, INDIA.
Francesco Agliata, Assistant professor in Accounting and business administration
Sanjib Biswas, B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) MBA (Operations Management) PhD (Pursuing - Operations Research)
Mukesh Garg, PhD
Dr. Hardeep Kaur, PhD in Business Studies
Richard Wamalwa Wanzala, PhD Finance
Okello john Paul, PhD candidate Finance. MBA Finance, BA-Economics
Prof. P. Rathnaswamy, PhD (Law), PhD (Mgt) , DLitt (Mgt) MCom, LLB, LLM, PG Dip (UK)
Chokri Aloui, Ph.D in Economics, Sousse University, Tunisia.
Hossein Moghimi Esfandabadi,
Jeremy Bennett, PhD
Ignacio Sariego Lopez, PhD.
Sergej Gricar, Econometrics, Hospitality industry management
Poongothai Selvarajan, PhD in ManagementMaster of Business AdminisrationBachelor of Business Administration
Ramprabha K, B.E., MBA., Ph.D
Dr. R. Satheeshkumar, Ph.D
Atena Mirhosseini Vakili,
Nigel Raylyn DSilva, PhD (Econometrics), MBA (International Business), BSc. (Statistics), FDP (IIM- Ahmedabad), Certificate course in Computer Programming (NMIMS)
Gulimzhan Suleimenova, Economist
Avijit Mallik, B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering
Hillary Odor, B.Sc Master of Business Administration (MBA) M.Sc Business Administration (Organisational Behaviour) PhD Business Administration (Organisational Behaviour) in view.
Nurul Mohammad Zayed, MS in Economics Major : International Economics Year of Passing : 2014 Name of Institution : North South University Result : CGPA 3.23 (In the Scale of 4.00) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Major : Finance Year of Passing : 2009 Name of Institution : Eas
Dr. S Gokula Krishnan, MBA., PGDHRM., PhD.,
Anam Bhatti, MBA ( Marketing) University of Sargodha Pakistan PhD scholar Universiti Utara Malaysia
Maher Fouad Hossny, Tourism and Hospitality
Yenesew Alene, I am Assistant Professor in Tourism and Hospitality
Sabastine Mushori, Lecturer
Hossein Niavand, Research Scholar
Dr. Jacob M. Nyambe, Dean: Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, University of Namibia
Valliappan Raju, Associate Professor
Leungo Sigwele, Tourism Marketing/Branding Lecturer
Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer
Hasanuzzaman Tushar, Ph.D. Candidate MBA
Desalegn Tesfaw Abate, MBA in Business Administration BA in Marketing and Sales Management
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh, Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Arindam Banerjee, Assistant Professor
Serge Messomo Elle, Professor
Dr. Khawaja Jehanzeb, Lecturer
Waqar Khalid, PhD Research Scholar
Elmelki Anas, Dr in Finance Assistant Professor in Gafsa University and Dean of higher institute of Arts and Crafts Gafsa University Tunisia
Moetaz Soubjaki,
Elias Haruni Mseti, Lecturer
Hewa kumbalgoda Gamage Sriyani Ranasinghe, Lecturer
wael omran aly,
Arshad Bhat, Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Mustafa Ozer, Professor in Economics and Econometrics
Nadia Mansour, Doctor in finance, lecturer, finance and management researcher university,fellow member of Global Journals
Dr. Ity Patni, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Manipal University Jaipur, India
Afizan Bin Amer, Senior Lecturer
Issa Mohd Hemed, Lecturer
BENDEHIBA Mohamed, Algeria
TRIPON CRISTINA, PhD Assistent Lecturer
Sabari Rajan G B, Associate Professor
Aloysius Rukundo, Lecturer
Farian Tahrim, Researcher
Mutasem Mahmoud Jaloudi, PhD
Iboro E. Nelson, Ph.D Economics (Development/Health Options)
Dennis Murega, Administrator
Shahul Hameed.K, Director
Robert Douglas Waldo, Associate Professor
Nor Zafir Md Salleh, Senior Lecturer
ESAKKIMUTHU, Ph.D. Research scholar
Dr. Raju Rosha, Assistant Professor
Chartaya Nilplub, PhD. in Management
Dr. Palkesh Soni, PhD, MBA
Laxmi Wadhwani, Ph.D
Suyog Dixit,
Dr Muttappa Bagali, Head-MBA; Professor of Management and Human Resources
suat Akyürek, PhD candidate and lecturer
Dr. J. Jose Prabhu, Research Associate & Visiting Professor
Demis Hailegebreal Hailu, PhD candidate, Lecturer
Cristiane Aparecida da Silva, Reviewer
Pritesh Chitrode,
Isaac Tandoh, A professor of management and communications at the Central university business school, Kumasi, campus, Ghana.
Ansar Abbas, Banking Officer
Neetu Mahendru, Assistant Professor at GNA University ,Phagwara
Md. Mokshud Ali, Former Assistant Professor Faculty of Business Administration University of Science and Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh.
Dr.Rajesh Rengaswamy, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Commerce (Information Technology), Department of Commerce (Banking & Insurance), Hindusthan College of Art and Science (Autonomous), Coimbatore - 641 028 India
Dr.Gajendra Naidu jatty, Prof & HOD
bajrang lal, Researcher
Dr. Harpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor
Dr.J.Gajendra Naidu, Prof&HOD Faculty Business and Accounting Botho university Gaborone Botswana
Venketesh Iyer, Head of Analytics, Business Planning and Operations at Facebook. Sales Operations, and Go-To-Market Planning leader. B.E., M.S., M.B.A
Dr.Nandita Mishra, Associate Professor
Cândido J. Peres M.,
Marco Bevolo, Founder, Marco Bevolo Consulting
Mauricio Azálgara Bedoya, Mister / Sir
Jonathan Mukiza Peter Kansheba, PhD-Fellow (International Business)-UiA, Kristiansand-Norway. Lecturer-Department of Business Studies-ARU,Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania
Ernest Ofori Asamoah, Professor of Management
Silvia Helena Carvalho Ramos valladao de Camargo,
Dr. Shilpa Bahl, Associate Professor
zied bouaziz, assistant professor in accounting at the Higher Institute of Management of Gabes
Vitalii Nitsenko, Pr. Dr.
Daniel Oigo Ogachi, Lecturer
Şeyma Güner,
Syafrida Hafni Sahir, Associated Professor
Md. Mobarak Hossain, PhD Candidate in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
Ghada Abdalla Mohamed, Professor
Dr Chitra, Professor
Jayasuriya Arachchillage Prasansha Kumari, Senior Lecturer I (Dr)
Mubinzhon Abduvaliev,
Abdur Rakib Nayeem, Lecturer
Bhavna Sharma, Assistant Professor
Dr.K.A.Keerthi Prabu, Assistant Professor Department of Economics V.O.Chidambaram College Tuticorin
Dr. Salah Ahmed Oraby, Major specialization is Accounting Accurate specialization is Managerial and cost accounting
Abobakr Aljuwaiber,
Dr. Arshed Fouad Altameemi, Finance and Banking
Dr. Ronoh Kipronoh Paul, Director Programmes and Standards
fatma alahouel, PhD in Finance
Dr Hari Lal Bhaskar, Assistant Professor
Prof.N.V.Suresh, Head of the Department Department of Management Studies Remo International College
Prof. (Dr.) Paresh Shah, Principal and Professor, Rai Business School, Rai University, Ahmedabad 380014 INDIA
Chiselebwe Ngandwe, Dr.
Dr.Aarti Sharma, Assistant professor
Dr. Mani Jindal, Assistant Professor
Dr Neha Vashistha, Assistant Professor, School of Business Studies, Shobhit Insitute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed to be University)
Dr. Sajjad Ahmad Parry, Assistant Professor
Dr. Danstun Ngonyani, Lecturer
Dr Sarita Mishra, Assistant Professor, Sri Sri University, Cuttack
Walid Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim, Dr. Walid Hassan
Viktor Oliinyk, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics
Omer Allagabo Omer Mustafa, Dr
Dr Rami Ibrahim A. Salem, Reviewer
Murray John Bryant, Professor Emeritus, Western University, Ontario, CANADA PhD, Master of Commerce, MA, CA (Australia and New Zealand)
Dr. Meenakshi Sharma, Assistant Professor
Diaconescu Luca,
Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Associate Professor
Sara Escudero García,
Dr. Kunal Sil, Post Doctoral Fellow in Commerce
Ihab Alagha,
Dr. Anshu Choudhary, Associate Professor
Miloš Krstić, Research Associate Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Katerina Fotova Čiković, Lecturer at the Department of Business and Management
VBNH Saroja Achanta, visiting faculty
María Isabel Sánchez Pazmiño, PdD(c)
Theophilus Tebetso Tshukudu, Dcotor of Human Resource Lecturer
Erginbay Uğurlu,
Zdeněk Mikoláš, Mr., prof., prof. h. c., Ing., PhD.
Abin George, Technical Officer
Bing Zhu,
Donn Enrique L. Moreno, Program Coordinator of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management
Dejan Dašić, PhD
Dr Maroua Ben Maaouia, Assistant Professor
Samuel Tabot Enow,
Dr. Benson Kunjukunju, Professor
Ambreeen Goni, Doctor
Dr. Muhammad Fareed, International Senior Lecturer
Aloka Shashinath Karunasingha, Research Supervisor BMS(Hons) Degree Programme
Suadat Hussain Wani, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dr VijayaKumar Thota, Assistant Professor (Sr. Grade II)
Hang Nguyen Thi, Head of section
Dr. Raja Kamal Ch, Assistant Professor
Ayodeji Michael Obadire, Senior Lecturer
Promise Maduako, MSc Health Technology BTech Prosthetics and Orthotics Technology
Mahmoudou SOW,
Francis Daka,
María Gabriela Torres Suárez,
A. K. Mahbubul Hye, Lecturer
Eunyoung Jang, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Midwestern State University
Paul Singh, Research Professor Da Vinci Business School Johannesburg South Africa
Margarita Gil-Jerez, PhD in training
Fikru Kefyalew Alemayehu,
Shadreck Muchaku, Post-doctoral fellow
Dr. Julie Fisher Melton, poliical scientist, specialist on civil society and democratization
Godwin Banafo Akrong,
Richard Seow Yeaw Chong, DBA candidate
Victor Kilanko,
Yang Immanuel Pachankis,
Dr. William Brent Felstead, PhD
Aslinda Mohd Shahril, Associate Professor
Ramadas Kandath, Senior Business Process consultant
Surendra Reddy Challapalli, VP technology, Author, Mentor, Jury panel member for Industry Awards.
Walter Nhundu, Group Finance& Operations Manager
Haici Zhang,
Yayoi Hirose, Professor in business, Toyo University, Japan
Panagiotis Tzavaras, Panagiotis E. Tzavaras, PhD
Ahmed Mohamed Habib, BSc, MSc, PhD, DBA
Hari Prasad Josyula, Senior Product Manager
Daniel Nascimento-e-Silva, Professor and Researcher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas, Brazil
ANDREA BELEN ARDITI, PhD candidate in Management. Full professor of National University of the Center of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
Leenshya GUNNOO, Lecturer
Bachchu Kailash Kaini, Sr. Lecturer of Healthcare Management and Leadership, Anglia Ruskin University, UK


Dr. Bexruz Turdiyev Sobirovich

Associate Professor, PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Social Philosophy, International law, Politics, Culturology of Bukhara State university, Uzbekistan

Magno de Oliveira

Federal University of Tocantins - UFT, Brazil

Dr. Joaquin Linne

Ph. D in Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adjunct Researcher and Professor at UBA and Conicet.

Dr. S.R. Adlin Asha Johnson

Ph.D, M. Phil., M. A., B. A in English Literature, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India

Dr. Prasad V Bidarkota

Ph.D., Department of Economics Florida International University USA

Dr. Giaime Berti

Ph.D. School of Economics and Management University of Florence, Italy

Dr. Rita Mano

Ph.D. Rand Corporation and University of California, Los Angeles, USA Dep. of Human Services, University of Haifa

Dr. Jamie L. Burroughs

Ph.D., Department of Social Science, JH University USA

Dr. Adrian Armstrong

BSc Geography, LSE, 1970 Ph.D. Geography (Geomorphology) Kings College London 1980 Ordained Priest, Church of England 1988 Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Dr. Hugo Nami

Ph.D.in Anthropological Sciences, Universidad of Buenos Aires, Argentina, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Arturo Diaz Suarez

Ed.D., Ph.D. in Physical Education Professor at University of Murcia, Spain

Dr. Alis Puteh

Ph.D. (Edu.Policy) UUM Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia M.Ed (Curr. & Inst.) University of Houston, US

Dr. Thierry Feuillet

Golittomer LETG UMR 6554 CNRS (Universit de Nantes) Institut de Gographie et dAmnagement Rgional de lUniversit de Nantes. Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP Rodez

Dr. Vesna Stankovic Pejnovic

Ph. D. Philosophy Zagreb, Croatia Rusveltova, Skopje Macedonia, Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade, Serbia.

Mr. Rahul Bhanubhai Chauhan

B.com., M.com., MBA, PhD (Pursuing), Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Business Administration, Parul University, Baroda, India

Dr. Valerie Zawilski

Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Toronto MA - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Dr. Raymond K. H. Chan

Ph.D., Sociology, University of Essex, UK Associate Professor City University of Hong Kong, China

Dr. Luisa dallAcqua

Ph.D. in Sociology (Decisional Risk sector), Master MU2, College Teacher, in Philosophy (Italy), Edu-Research Group, Zrich/Lugano

Dr. Helmut Digel

Ph.D. University of Tbingen, Germany Honorary President of German Athletic Federation (DLV), Germany

Dr. Tao Yang

Ohio State University M.S. Kansas State University B.E. Zhejiang University

Dr. Cosimo Magazzino

Roma Tre University Rome, 00145, Italy

Dr. Intakhab Alam Khan

Ph.D. in Doctorate of Philosophy in Education, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia


Master in Biotechnology

Dr. Gomez-Piqueras, Pedro

Ph.D in Sport Sciences, University Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Dr. Faisal G. Khamis

Ph.D in Statistics, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences / AL-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan

Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqri

Ph.D., M.S., B.A in Library and Information Management, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Dr. Hamada Hassanein

Ph.D, MA in Linguistics, BA & Education in English, Department of English, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

Dr. Tanyawat Khampa

Ph.d in Candidate (Social Development), MA. in Social Development, BS. in Sociology and Anthropology, Naresuan University, Thailand

Dr. André Luiz Pinto

Doctorate in Geology, PhD in Geosciences and Environment, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Arlene T Cerny

Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, MS Columbia University, USA

Dr. Shuvalova Natalia Vladimirovna

Postgraduate Degree


Doctor of Philosophy in Language Education, Isabela State University, Philippines

Dr. Nor Azmi bin Mostafa

Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Laura Albaine


Reviewers in Social-Science
Azizollah Dabaghi, PhD, MA, BA
Reza Kafipour, PhD in TESL
Dr. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui, M.A. (Economics), B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil. (Education), Ph.D. (Education), PGDHE, PGDDE,M.ADE , CCPLA (Arabic) Ex-JPF N.C.E.R.T ,Ex-Lecturer Education(Eco), Ex-Lecturer Education KDMC Manipur
Dr. Mohammed Viquaruddin, Ph.D., M.A., B.Ed., B.A.
Vesna Stankovia Pejnovia, Ph. D. Philospohy
Azadeh, Ph.D.
Carlos Alberto Zasniga Gonzalez, Ph.D. Agricultural Economist
Masoud Dehghan, Language and Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Cognitive semantics, Typology and Iranian languages, Phonetics and Phonology.
Sharafat Ali, M. Phil. PhD
Jeyavel, Ph.D.
Dr. Ravi Kant, MA, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Morteza Ramazani, Ph.D., Member of Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Zanjan, Iran.
Dr. Shashi Nath Mandal, LLM, PH D, PGDCL
Reza Gholami, PhD, Teaching English as a Second Language MA, Teaching English as a Second Language BA, English language and literature An English Language Teacher since 2000
Tapas Pal , M.A. in Geography (VISVA-BHARATI) B.ED. UGC-NET-JRF PG Diploma in Disaster Management PG Diploma in Folklore and Cultural studies Ph.D. with course work (waiting for award) M.Sc. in Environmental Science PG Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS
Srijana Pandey, PhD
Dr. Sribas Goswami, Ph.D IN SOCIOLOGY
Andrzej Klimczuk, Master of Sociology, Ph.D. candidate
Joaquin Linne, Ph. D in Social Sciences
Jerryk Alico, Bachelor of Secondary Education major in EnglishMaster of Arts in English Language Teaching
Dr. Mamman Sunusi, Ph.D.
Vennila Gopal, Ph.D. Economics
Asuncin Lpez-Varela, Ph.D. (Hons)
Seyed Jalal Abdolmanafi Rokni, Phd in TEFL
S.R. Adlin Asha Johnson, B.A., M.A., (English), M.A., (Public Administration), M.Phil., Ph.D(pursuing)
Rolin G. Mainuddin, Ph.D.
Somchai Amornyotin, Ph.D.
Dr. Noor Mohammad, Ph.D. in Law
K. Shobha, MA, M.Phil, B.ed, Ph.D.
Dr. Nwachukwu Prince Ololube, Ph.D. Education and Teacher Education
Maristani Polidori Zamperetti, PhD and MS
Mohammed H Al Aqad, Master of Linguistics
Fauziah Sulaiman, PhD (Physics with Education)
Tara Nath Poudel, Pursuing PhD (2011-2014) M. Phil. in Educational Leadership (2008-2010) M. Ed. in Mathematics Education (2002-2004)
Dr. Jephias Mapuva, PhD
Ritu Sharma, M.A.( ENGLISH), M.Ed., PhD( PURSUING) TOPIC: socio-emotional adjustment and guidance needs of elementary school students with learning disabilities.
Dr. Mehmet Tay, Phd
Bahram Kazemian, Ph.D.
Sivapriya Thiyagarajan, M.Sc, M.Phil- Food service management and dietetics
Md. Kamruzzaman, B.Sc(Hons), M.S, M.S.S,
Dr. Sufiana. K. Malik, Ph.D.
Dr. Fauzia Khurshid, Ph.D. in eduactional Psychology
Dr. Mohammad Imran Malik, M.Phil, PhD
Dr. Ali Derakhshan, Ph.D.
Rinku Das, Ph.D
Ben Slama Romdhane, Solar Engineering
Dr. Renu Yadav, Ph.D.
Dr. Manzoor Khan Afridi, Ph.D.
Puji Iswanto, Ph.D.
Hafsa Ahmed, Masters in Education Masters in Statistics
Shashi Kumar, Master of Commerce and Ph.D in Special Education.
Shylock Muyengwa, PhD candidate
Pahrutdinov Shukriddin Ilyasovich, Ph.D., Political Institutions and Processes
Beena Anil, M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Gomez-Piqueras, Pedro, PhD Sport Sciences
Rawan Mohammad Abu Saleh, PhD in special education
Alis Puteh, Ph.D. (Edu.Policy)
Feuillet, Ph.D. in Geomorphology
Thomas Antwi Bosiakoh, Master of Philosophy (Sociology)
Cosimo Magazzino, Ph.D.
M Amarjeet Singh, Ph.D. in sociology
Joseph Wilson, M.A Mass Communication B.A Mass Communication Ph.D.
Bheemaiah Krishnan Ravi, M.A - English Literature B.S.- Communication M.S.- Communication Ph.D. -Communication
Faisal G. Khamis, PhD in Statistics
Mohammed Nasser Al-suqri, Ph.D. Library and Information Management, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, USA, 2007M.S. Information and Library Management, Pratt Institute, New York, USA, 2002 B.A. Library and Information Science, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, 1997
Gabriel Julien, B.A. M.Ed. Ph.D
Ambrose Audu Zemba, Ph.D Geography (Climatology)
Said Jaouadi, Ph.D in economics since 2011.
Benjamin Xavier De Paula, Ph.D.
Mitulkumar M. Deliya, Ph.D.(Pursuing), UGC_NET, MBA, PGDCA, B.Sc.
Najid Ahmad, M.Sc Economics
Yamsi Kodali, PhD
Jakub Trojan, PhD
Cristina-Georgiana Voicu, Associate Professor
Dr. Anna Rangini Chellappa, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Manoj Kr. Mukherjee, M.A. IN AIHC & A
Ali Panahi, Ph.D Candidate in TEFL, EFL Researcher and Instructor
Hamada Hassanein, PhD in Linguistics (German-Egyptian Supervision) 2013, MA in Linguistics (British-Egyptian Supervision) 2009, BA in English 2002, BA & Education in English 1999.
Dr. V.E. Nethaji Mariappan, M.Sc. Agriculture (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry) PhD Agriculture (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry)
Amaghouss Jabrane, Ph.D.
Sorin-Avram Virtop, B.Sc.( Engineering) B.D.(London University, UK) Post graduate Philosophy of Culture & Teaching Certificate
Coralia Pose, PhD in Translation Degree in Translation Specialist in Modern Greek Language and Culture
Somayyeh Hashemi, Ph.D.
Wasal Khan, PhD (Education)
Akbar Nikkhah, Ph.D.
Jeffrey Kurebwa, Ph.D.
Puja Chakraborty, Pgd(ENG), DP in Language History
Hana Khalief Ghani, A teaching staff member in the translator department
Surender, Ph.D
Prof. Taher Mohammad Al-Hadi, Ph.d in Education (TEFL) M.ed. in Education (TEFL)
Amit, MSc&Ph.D in Mass Communication
Dr. ArshadJaved Rizvi, PhD in south Asian studies
Chandran Velmurugan, MA.MLIS, MPhil, DCA, (PhD)
Amirhoushang Homayounfar, Member of the linguistic society of America, Member of IAISLC Ph.D.
Endalcachew Bayeh, MA in International Relations
Mohammed Fekry M. Mohammed, PhD. of Architecture
Dr. Satya Prakash Mehra, Env. Sc. - MSc, PhD Law - LLB
Sergio Duarte Masi, Ph.D.
Hossein Taji, Ph.D.
Manizheh Alami, PhD
Dr. Reynaldo B. Inocian, Professor IV Doctor of Education Writer, Editor
Haleh Boostani, PhD candidate
Meshesha Make Jobo, Assistant Professor of English Language and Indigenous Studies
Jana Ilieva, Assistant professor in Legal Sciences, International Law Dept.
Serge Svizzero, Ph.D in Economics Full Professor of Economics
Mohd Hairy, PhD (Urban Climate), Masters (Environmental Management) (National University of Malaysia) & Degree In Geography (Hons), University Malaya, Malaysia.
Md. Amir Hossain, BA( Hons) MA in English & M. Phil in English, PhD Proposal accepted at University of Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Yadapak Kallapadee, Faculty of Education,
Hardev Singh Virk, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Olisa Godson Muojama, PhD
Gustavo Zen de Figueiredo Neves, Geographer (bachelor and licensed) Master of Science Doctor of Science
Anna Jaguszewska, Master Degree in Tourism, Post studies Public Relations
Bharathi Raj K, Ph.D, M.Phil, M.A,B.A
Muluken Tamirat Gejabo, MA in Sociology
Nahom Eyasu, PhD
Adrien Ratsimbaharison, Political Science/International Studies African politics Development, democratization, and armed conflict in Africa
Gebreslassie Kiros Hailu, MA
Nantiworn Thianpaen, PhD. International Economics
Minyahil Alemu Haile, MSc in Economic Policy Analysis
Dr. Syed Damsaz Ali Andrabi, Ph.D
Charles Kesero Tunai, PhD in English
Mohamed DELLAL, Retired Senior Lecturer
Jeba Regis Jebasingh P, BA, MA, MPhil, CELTA, PhD (English) Expecting Viva.
Fesseha Mulu Gebremariam, BA in PhilosophyMA candidate in Development Management
Mefekir woldegebriel Tessema, M.A
Farhana Haque, BA(Hons) and MA in English literature
Dr. Ofole Ndidi, PhD
Marques Arajo, Doctor in Communication
Ghazali Abubakar, Ph.D. JNUM.Sc. IIUIB.A UDUS
Imhonde Odhianosen Henry, Bsc PsychologyMsc Clinical/Health PsychologyPh.D Clinical Psychology
Dilnoza, PhD, ESL Instructor
Dr. Dickson Adom, Ph.D. African Art and Culture M.A. African Art and Culture B.A. Integrated Rural Arts and Industry Diploma in Computer Studies Post Diploma in Education
Des Raj, PHD
Puerava Stila - Nicholas, MA in International Relations and European Integration; BA in International Relations and European Studies;
Akinola Odebunmi, PhD
Gbor Farkas, MSc in Geography/Geoinformatics
Eugen S. Teodor, (1) Historian; (2) Archaeologist
Brahmadev Panda, Doctor of Philosophy (Pursuing) Master of Philosophy Master of Business Administration Master of Commerce
Mary L. Bauer, Adjunct Professor of English and Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, USA
Benjamin Amoakohene, Master of Philosophy (English Language)
Dallel Sarnou, PhD
Nabanita Chakraborty, M.A., M.Phil, PhD (English)
Giovanni Cavallo, Lecturer and researcher in mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry applied to cultural heritage
Godfrey Vincent, Associate Professor of History- Holds a Doctorate in History
Marco Nuti, Former assistant in French Studies University of Pisa. Now teacher in french language and literature in middle school
Dany R. Dombou T., Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Entrepreneuship, Economic Development, Institutional Economics, Economic Analysis, Applied Econometrics Applied Economics, Economic Policy Analysis Econometric Analysis, Time Series Econometrics International Finance, Economic Theory
Michail Ploumis, Law, strategic studies, defence economics
Ian Edgell Hunt, PhD
Kholil kholil, Professor Modelling and Environmental Management; and Senior lecture for Environemal modelling and Research Methodology
Past. Dr. W.A.S. Abomaye-Nimenibo, Ph.D, M.Sc, B.Sc Economics; MBA Management; Univ. Diploma, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations; GCE & O Levels; First School Leaving Certificate.
Yan Wang, Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience, expert in Taoist Philosophy
Olusegun Adeaga, Ph.D. (Geography)
Lidon Lashley, Qualified Teacher StatusB.Ed. Primary EducationPg. Cert. Education Administration and ManagementM.Ed. Curriculum and InstructionM.A. Special and Inclusive Education
Hosam Eldeen Ahmed Elsawy, PhD in TESOL
Dr. A. Arun Kumar, MBA, Ph.D., (PDF)
Deepak Bangwal, Ph.D
Dr. Sankaranarayanan Paleeri, PhD M Ed MA Sociology & MA History
Agnieszka Ilendo-Milewska, 2003 2007 University of Maria Curie-Sk?odowska in Lublin, Poland, Departament of Education and Psychology, Institute of Psychology Certificate of doctor degree in the field of human sciences in psychology 2000 2001Warsaw University, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization Certifi
Vahideh Abolhasanizadeh,
Shameer Modongal, PhD Resercher
Tanyawat Khampa, Phd Candidate. (Social Development)
Arina Mufrihah, Bachelor of Islamic Social (Undergraduate degree in the study program of Islamic Counseling and Guidance) Master of Islamic Education (Graduate degree in the study program Islamic Counseling and Gudance)
Nneka Ifeoma Okafor, PhD
Ofgaha Alemu Dire, -I have BA degree in Accounting and Finance from Bule Hora University -I have MSc degree in Accounting and Finance from Jimma University -Currently I am Lecturer at Bule Hora University
Olanrewaju Samson Olaitan, Master of Technology (Urban and Regional Planning)
Nour Moussa, PhD Faculty of Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Barkha Panwar, P.hd
Befikadu Esayas Amphune, Prospective PhD
Yadigar Sekerci Firat, Assistant Prof
Dr. Steve Kquofi,
Pambas Tandika basil, Lecturer in Early Years and Educational Studies
Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, India
Dr. Kwanele Booi (D.Ed.), Lecturer (Curriculum Studies and Science Education)
Shazia Qadri, Research Scholar at Post-graduate Department of English, BGSB University
Elaiz Aparecida Mensch Buffon, Doutoranda em Geografia, professora na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Brasil - UTFPR.
Ovenseri-Ogbomo, Friday Osaru, Ph. D ECONOMICS (SENIOR LECTURER)
Mukund K Deshmukh, Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Ashok K. Singh, Professor
Laura Cano Salinas,
Prabin Shrestha, Lecturer
Gamal Mohamed Eisawy KAMH, Prof Dr of Georchaeology and Conservation
Mohammed Kwaku Baidoo (Ph.D), Lecturer
Dr. Jane Mpapalika, Research Fellow
Qing Liang Meng, Lecturer
Yavuz Akdag, Reviewer
Ariel Epan San Jose, Faculty of Education and Graduate Studies
A. Malarvizhi, Assistant Professor
Khattab Ahmed,
Dr. Akancha Srivastava, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
Peter Eshioke Egielewa, Dr
John Ebimobowei Yeseibo, Senior Lecturer
Dr.Daniel S. Kayange, Lecturer
Ganda Febri Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Gamil Gamal, Lecturer of Meteorology and Climatology
Annelie de Man, Coordinator: Advocacy division, Free State Centre for Human Rights
Dr. Saikat Deb, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Assam Down Town University
Nwaerema Peace, Researcher, Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Mohamed Mahmoud Gomaa, Prof. Dr. of Geophysics
Dr. Samir Kumar Nanda, Programme Manager, National Child Labour Project,Ministry of Labour & Employment,Government of India
Dr.A.Saravanakumar, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce Rathinam College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore
Dr. Rico Paulo G. Tolentino, School Principal; Archaeologist
Ummi Naiemah Saraih, Senior Lecturer
Md Musfiqur Rahman Bhuiya, Graduate Assistant, Department of Geography, The University of Alabama
Zaynab Abidova, Head of the Department of Social Sciences
Lal Mani Adhikari, Researcher
Dr Samir Khan, Associate Professor
Ali Elhami,
Joan Tejedor, Associate Professor
Xueyan Hu,
Mario Cardano,
Lalith Eedirisinghe, Dean: Faculty of Management Humanities and Social Sciences Head: Higher Education Society Linkage Cell Vice President: Sri Lanka Society for Transport and Logistics (SLSTL)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maja Tabea Jerrentrup,
Vanessa Muler González,
Rosalva Aida Hernandez Castillo, Senior Professor at the Center for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology Mexico
Koushik Mondal, Independent Researcher
Dr. Syakir Amir Ab. Rahman, Assistant Professor
Dr Prasanth V G, The Head & Associate Professor Department of English
SABARINATHAN. V, Assistant Professor of English
Haggag Mohamed Haggag, Associate Professor of English Linguistics and Teaching TEFL
Luiz Artur dos Santos Cestari, Professor/ Department of Philosophy and Human Sciences/ University of Southwestern Bahia (UESB)
Pallavi Sarah Alexander, Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
Gayathri S G, Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
Shilpa Sarkar, Research Scholar
VINEET SHRIVASTAVA, Assistant Professor
Pai-Hsun Chen, Associate Professor of Department Cultural Creativity And Design (DCCD) Nantou, Nai-Kai  University  of  Technology (NKUT) Chief of Division of Industry-Academy Cooperation, Office of Research & Development
Maria Cristina Dadalto, Professor Association of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Professor Member of the Social Sciences and History Programs of the Federal University of Espirito Santo. Coordination of the Laboratory the Migratory Movement. Researcher of the Laboratory of Identities and Technology.
Bashar Malkawi, Global Professor of Practice in Law
RAJKUMAR G, Assistant Professor of English
Aini Akmar Mohd Kasim, Senior Lecturer
Dr. T. G. Vasista, Senior Consultant
Dr. Fasil Barkat, Administrator
Maneesh P, Research Scholar
Elija Chara, Assistant Professor
Dr.Bhagyashree Manohar Deshpande, Principal
Luciane de Paula, PhD Professor
Khalid Wasim Hassan, Assistant Professor
Rhea Ledesma-Gumasing, Assistant Professor 6
Dr.Kandi Kamala, Asst. Professor Dept. of Political Science Government Degree College for Women (Autonomous) Begumpet, (Affiliation) of Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India, 500016
Mark J. Langweiler, DC, DAAPM, Principle Lead- Chiropractic
Laerte Apolinário Júnior,
Tiago Alves Nunes, Reviewer
ABROUGUI OLFA, Assistant Professor
Fred Ssemugenyi, Director, Department of Open and Distance Learning
Loreley Gomes Garcia, PhD in Sociology
Dr.kandi kamala, asst professor
Bruce Offei Kwaku Essah, Graduate Assistant/Researcher University of Ghana
Diego Armando Aviles Campoverde, master in geotechnics
Diana Burbano,
Martha Estela Perez, Professor
Troy Smith, PhD Candidate
Rosa María Marcuzzi, Profesora investigadora
Fazee Khalid Alezi Mohammed Almuslimi,
Theodore Ganetsos, Professor - Director of the NDT Laboratory
Alessia Pica, PhD, geomorphologist at Earth Science Department - Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
Dr Shyamkiran kaur, Assistant Professor (English and Soft Skills) Department of Humanities and Management
Osama Mahmoud Abdel Fattah, Dr
Allen A. Ch. Manongko, Allen
Xie Yuting,
Nancy Mendes Torres Vieira, Mestranda em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa
Dr. Piu Sarkar,
Abhishek Sharma Padmanabhan, Assistant Professor of Law
Dr Gedam Kamalakar, Asst Professor
Riya Gulati, Paralegal at Law Offices of Caro Kinsella+ Youth Ambassador for the ONE Campaign, Ireland.
Kenneth Adu-Gyamfi, Senior Lecturer
Ana Paula Garcia Boscatti, Post Doctoral Researcher
Donaldo Bello de Souza, Prof.
Donaldo Bello de Souza, Prof.
Lok Raj Sharma, Associate Professor of English Language & Literature
Dr Samir Kumar Nanda, Programme Manager-cum-Inspector National Child Labour Project Ministry of Labour & Employment Government of India
Walber Alves Freitas, MSc.
Cristiano Nicolini, Professor of Supervised Internship in History at the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil
BERNARD LUSHYA MISIGO, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology.
Aparecido Ribeiro de Andrade, - Professor de Geografia - Doutor em Geografia
Willy Castro-Guzman, Professor
Stamatis Papadakis, The University of Crete, Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education, Crete, Greece
Tina H. Deshotels, Ph.D., Professor and Program Coordinator, Sociology
Paolo Macchia, Associate Professor in Geography at Pisa University (Italy)
Dr. Niti Khandelwal Garg, Associate Professor (Economics)
Dr. Vincent Drew Jemison,
Ali BERRABAH, Assistant professor
Marzia Khatan Smita, Lecturer
Dr. Madhuri Goswami, Associate Professor of English
Abel Federico Pérez Hernández,
Adline Shami. M, Research Scholar
Mario Alberto Gonzales Torres, B: Geography , Geo-Sciences Environmental Science & Disaster Management
Daniela Sideri,
Faicel Chaabani, teacher
Kobilov Anvar, Associate Professor
Omotosho, Ademola
Lukáš Stárek, Mgr. Lukáš Stárek, Ph.D., MBA, DBA
Abhinav Gupta, Assistant Professor The National Law Institute University Bhopal, MP India
Patricia Arguelles, Dr.
Ernazarov Dilmurod,
Onuma Suphattanakul, Dr.
Malek Nassar Abdallah Awawdeh, Dr
Radmila Jovanovic,
Anui Sainyiu,
Brant von Goble, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages
Elizabeth Nana Mbrah Koomson-Yalley,
Sajad Abedi,
Juan Francisco Aguirre Cadena,
R. Shanthi, Assistant Professor
Emmanouil Karakostas, Dr.
Tamburo Michael Renzi, Dr.
Régia Cristina Oliveira, PhD in Sociology; Professor at the University of São Paulo
hafid Abouelkacem, Dr
Ana Carolina Arias, Dr.
Chenglong Yin, Yes
Rosemarie Casimiro, Faculty
Aline Penna-de-Carvalho,
Lai Yee Win, Associate Professor
Dr. Fasil Barkat, Academic Counselor
Lei Liu, Professor and Deputy Director of Institute of International Studies, Yunnan University
Matias Ilivitzky, Professor. Universidad del CEMA.
Abakar Malloum,
Dong Li, Lecturer, Director of Preschool Education in SVU.
Standhope Anamoa-Pokoo,
Jimmy Emmanuel Ramos Valencia, PhD. of Global Development Studies Subject teacher
Dr. Moudassir Hafiz Oumar,
asmaa ali ali,
Boronenko Marina Petrovna, M. Boronenko
Dr. Seema Bhakuni, Assistant Professor
Grasiella Harb, Dr. - Assistant Professor
Nurmukhametov Nurbakhyt Nurbopaevich, economics and management of the agro-industrial complex, mechanical engineering, communications and labor potential
Magdalena Furmanik-Kowalska, PhD, Art Studies
Gilberto Fachetti Silvestre,
Jelbi Mohammed, PhD
Mariam Ariba, Teaching Assistant
Marta Gort Paniello,
Mogol Natalia, Dr.
CHEN Bing, Professor
Cristian Alfredo Severiche Mendoza, Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencias y Tecnología, Magíster en Educación de la Universidad Católica de Oriente y Licenciado en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sucre
DIOUF Moussa, Enseignant Chercheur Université catholique de lAfrique de lOuest (UCAO/St Michel -Dakar)
Samuel Lovis SALLA NZHIE,
Natalia Wright, EdD University of Glasgow, UK English lecturer at the American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
Luis Carlos Zucatto,
Andrea Pereira dos Santos, reviewer
Mario Jorge de Paiva, PhD in Social Sciences (PUC-Rio, Brazil).
Raimundo Mijares, Peer reviewer
Lai Yee Win, Full-time Lecturer (English for Academic Purposes)
Xie Jianhua, Dr. Xie
Dr. Lai Yee Win, Lecturer
Antônio Carlos Will Ludwig, Professor
Joel Laffita Rivera, Felllow Member (Asociate)
Rev. Dr. Jayabalan Murthy, Research scholar
Ricardo de Queirós Batista Ribeiro, Dr. Ricardo de Queirós Batista Ribeiro
Diogo Azoubel, Professor
Carolina Blanco Fontao,
Sachin Pandey, Head of Data Science and Data Engineering
Ven. Prof. Pinnawala Sangasumana, Professor in Geography
Philipp Ehrl, Associate Professor Getúlio Vargas Foundation, School of Public Policy and Government Brasília, Brazil
Shaojun Wang,
Arthur Pereira dos Santos,
Mustafa mhamed abdalaa,
Júlio César Franco, Researcher at the Center for Studies in the History of Violence (Núcleo de Estudo em História da Violencia - NUHVI) at the Central-West State University (Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Brasil, Paraná, Irati)
Patrícia Domínguez, PHD in Linguistics
María Josefa Gutiérrez, Solicitud de designación como revisor, en su prestigiosa organización
Daniel Oitaven Pearce Pamponet Miguel, Professor


Computer Science


Rahul Reddy Nadikattu

Department of Information Technology, University of the Cumberlands, United States

Dr. Feng Jin

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, United States

Dr. Jiaming Pei

Information Management and Information System, Taizhou University, Taizhou, China

Dr. Yogita Bajpai

M.Sc. (Computer Science), FICCT U.S.A.

Alessandra Lumini

Associate Researcher Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Bologna Italy

Dr. Kurt Maly

Ph.D. in Computer Networks, New York University, Department of Computer Science Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia

Dr. Federico Tramarin

Ph.D., Computer Engineering and Networks Group, Institute of Electronics, Italy Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy

Dr. Anis Bey

Dept. of Comput. Sci., Badji Mokhtar-Annaba Univ., Annaba, Algeria

Dr. Sotiris Kotsiantis

Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Patras, Greece, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece

Dr. Chutisant Kerdvibulvech

Dept. of Inf.& Commun. Technol., Rangsit University Pathum Thani, Thailand Chulalongkorn University Ph.D. Thailand Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Kassim Mwitondi

M.Sc., PGCLT, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer Applied Statistics/Data Mining, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Dr. Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera

Ph.D. in Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Head of the Cartographic and Land Engineering Department University of Salamanca Spain

Dr. Osman Balci, Professor

Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech, Virginia University Ph.D. and M.S.Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York M.S. and B.S. Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey

Dr. Stefano Berretti

Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications, University of Firenze Professor Department of Information Engineering, University of Firenze, Italy

Dr. Aziz M. Barbar

Ph.D. IEEE Senior Member Chairperson, Department of Computer Science AUST - American University of Science & Technology Alfred Naccash Avenue Ashrafieh, Lebanon

Dr. Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz

Computer Science & Information Systems Department Youngstown State University Ph.D., Texas A&M University University of Missouri, Columbia Gazi University, Turkey

Dr. Kwan Min Lee

Ph. D., Communication, MA, Telecommunication, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr. Lamri Sayad

Ph.d in Computer science, University of BEJAIA, Algeria

Dr. Roheet Bhatnagar

Ph.D in Computer Science, B.Tech in Computer Science, M.Tech in Remote Sensing, Sikkim Manipal University, India

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Rolen

Ph.D in Computer Science, MCA & BCA - IGNOU, MCTS & MCP - MIcrosoft, SCJP - Sun Microsystems, Singhania University, India

Dr. Ramadan Elaiess

Ph.D in Computer and Information Science, University of Benghazi, Libya

Dr. Tauqeer Ahmad Usmani

Ph.D in Computer Science, Oman

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Gujral

Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, M.TECH in Information Technology, B. E. in Computer Science and Engineering, CCNA Certified Network Instructor, Diploma Course in Computer Servicing and Maintenance (DCS), Maharishi Markandeshwar University Mullana, India

Dr. Hazra Imran

Ph.D in Computer Science (Information Retrieval), Athabasca University, Canada

Dr. Magdy Shayboub Ali

Ph.D in Computer Sciences, MSc in Computer Sciences and Engineering, BSc in Electronic Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt

Dr. Don. S

Ph.D in Computer, Information and Communication Engineering, M.Tech in Computer Cognition Technology, B.Sc in Computer Science, Konkuk Universtity, South Korea

Dr. Jianyuan Min

Ph.D. in Computer Science, M.S. in Computer Science, B.S. in Computer Science, Texas A&M University, United States

Dr. Nurul Akmar Binti Emran

Ph.D in Computer Science, MSc in Computer Science, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Dr. Rajesh Dixit

PhD, Head of Department of Computer Science and Physics, Govt. College.

Dr. Puneet Rawat

PhD from IIT Mumbai

Dr. Omar Ahmed Abed Alzubi

Ph.D in Computer and Network Security, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan

Dr. Asim Sinan Yuksel

Ph.D in Computer Engineering, M.Sc., B.Eng., Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey

Dr. Yuanyang Zhang

Ph.D. of Computer Science, B.S. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States

Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar

Ph.D, B.E., M.Tech, MBA, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Zhengyu Yang

Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, M.Sc. in Telecommunications, B.Sc. in Communication Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, United States

Pranit Gopaldas Shah

MTech CE, BECE, MPM, FCSRC, Master of Technology in Computer Engineering

Dr. Hassan Harb

PhD in Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences - Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon.

Dr. Renuka Mohanraj

Associate Professor, Ph.D., M.Phil., & B.Sc. in Computer Science, Master of Computer Application, Maharishi International University, United States

Dr. Tiana G Twigg

Ph.D. (Columbia University), M.S. (Northwestern University), USA

Dr. Amogh Raghunath

Masters in Data Science

Dr. Andaç Batur Çolak


Kumar Abhishek

Masters in Computer Science, University of Florida, United States

Dr. K. Sharmila

M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D, Lecture Department of Computer Science, VELS University, Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Marran Aldossari



Reviewers in Computer Science
Intakhab Alam Khan, BA in English, B.Ed., Ph.D.
Vuda Sreenivasarao, Ph.D.
Dr. G.M. Nasira, M.C.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
Dinesh Chandra Jain, Ph.D. Computer-Science, M.Tech in IT
Sayad Lamri, Phd, (Post Graduation), Computer science Engineer
Roheet Bhatnagar, Ph.D. (Computer Science)
Dr. Sukumar Senthilkumar, Ph.D., (Mathematics and Computer Applications)
Prof. P. Suresh Varma, Ph.D., (Computer Science and Engineering)
Dr. C Saravanan, Ph.D.
Renuka Devi.M, Ph.D., MCA
K Munivara Prasad, B.Tech, ME, Ph.D.
Muhammad Arhami, Ph.D., Master of Computer Science
Dr. V. Subedha, Ph. D, M. Tech, M. Sc, B. Sc
Ramesh.V, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Dr. Manpreet Singh, Ph.D., (Computer Science)
Dr. M.V. Subramanyam, B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
Srinivas Reddy, M.Tech with Class in DistinctionM.Phil Stochastic data analysis with Evolutionary algorithms
A. Siles Balasingh, Mater of Technology in Information Technology
Rajesh Kumar Rolen, Ph.D (Computer Science) MCA BCA MCTS SCJP MCP
Amin Daneshmand Malayeri, MBA in IT Management and Marketing
Dr. Balasubramani R, Ph.D.
Hassen, Ph.D.
Mahesh Panchal, ME (Computer Engineering), Ph.D. (CSE)
Mukesh Kumar, Ph.D. CSE
Sanjaya Kumar Panda, M.Tech
Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Gujral, Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engg)
Avijit Bhowmick, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Satish Mittal, M.Phil(CS), MCA, M.Sc., Ph.D (Pursuing)
Adnan I. Alrabea, Computer Eng. PhD
Narayana Babu, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,
Dr. Mukesh Kumar, PhD,M.Tech., B.Tech
Mukesh Negi, PhD, MCA, M.Sc, APGDCA, PGDCA, B.Sc
Lt. Dr. S Santhosh Baboo, M.Sc., Ph.D., (Computer Science)
Rupesh Sanchati, M.Tech (Computer Science)
Dr. Kailash J. Karande, B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D., (Electronics & Telecommunication)
Ramadan Elaiess, Ph.D., Computer and Information Science
Giri M, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Dr. Utkarsh Seetha, Ph.D., M.Phil, MBA, M.Sc
Pethuru Raj Chelliah, Ph.D. CSE
Shamim Ahmed, M.Sc. in Computer Science
Dr Sasidhar Babu Suvanam, PhD (Computer Science)
Sathyaprakash, M.Tech , (Phd)
Gaurang Panchal, B.E(IT), M.E(Computer Engineering), Ph.D (Continue..)
Babu K, B.E,M.E,M.B.A.,
Krishan Kumar Goyal, M.Tech(CS), MCA, MA (Maths)
Tauqeer Ahmad Usmani, Ph.D.
Ajit Kumar, Ph.D Research Scholar
Kapil Kumar Gupta, Master of Technology in Computer Science
S.P. Anandaraj, Ph.D(CSE), M.Tech(CSE-Honor)
Raghvendra Kumar, Pursuing PhD
S Raju, PhD
Tribikram Pradhan , M.Tech in Software Technology
Prof Ajay Gadicha, B.E.(CSE) M.E.(I.T) Ph. D.
Dr. Mukesh Sharma, MD Microbiology
Amit Kumar Das, Research Scholar, Master of Engineering (Software Engineering), B.Tech.(CSE)
Dr. Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain, Ph.D., United Kingdom, M.Sc (Information Technology)
Mohammed Chadli, Lecturer, University of Picardie Jules Verne
Muhammad Shakeel Faridi, MS (Computer Science)
Sukhvinder Singh Deora, Ph.D., (Network Security), MSc (Mathematics), Masters in Computer Applications
Nabil Mohammed Ali Munassar, Ph.D., Scholor in CSE.
Rama Prasad V Vaddella, Ph.D.
Bharat Bhushan Agarwal, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D.
Shahzad Khan, M.Sc. (Management Sciences), MBA (Master in Business Administration)
Damodar Tiwari, M.Tech, BE
P Ravi Kiran, M.Tech
Ankur Dumka, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D., PGDASDD
Malaya Kumar Nath, Ph.D.
A V Krishna Prasad, M.Tech(CSE), Ph.D.(CS)
Mutthukumar Swami, B.E.,M.E.,M.TECH.,PHD
Dr. Smriti Agrawal, BTech, PhD
Deepak Kumar, Ph.D. Pursuing,(Systems Engineering), IIT(BHU) M.Tech (Systems Engineering)(IIT(BHU)) B.E. Computer Science & Engineering (VTU)
Jyothi badnal, M.Tech(Software Engineering)
Hazra Imran, Postdoc (Computer Science)
Jaspreet Kaur, M.Tech(CSE)
Rayudu Srinivas, B.Tech.,M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Pooja Rani, M. Tech (Computer science & Engineering)
Magdy Shayboub Mahmoud, Ph.D. in computers sciences.
Tirumalapudi Raviteja, M.Tech
Syed Usman Ahmed, B. Tech. (Computer Engineering)P. G. D. B. A. M. Tech. (Computer Engineering) - Pursuing.
Amit Mishra, M. Tech.
Oubedda Latifa , Ph.D.
Srivatsan Sridharan, M.Tech
Dr. Arvind K Sharma, PhD Computer Science
Kishor Kumar Reddy c, M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Mohammad Samadi Gharajeh, M.Sc.
Cheranjeevi Jayam, MDS, PGCOI
Anisha Pushpala Ravinder, Pursuing PhD
Dr. Shaik Salam, B.E.(CSE), M.E.(CSE), (Ph.D.)
Prof. Dr. BK Verma, Postdoc Research(Truman State University) PhD, Bits Pilani Rajasthan
Anis Bey, Ph.D., Laboratory of Research in Computer Science
A.K.M. Nazmus Sakib, B.Sc.
Dr. M. Tariq Banday, Ph.D.
Amit Chauhan, Ph.D., MCA
Chaudhry Muhammad Nadeem Faisal, Ph.D.
Umar Asif, Masters in Mechatronic Engineering
Anuj Kumar Gupta, Ph.D.
Archana, Ph.D(CS&Engg), M.Tech
Dr. G Komarasamy, B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.,
Dr. Ime Udo, Ph.D. Crop Protection (Entomology)
Vikram Narayandas, M.Tech in Computer Networks
Mohammad A. Mezher, Ph.D., AI and intelligent systems
Mohammad A. Mezher, Ph.D.
Ibeh Gabriel, M.Sc, Ph.D.
Luisa dallAcqua, Ph.D. Psycho-Sociological Science
Dr. Sanjeev Rana, Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering)
Gerard G. Dumancas, PhD in Analytical Chemistry
Junchao Zhang, Ph.D
Sharad Saxena, Ph.D. (CSE), M.Tech (CE)
Dr. K. Sivakumar, Ph.D
Rammurthy Naidu Boddu, Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Bondage Devanand Dhondiram, PhD
Rohit Jha, B Tech
Fentahun Moges Kasie, MSc in Industrial Engineering
Adepu Sridhar, M.Tech
Ramakrishna Kolikipogu, B.Tech-Computer Science and Information Technology M.Tech-Computer Science with Software Engineering Ph.D - Computer Science and Engineering (About to Complete)
Dr. Joginder Singh, Ph. D (Agricultural Economics)
Eugenia Iancu, Ph.D.
KVNR Sai Krishna, MPhil , PhD
Khaldi Amine, Ph.D.
Don. S, Ph.D in Computer, Information and Communication Engineering, M.Tech in Computer Cognition Technology
Dr. M. Thiyagarajan, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.
Mathiyalagan, B.E M.E PhD
Chen Zhang, PhD in computer science from University of Waterloo
Dr. Virender Kumar, B.Sc,AMIE(ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION),PGDIBM, MCA,MTech, Ph.D(Computer Sciences)
Dr. Prema T. Akkasaligar, M.E.(CSE),PhD(CSE)
Jianyuan Min, PhD
Sundara Siva Kumar, B.Tech(eie) M.Tech(vlsi&es),MISTE,MIAENG,AMIE(I),MISOI
Sujeet More, M.Tech in Computer Science
Babar Shah, PhD wireless and Mobile Communication
Koushik Pal, Ph.D
Saber Mohamed Abd-Allah, Ph.D.
Dr. L. Sankari, MCA.,M.Phil.,Ph.D
Mohd Ab Malek Bin Md Shah, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Master of Comparative Laws (MCL): 2008 - 2009 Bachelor of Laws (LLB): (2002-2006)
Dr. Kasani Prudhvi, M. Phil., M. Sc. (Pure Mathematics), Ph. D. (Mathematics)
Dr. Mahadeva Swamy H M, M.Sc.(Agri.), Ph.D.,F.I.S.C.A
Chand Mal Samota, M. Tech.
Fazal ur Rehman, MS MBA
Soumya Mishra, MBBS, MD (Physiology)
Sagar Atmaram Borker, MBBS, MD Preventive and Social Medicine
Onur Yilmaz, Molecular genetic, Farm animal biotechnology
Dr. Carlos Fernandez, PhD in Chemistry
Sakshi Singh, Ph.D.
Taghreed Hashim Al-Noor, MSc in water polloution and PhD in Chemistry.
Dare Ojo Omonijo, PhD in view
Laith Ahmed Najam, B.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. in Nuclear Physics, Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics
Dr. Narayana Babu, Ph.D (Computer Science) MCA BCA MCTS SCJP MCP
Emmily Mugasia Sitati, Ph.D completed awaiting graduation in July. M.Ed in Educational planning and management.
Dr. Jalpesh Solanki, PH.D, M.Phil,MCA,BCA, ADCA,O-LEVEL
Ebrahim Shoarian Sattari, Associate Professor in Private Law
Rupa Ch, Ph.D.
Seyed Reza Pakize, Msc. , Bsc.
Chemesse Ennehar Bencheriet, Ph.D.
Mehdi Jafari Matehkolaee, Ph.D.
Syed Mohsin Saif, MSc. IT, M Phil, (Ph. D)
Naveen Kumar R, M.C.A
Channappa B Akki, BE, M.Tech(CST), PhD
Sajjad Waheed, PhD in Computer Engineering
Dr. Inderjeet Kaur, PhD (Computer Science & Engineering)
Haitham Barkallah, PHD Student
Mostafa Ali Beigi, Ph.D.
R Kingsy Grace, PhD (Synopsis Submitted)
Yuyang Sun, Ph.D.
Dr. Piyush Kumar Pareek, BE,M.TECH & PhD in Computer Science & Engineering
Mamdouh Babi, Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Nurul Akmar Emran, Phd Computer Science
Majid Abdolshah, M.Sc Degree
Namdeo W Khobragade, M,Sc(Maths), M,Sc(Stats), MBA Ph.D (Maths), Ph.D (Stats)
Fardad Koohyar, M.Sc
Dr. P. Rajarajeswari, Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering
Shaveta Bhatia, MCA,MPhil,Submitted the thesis of Ph.D(Computer Science) in March 2015.
K. Ashfaq Ahamed , MCA,MBA,MSEN,MCST,DCHN,(M.phil)
Srinivasa Chakravarthy, Ph.D.
Barinderpal Singh, M.Tech (CSE) B.Tech (IT)
Omar A. Alzubi, Doctor of Philosophy (in Computer Science)
Bejinaru Ruxandra, Economist, Lecturer PhD.
Ben Ahmed Mohamed, Ph.D.
Dr. PS Jagadeesh Kumar, Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering)
Mazin Abed Mohammed, Master of IT Malaysia, B.Sc (computer Science)
Sudipta Sahana, Ph.D. CSE
Dr. S. Asif Hussain, Ph.D in Electronics & Communication Engineering(E.C.E) M.Tech in Embedded systems B.Tech in E.C.E
Haziq Jeelani, Master of Technology
Saddaf Rubab, MS Computer Software EngineeringPhD IT in progress
Shahryar Habibi, Energy efficiency, sustainability, Building performance, simulation
Balakrishnan S , BE, ME, PHD
Mudasir Manzoor Kirmani, M.Tech (CS) MCA B.Sc (Electronics)
Dr. Krishna Kumar Mohbey, Ph.D.
Ganeshan, Ph.D in Computer Science
Prof. Abhay Saxena, Ph.D.
Dr. Kiran Sree Pokkuluri, B.Tech ME Ph.D.
Youssef Es-Saady, Ph.D.
Pulashi Dhananjaya Gunawardhana, Ph.D., Informatics M.Sc. Digital Visual Effects B.Sc. Information Technology
Asim Sinan Yuksel, Ph.D.
Arash Riasi, PhD in Financial Services Analytics (FSAN)
Dharmendra Choudhary, M.Tech
Deepali Gupta, Ph.D
Manivel. P, M.C.A., M.Phil., (Ph.D)
Ankit Upadhyay, B.E., M.Tech.(Pursuing)
Dr. Patrick D. Cerna, PhD Information Technology
Asim Gokhan Yetgin, Design, Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Machinery; Finite Element Method, Energy Saving, Optimization
Dr. Amjan Shaik, Ph.D (Computer Science and Engineering)
Dr. N Pughazendi, M.E, Ph.D.,
Raenu kolandaisamy, Ph.D. in University Malaya, MSC UM, Bsc NTU, Dip Niit
Anandhi, MCA., PGDHRM., (PGDEAS)., (Ph.D).,
Anup Badhe, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science)
M. Krishna Sudha, Mca.,MPhil, doing phd
Saru Dhir, M.Tech. (CS/IT), Ph.D.
Dr. A. H. Ganie, M.Phil/ Ph.D.
Senthil P, Ph.D. (Computer Science)
Dr. S. Nagaprasad, M.Sc, M.Tech Ph.D
Dr. Tarun Rao, PhD
Loc Nguyen, Postdoctoral degree in Computer Science
Amit Mishra, PhD
P S Lokhande, BE (Computer Science and Engineering) ME ( Information Technology)
Aejaz Ahmad Dar, PhD
Yuanyang Zhang, PhD in Computer Science
Dr. K. Venkata Subba Reddy, Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering
Muhammad A Iqbal, Ph.D Computer Science
Aqeel Sahi, PhD
Faisal Mubuke, M.Sc (IT), Bachelor of Business Computing, Diploma in Finanicial s r vices and Business Computing
Jiayi Liu, Physics, Machine Learning, Big Data Systems
Dr. Gamal Abd El-Nasser A. Said, Ph.D. in Computer Science
Mohammed Abaoli, PhD
Kamal Kant sharma, PhD
Dr. Suneetha Manne, PhD
Taha Al-Douri, Professor Ph.D. in Architecture (History, Theory and Criticism) University of Pennsylvania Honorary Visiting Research Professor (International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research & Cybernetics, IIAS)
Zhiming Wang, PhD
Dr. Khalid Nazim Abdul Sattar, B.E., M.Tech,MBA,PhD
Dr. Santos Kumar Das, PhD
Emna Ben-Abdallah, Ph.D student (Doctor in few months)
Dr. Venkateswarareddy Eluri , PhD
Neha Sharma, M.Sc Geoinformatics
Norzelawati, PhD
Saguna B. Vora, Ph.D.
Inamul Hasan Madar, Ph.D.
Dr. Neetu Sardana, MCA, PhD.
S. Vijayprasath, M.E ( Ph.D)
Moazameh Kordjazi, PhD
Liu Zheng , PhD
Md. Zainal Abedin, MSS, MBA, BBA from Dhaka University
Danial Jahed Armaghani, Dear Editor/ Evaluator I have published about 90 papers in well-established journals where 69 of them were published in ISI journals. My research areas are related to geotechnical engineering applications, intelligence techniques, hybrid and optimization algorithms. I think that I am eligible to
Shapna Rani E, Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering
Lyes Saad Saoud, Associate Professor Doctor
Nicla Romano, Professor in Cellular and Developmental Biology; Cytology and Histology; Morfogenesis and Comparative Anatomy
Ali Baghernejad,
Hossein Bonakdari,
Dalibor Drljaca, Master of Science in Information Technologies
Dr. Senthilkumar Rajagopal, ME CSE PhD CSE
Rashi, Masters in Technology ( Computer Science &Engineering)
Sumit Sudhakar Shinde, ME Computer Engineering
Adit Ranadive, Ph.D., M.S.
Kanak Meena, Pursuing Ph.D in CSE deprtment
Nidhal Khdhair El Abbadi, PhD. Professor
Dina Darwish, PhD. in computer engineering
Mrs. Dipti Yogesh Pawade, M. E. (Embedded System & Computing) 2010 to 2012, CGPA 9.56 B. E. (Computer Science & Engineering) 2005 to 2009, 67.94%
Aarti Tarkar, PhD in Physiology and Neurobiology Postdoctoral fellow at Glaxosmithkline Currently working as a Investigator at Glaxosmithkline
Rachit Garg, B.Tech ( CSE), PGDASDD ( Software Engineering) , M.Tech ( IT), ME(CSE)
Ghareb Mostafa Hamada,
Jasna PT, MA (Applied Economics) M.Phil (Economics) Ph.D (Pursuing)
Emad Hasani Malekshah, M.Sc. of Mechanical Engineering
Ali Hussein Wheeb, M.Sc.of Computer Engineer - Networking B.Sc. of Control and Computer Engineering Researcher
Valdis Vitolins, Ph. D.
Seyed Yahya Zahedi Fard,
Himawan, Master Degree in Computer Science
Muhammad Abid, M.Phil,PhD Thesis submitted and waiting for defense
Adnan Amin, Ph.D. Scholar M.S. Computer Science Research Degree with Distinction MSc. Computer Science
Anthony Quansah, MSc.
M. Nagabushanam, 1. B.E Electronics Engineering Bangalore University 1997 Second class,53.66% 2. M.Tech Electronics Engineering Visvesvaraya TechnologicalUniversity, Belguam 2003 First ,62.4% 3 Ph.D VLSI Anna University,Chennai 2017
Jimmy Soni, B.tech, M.tech*
Ahmet Mert, Ph.D, Asst. Professor
Dr. Hazzaa Alshareed, PhD in computer science
Chit Su Mon, Phd Candidate (Computing) MSc Networking and Mobile Systems (Lancaster University, Sunway Campus) BSc (Hons) Computer Science
C. Shoba Bindu, Ph.D
Dr. Bharti Motwani, B.Sc(Computers), MBA (IT)
R Sambasiva Nayak, M.TECH,PHD*
Rohini A. Bhusnurmath, Ph.D. in Computer Science
Ahmed J. Obaid, Lecturer at Kufa University Reviewer in JCS, IAEJ, ASTESJ Journals Researcher in IT solution
Dinesh, Completed Post Graduate in Engineering, Pursuing doctorate (Completion Stage)
Seungchul Ryu, -
Oyebode Aduragbemi, M.Sc in Computer Science , B.Tech in Information Technology
Saban Ozturk, Image processing, CNN, artificial intelligence, optimization
Muhammad Aamir Iqbal, Ph.D Computer Science
Emmanuel Gbenga Dada, PhD (Computer Science) MSc (Computer Science) Bsc. (Computer Science)
Mohammed Aidoo, MSc Economics Commonwealth Executive Masters in Business Administration BA Economics Diploma in Education
N Prasath, PH.D.
Vijay Prakash Singh, Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering
Vishnukumar A, B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)
Harbinder Singh, Ph.D
kanta prasad sharma, MCA, P.hD (IT) - Near to submission
Mohammed-alamine El Houssaini, State Engineer Diploma in Industrial Engineering, PhD in Computer Science
Mustafa Mohammed Baua AlBaua, Master of computer science
R. Sheeba, M.tech., Phd(Writing synopsis)
Dr. Lalit Kumar Gupta, Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering)
Ahsan Rabbani, B Tech Civil Engineering M Tech GeoTechnical Engineering
Dr. Amando P. Singun, Jr., Doctor in Information Technology
Imanah, Ohiosimuhan Daniel, Diploma, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Brahmdutt Bohra, M.TECH(Computer Science)
Ahmed Hussein Ali, Master of computer science
Muhammad Hassan, MS( Finance)
Amit Kumar Tyagi, Ph.D
Mozhgan Entekhabi, I am an assistant professor of mathematics at FAMU, Tallahassee, Florida. My field of study is applied mathematics.
Abhishek Rajeshkumar Mehta, Assistant Professor, Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, MCA Department, Parul University.
Ruchi Doshi, Registrar
Dr. Suresh Babu Perli, Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering NIT Warangal WARANGAL-506004 Telangana State. Ph.No: +91-8977123345
Muthusenthil, Associate Professor
Muhammad Farooq, Ph.D. Scholar
Dr. Sujan Narayan Agrawal, MBBS,MS(Surgery),FAIS, Dh & Hm
B Kiran Bala, Assistant HoD & Assistant Professor
Habtamu Berhanu Abera (PhD), Assistant Professor
Dr. Fathy Mohamed Abdou El-Saadony, Assistant professor of Agricultural Botany, Agricultural Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University.
Fedor F. Mende, Fedor F. Mende
Peter, Chibuike Chukwuemeka, Nigeria maritime University, Okerenkoko, Delta State. Nigeria
Dr. M. Narender, Associate Professor
Dr. P. Sri Rama Chandra Murty, Ass. Professor
M. Raihan, Lecturer
Dr. Arun kumar B R, Professor in Computer Science and Enginerign and Head of the dept., MCA
Amit Jain, Semantic Web and Graph Developer
Sankar Ganesh Devaraj, Assistant Professor
Lokesh Jain, Research Scholar
Dr. Adetokunbo Macgregor John-Otumu, IT Specialist & Researcher
Arvind Kumar, Program Manager
Mohamad Ahtisham Wani,
Omid Akbarzadeh Pivehzhani, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mostafa Derraz, This request is based on an invitation that I received from chiefauthor [AT] computerresearch [DOT] org about my Article The General Sinus.
Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain, Senior Scientific Officer
Dr. Surekha Kamath, Associate Professor Senior Scale
Edson OliveiraJr,
Jennifer Padilla Juaneza, Instructor/Program Head
Dr. K.Arunesh, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Pragati Priyadarshinee, Associate Professor
Calpephore Nkikabahizi, (Dr)
Dinesh Jackson Samuel, Research Associate
Satyanarayana Chanagala, Professor
Amit Kumar Das, IT MANAGER
Dr. Irfan Siddavatam, Associate Professor
Mohd Arif Agam, Associate Professor
Wilson K. Cheruiyot, Associate professor of computer science
Dr. G. Anjan Babu, Professor
Dr. Sangeeta Kakoty, Deputy Director-Multimedia
HIMADRI MANDAL, Associate Professor
Prof. Dr. C. B SENTHIL KUMAR, Head of the Department of Commerce
swayanshu shanti pragnya, FCSRC and Data scientist
Dr.T.P.Anithaashri, Professor
Khaled Elzaafarany, Now, Postdoc at University of California at Riverside
Dr. Akashdeep Bhardwaj, Professor (Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics)
Prof. Ajay B Gadicha, Assistant Professor
Sunil Chawla, Assistant Professor
Pooja, Professor
Manish Kumar Singla, Research Scholar
Aulia Akhrian Syahidi, B.Ed., M.Cs., Lecturer in Informatics Engineering Study Program, State of Polytechnic Banjarmasin
R Vignesh, Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering School of Engineering Presidency University Bengaluru, India
Salem Omar Sati,
ASMITA YADAV, Assistant Professor
Dr. Ruchi Doshi, Registrar
Dr. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor(Senior Scale) Guru Nanak College for Girls, Sri Muktsar Sahib-152026(Punjab)
ANSHUMAN GUHA, Sr. Data Scientist at Capital One https://www.linkedin.com/in/anshumanguha/
ESAKKIMUTHU K, Ph.D. research scholar
Dr. Hardik B. Ramani, Assistant Professor & Head, Mechanical Engineering
JOE MARIE DORMIDO, Faculty, researcher and author
Dr.T.Velumani, Dr.T.velumani Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Kongu Arts and Science College(Autonomous),Erode TamilNadu State India  +91-98653-82450  velumani46 [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Shrinand Javadekar, Principal Software Engineer, Intuit Inc.
Nirmalya Thakur, PhD Student - Computer Science
Shashank Sheshar Singh, Research Scholar
RICARDO PEREZ-AGUILA, PhD in Computer Science. Founding Partner & Developer - Intelligent Solutions for Multimedia Analysis. Founding Partner & Data Scientist - Data Analysis Division.
Dr. Popoola, Ibukun Olukorede, Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria Agricultural Research and Biometrics Department, Thisavrous Pyrgos Integrated Resources
Hakki Ulutas, University of Inonu Faculty of Medicine Department of Thoracic Surgery
Gundu Srinivasa Rao, Computer Science Ph.D. Research Scholar & Senior Software Trainer
Dr Tasneem Bano Rehman, Associate Professor
Dr. Blessedy M. Cervantes, Master Teacher II, Department of Education, Philippines
Dr.V.S.Prakash, Professor in Computer Science Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous) K.Narayanapura, Kothanur PO Bangalore - 560 077
Sin Thi Yar Myint, Professor Faculty of Computer Science Myanmar Institute of Information Technology, Mandalay, Myanmar
Muhammad Talha, RESEARCH Analyst
Pranit Gopaldas Shah, MTech CE, BECE, MPM, FCSRC, Chief Research Scientist, TeerHub Technology Private Limited
Dr Pradip Mathuradas Jawandhiya, Professor & Principal
Fadratul Hafinaz Hassan, Senior Lecturer
Bhawana Rudra, Assistant Professor
Saikiran Ellambotla, Associate professor
Ajay Singh, Head of Computer Science & Engineering Department
Test Reviewer 1,
Nisha Rana, Assistant Professor
Aondover Eric Msughter, PhD Fellow
Mark Van M. Buladaco, Program Chair, BS in Information Systems
zineb korachi,
Rahul Reddy Nadikattu, Ph.D. Student
Hesham Gamal Moussa,
Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Prof. Dr. of Computer Science and Founder &Head of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering Research Labs,
Jinhee Kim,
Warid Wazien Ahmad Zailani, Dr.
Dr. Shivangini Saxena, Asst. Prof.
Shonak Bansal,
Muhammad Suhail Shaikh, Research Assistant
Manish Sharma, Informatics Assistant
Dr. Aumreesh Kumar Saxena, Associate Professor
Dartel Lima,
Anusha B, Assistant Professor Pathology
Bhupendra Gupta, Assistant Professor
Deepak Dasaratha Rao,
Dr Prasanth V G, The Head & Associate professor Department of English
D.M Deepak Raj, Assistant Professor
Venkatamangarao Nampally, Researcher
Shylaja Vinaykumar Karatangi, Assistant Professor
Mahabaduga Sameera Fernando, Associate Writer European International Campus Sri Lanka
Mr. Nikhil Dhavase, Assistant Professor
Md. Mobarak Hossain, PhD Candidate Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
MD ABU BASHAR, Assistant Professor of Community Medicine
Rosa Leonor Ulloa-Cazarez, Professor
L. K. Pulasthi Dhananjaya Gunawardhana, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Subodhini Anant Abhang, Professor
Dr. Michael Raj TF, Associate Professor
Deepika Chauhan, Assistant Professor
Dr. Chaitanya Singh, Associate Professor
S Kalesha Masthan vali, Assoc.professsor
Swetha Mettala gilla, Process Engineer at Intel Corporation OR, USA, PhD in Electrical Engineering from Portland State University 2018.
Ahana Roy Choudhury, PhD. candidate
Dr.Yogini Dilip Borole, Assistant Professor
Dr.Karavadi Vidusha, Academic Faculty,Researcher
Dr. Reema Chowdhary, Assistant Professor
Charles Edwin Raja Gabriel, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Karuna nidhi Pandagre, Assistant Professor
Md. Humaun Kabir, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University, Bangladesh
SHAWNI DUTTA, Assistant Professor
Goolbahor Abdusattarovna Karimoca, Assocoate professor, PhD
Sin Thi Yar Myint,
Padmaja Kuruba, Assistant Professor
Jhoanne Estrella Rafon,
Khalid Wasim Hassan, Assistant Professor Department of Politics and Governance Central University of Kashmir
madhavi katamaneni, asst professor
Deepak Mane, Senior Data Scientist
S. Jawahar, Assistant Professor
Dr Rajat Bhardwaj,
Dr. Shashi, Head Of Department
Ts. Dr. Kumuthawathe Ananda-Rao,
Dr. Shaik Rasool, Assistant Professor
Prashanth BusiReddyGari, Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina, Pembroke
SAURAV SINGLA, Senior Data Scientist | Expert Advisor Author | Author
priyanka sharma,
Badra Sandamali Galdolage, Senior Lecturer
Dr. Benita Christopher, Assistant professor
SAURAV SINGLA, Senior Data Scientist
Fadhil Hussein Abbas, JKU University, Linz-Austria
Sajad Javadinasab Hormozabad,
Yogesh, Assistant Professor
Noha Algallai,
Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Associate Professor
Anjali Dadhich, Research scholar
Candra Zonyfar, Dr
Dr. B. Muni Lavanya, Assistant.Professor
DR. KAKALI HAZARIKA, Assistant Professor
Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain, Faculty, African Development Online University (ADOU)
Law Chong Seng, Assistant Professor
Lirisha Laxmikant Bhatt, IELTS Trainer
Shayan Zargari,
Mohammed Saleem,
Ketan Kotecha, Dean of engineering
Dr Gedam Kamalakar, Asst Professor
Akash Kumaran,
L Ramesh, Assistant professor
Ajoy Mondal, Dr.
SHAHID ZAMAN, Postdoc fellow
shashi saxena, Principal Incharge
Dr Gedam kamalakar, Researcher dept of political science osmania university hyderabad india
MD. AZIZUR RAHMAN, Assistant Professor
Saurav Prakash, PhD candidate
Dr.Jayakumar K, Professor and Head of the Department of Biochemistry
Saravanan chandrasekaran, Assistant professor
Aidoo Mohammed,
Mayank Namdev, Assistant Professor
M.Varalakshmamma, Assistant Professor, (P.hD)
Dr. Sundarrajan M, Assistant Professor
Nobendu Mukerjee, B. Sc honours
Min Jong Cheon,
Dr. Chandan Kumar, Assistant Professor
Subhani Shaik, Associate Professor
Dinah Katindi Nyamai, Dr
Dr.Rashmi Amardeep, Associate professor
Tendai Masunda Zengeni, PhD Student
Fathima.H, Asst.professor
Suryateja Pericherla S, Associate professor
Saravanakumar Marimuthu, Instructor
Dr. Hazal Koray Alay,
MALLIKARJUNA REDDY, Associate Professor
Ananthi Palanisamy, Associate Professor
Dr. Marathe Dagadu, Assit. Prof
Dr Karanam Ramesh Rao, Professor
Luiz Antonio Reis,
Yucao Tang,
Audumbar Digambar Mali, Asst. Professor
ZAHOOR AHMAD PARRAY, Research associate
Sudipta Chakrabarti, Principal&Associate Professor in Biological Sciences Midnapore City College Kuturiya, Bhadutala, Paschim Medinipur-721129, West Bengal, India
MANISHA VERMA, Assistant Professor
k.meenendranath reddy, Assistant Professor
Anil Trimbakrao Gaikwad, Associate Professor
Rama Krushna Rath, Assistant Professor
Dr.M.Muthuselvam, Assistant professor
Anand Raj Dhanapal, Assistant Professor
Swathi Peddyreddy, SQL Server DBA/Salesforce Admin
Lok Raj Sharma, Associate Professor of English Language & Literature
Nattagit Jiteurtragool, Lecturer
Ameya Gawde,
Dr Reji R, Associate Professor and HOD Department of Computer Science and Engineering Carmel College of engineering and Technology Punnapra, Alappuzha, Kerala, India Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Dr. Narendrakumar A. Patel, Assistant Professor
Jose Ricardo da Silva Junior, Professor
FERDINAND BULUSAN, Associate Professor and University Research Consultant
Seethalakshmi V, Research scholar
Santosh Joshi, Research Specialist II
Abdulhakim Sabur,
shruti chandrayan, Software engineer
Aleisawee Mohamed Alsseid, PhD
Scott A Johnson, Mr. I have a Masters Degree in Psychology but am a licensed psychologist. I am recognized as an expert in sexual predator and violent offenses, psychopathy, and training law enforcement and prosecutors nationwide.
Dr. Harshita Garg, College Principal
MICHELLE G. DUMA, Education Program Specialist II
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Director Operations
Poornima Selvaraj, Assistant Professor
Dr. Wan Aezwani Wan Abu Bakar, Senior Lecturer
Niyaz Hussain A M J, Assistant Professor
Leandro Guimarães Garcia, Dr.
Minjong Cheon,
Sahar Idwan, Professor in computer science
Jiayi Li, Dr. Linda L. Klug had invited me to be your reviewer
Dr. Fasil Barkat, Academic Counselor
Sami Ouali, Assistant Professor
Satya Prakash Yadav, Associate Professor
Baoqiang Ma,
Dr. Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor
Dasari Anantha Reddy, Assistant Professor
Dr.P.Anusha, Assistant professor
Dr. S. KARTHIKEYAN, Associate Professor & Head/ Mathematics
Dr. JAYESHKUMAR MADHUBHAI PATEL, Associate Professor – PG Department [ M.C.A.]
Divya Gangwani, PhD Candidate
Harish Padmanaban, Vice President
Aakib Bin Nesar, Senior Teacher
Dr R.Sheeba, Associate Professor
Amogh Raghunath, Sr Software Scientist
M.V.K. SRINIVASA RAO, Director, R&D, Incubation Centre, Visakha Institute Of Engineering and Technology & Secretary, BN Entrepreneurship Research and Development Society, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
Abderrahim Bouchair, Dr
Assoc. Prof. Ajay Kumar Agarwal, Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department
vandana jagdish shah, Assistant professor
Idrissa dit papis NDIAYE, Doctor in computer science specialized in telecommunications
Juan Antonio Camara Serrano, Degree in Veterinary Medicine. PhD in Veterinary Medicine. Research assistant.
Rashmi Madda, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr. K. Bhuvaneswari, Assistant professor
Marco Lemos,
Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi,
Yantong Wang,
Fathima.H, Assistant professor
Dr Kaviarasi Rajendran, Assistant Professor
Dr. D. Thiyagarajan, Associate Professor
Veeramani Ganesan, Specialist Mobile and OTT Technology
Shruti Srivatsan, Student at University of Waterloo
Yiwen Meng,
Yufei Zheng,
alia hosney ahamed salama,
Kumar Abhishek, Senior Machine Learning Engineer
wenpeng xing, PhD student at HKBU
Ming Li,
Shruti Srivatsan, Graduate Student
MagdiSadek Mostafa Mahmoud, Distinguished Professor (Retired)
Muralikrishna Dabbugudi, Senior Solution Architect
Devendra Dahiphale, Software Engineer
Arushi Arora, Data Analyst
Shreya Rajkumar, Senior Research Engineer
Mr. Rajesh Yadav, Assistant Professor
Aaron Paul M. Dela Rosa, Department Head, Information Technology Program
Kiran Jewargi, Senior Systems Engineer
Margaret Kareyo, Associate Prof.
Dr. Sonia Sabrina BENDIB, Associate Professor
Stamatis Papadakis,
Dwipam Katariya, Principal Data Scientist
Glenford C. Franca, College Instructor
Rômulo Damasclin Chaves dos Santos, Professor of Higher Education in Mathematics. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre, Brazil.
UJJWAL DATT SHARMA, Electrical Engineer/Hardware Design Engineer
Rahul Subramany, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer
Chiabwoot Ratanavilisagul, Assistant Professor Doctor
Ruchi Singh Parihar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Ankur Gupta, Engineering Manager II
Vaijanath Rao, Head of Data Science
Jiyong Yu,
Rica delos Reyes-Ancheta, Ph.D., Dr.
James Hutson, Professor, Lead XR Disruptor, Department Head
Srinivas Venkata, Staff Data engineer
Jayasekara Balasuriya Don Aruna Pradeep Kumara, Senior Lecturer, Department of Export Agriculture, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
Vaijanath Rao, Head Of Data Science
Srinivas Venkata, Staff Data engineer
Srinivas Venkata, Staff Data engineer
Manish Reddy Bhimavarapu, Senior Site Reliability Engineer at TikTok US Previously worked at Oracle Corporation, Cisco Systems, Microsoft Corportation
Abdussalam Elhanashi, University of Pisa Pisa Italy
Nasmin Jiwani, Research scientist
Sulaiman Raji Weshah,
Carlos Gonçalves Tavares,
Kartik Khosa,
Sakarie Mustafe Hidig, Doctor / Assistant prof / Surgeon
Lukumba Phiri (Ph.D), Researcher/Senior Engineer/Lecturer
Dinesh Kalla, Microsoft - Big Data Escalation Engineer
Pramod Ravindra, Postdoctoral Research Associate, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
Ricardo de Queirós Batista Ribeiro, Dr. Ricardo de Queirós Batista Ribeiro
Stephanie Lehuger, Philosopher
Lakshmi Sridhar Movva, Doctor of Philosophy in Distributed Agile, SaFe Agilist, Certified Scrum Master, PSPO with 20 years of IT Experience .Currently working as Digital Product owner
Dominic Damoah, CTO at Vie Incorporated
Vijayasarathi Balasubramanian, Sr Data and Applied Science
Sreejith Kaimal, Principal Site Reliability Engineer
Kruti Shah,
Silvia Filogna,
Sai Nitisha Tadiboina, Master Software Engineer
Aleksandar Ašonja,
Sai Nitisha Tadiboina, Master Software Engineer
Sagar Gandhi, Senior ML Research Scientist
Alexandru Marius Tătar,
Arjun Karat, Senior Member of Technical Staff at Salesforce
Sourabh Sethi, Technology Lead & Researcher on Digital Technologies
Dr. Rishabh Sharma, Postdoctoral Research Associate (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Milpitas, CA)
Md.Tanvir Rahman Jim, Lecturer
Ronak Ravjibhai Pansara, Master Data Specialist at Tesla
Vikrant Agarwal, Product lead
Tahirou Djara, Mr.
Amritha Arun Babu Mysore, Sr. Technical Product Manager
Orhan Çevik,
Narayanan Seshan, Senior Engineering Manager @ Wayfair
Fuqiang Lu, Professor
Jiuyang Bai, Sr. Machine Learning Engineer
Sharath Chander Reddy Baddam, R&D Software Project Engineer
Sadiq Hassan Yahya Khoreem,
Abbas Jumaah Jayed, Dr.
Zonghao Ying, researcher
Aniket Kumar Singh, Vision Systems Engineer | Ultium Cells
Dr. Yuxin Wang, PhD in Computer Science, Dartmouth College, USA
WEI LIU, The University of Tokyo
Farouk ZOUARI,
Balaji Subramanian,
Subhadip Kumar, Sr. SAP Basis Specialist – Canadian Pacific Kansas City
Sri Venkata Divya Madhuri, Challa, Machine Learning Engineer
Niti Jain, Senior Software Engineer, Salesforce, San Francisco, California
Jayesh Soni, Dr.
Kishore Kumar Pattipati, Enterprise Architect, SAP America
Ali Hassaan Mughal, MSc. Computer Science, Software Developer - II(Automation Lead)
Dinesh kalla, Support Escalation Engineer
Daniela Orovwiroro, University of California, Paul Merage School of Business, Irvine, CA
Abhishek Shukla, Principal Software Engineer, Dell Technologies
Azadeh Moosavi,
Harish Gyanaji,
Santosh Nazare, Director, Lead Data Scientist Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Vishwanadham Mandala, Data Engineering Leader, Analytics and AI Department, Cummins Inc
Abdalla Mohamed Tom Eldaw, Yes
Naveen Pujari, Expert software engineer, Kakatiya university, India
Pinky Pandit, PhD



Dr. Dorothy T. Hutchens

Chief Editor at Global Journals, Ph.D. in Law, NY University,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk,
Email: chiefeditor [AT] globaljournals [DOT] org


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