Working for HumanityHumanity is the spiritual part of Creation. -Unknown Read More

    Bringing Researchers and Inventors, closerCommunal well-being is central to human life.-Cat Stevens Read More
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    True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.-Albert Einstein/span> Read More
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GJHSS-A Volume 24 Issue 7
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GJHSS Volume  25


ISSN Online 2249-460X
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Print Estd. 2001
DOI 10.17406/GJHSS
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The Functionalization of Ownership

This article analyzes the functionalization of possession in the Brazilian legal system, highlighting its historical evolution. Based on a historical-evolutionary approach and a literature review, the main legal theories regarding possession are presented, such as Saleilles’s economic appropriation theory, Perozzi’s social theory, and Gil’s f...

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Classification of the Bulgarian-Tatar Epigraphic Monuments and Some Controversial Problems of their Study

Identification of some unsolved problems of studying and fixing the Bulgarian- Tatar epigraphic monuments. Performing high-quality photographic documentation with accompanying drawings and partial reconstructions. Complete or fragmentary restoration of damaged epitaphs becomes feasible only with a paleographic comparative analysis of calligraphic c...

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Political Inclusion of Marginalized Groups in Puntland’s Elections

Elections, whether through direct or indirect democracy, are widely considered an instrument ensuring inclusive political participation in which all citizens are equal regardless of their background. The culture of most African societies often hinders participation of the vulnerable and minority groups (Raleigh, 2010). Somalia’s minority clans su...

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Security Implication of Crimes Committed by Police Officers, in Nairobi County, Kenya

This study sought to examine the security implication of crime committed by police officers in Nairobi County. This was necessitated by the fact that police officers have been committing crimes yet hardly any data has been collected, maintained, disseminated or made available to inform crime management. The study assessed the nature of crimes commi...

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Bridging Theory and Practice: University Extension and Community Engagement in the Rondon Project

The Rondon Project, an initiative by the Brazilian Federal Government in collaboration with Higher Education Institutions, promotes actions to foster the development of cities and communities across Brazil. The project aims to support local and sustainable development and enhance citizenship among participants through socially focused projects. Key...

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