Computing the better
    The World is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.- Edsger W.Dijkstra Read More

    Describing Algorithm to bring Positive ChangeAn algorithm must be seen to be believed.
    -Donald Knuth
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    Having Strong Base and a Huge NetworkThe Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. -Bill Gates Read More
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Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology focus on foundational aspects of modern computing and technology. It is a double-blind, peer reviewed, international journal accepting original research papers and articles spanning across domains but not limited to software and computing, hardware and ICs, AI and distributed computing, network, databases, and cloud.


With the advancements of computers and sensors, humans are collecting more data every day and automating it to generate better results. It is now one of the major parts of modern era research and science to study and design better algorithms and computing methods. This journal aims to provide academia for new methodologies and its application. Special editions of this journal may contain whitepapers, reports, accepted standards and thesis.


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Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology

Since 2001, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST) has been an academic, Hybrid access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, refereed journal focusing on all aspects of computer science. The GJCST is superintended and sponsored by the Open Association of Research Society USA (OARS). The OARS has been esteemed internationally since 1964, aiming to highlight the research of frontiers and enhance research & development.



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GJCST Volume 25


ISSN Online 0975-4172
ISSN Print 0975-4350
Print Estd. 2001
DOI 10.17406/gjcst
Publishing Frequency Monthly
Society Accreditation Yes

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