Making WorldThe question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. ~Edsger W. Dijkstra Read More

    Designing the bestIf a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.~ James A. Michener Read More

    Developing World AccessScientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.
    ~James A. Michener
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GJRE-F Volume 24 Issue 1
GJRE-J Volume 24 Issue 2

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GJRE-D Volume 25


ISSN Online 2249-4596
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CrossRef DOI 10.34257/gjre
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Recent Articles Published in GJRE-D

Study on the Influence of UAV Wingtip Connection on Ceiling and Endurance

The cluster UAVs have developed rapidly in recent years with the advantages of low cost, expandability and high reliability. However, due to their small size, they have the shortages of range and flight time. Wingtip connection technology, as an important way to increase the range and flight time of fixed-wing cluster UAVs, has also developed rapid...

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Experimental Ablation Measurements in Hypersonic Flows using Novel Preheating Technology

Measurements of mass ablation rates in hypersonic flows are used to calibrate computational models, and the arc jets have been the norm for ablation experiments. However, the quality of experimental data from arc jet facilities are limited by non-uniform enthalpy distribution, non-equilibrium state, change of surface quality during testing, and the...

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Global Research of Innovation Green Concepts of New Hybrid Electric Integral Modul Aircrft and Solar Disc Airship

Actually New Innovation Green Concepts for future World Ecology Air Transportation Technologies will be focusing to new Optimal Geometry Structures as the complex Integral Disc-Wing Adaptive Transforming Frames for any Passenger Hybrid Electrical Aircraft and Solar Disc Airship with more Efficiency Active Vortex Energy Systems. The new Internationa...

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In the New Spectrum of Space Law, Will Biden Favor the Moon Treaty?

The full spectrum of space law, from nationalist to internationalist, was on display at the Moon Village Association’s annual symposium on November 8-9. But the question on everyone’s mind was, what will be the effect of Joe Biden’s election as the next President of the United States? He has already declared his intent to rejoin the Paris Cli...

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High Altitude Science Experiments aboard NASA’s WB-57 Airborne Research Platform

Purpose: Exposure to space radiation may place astronauts at significant health risks. This is an under-investigated area of research and therefore more knowledge is needed to better plan long-term space missions. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of radiation on murine naïve and activated T lymphocytes (T cells) and to test the e...

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A Survey on Methods to Optimize Power Harvesting in Drones

This paper explores the challenges associated with limited battery capacity in drones and presents a comprehensive analysis of strategies to optimize energy harvesting and extend flight durations. Various energy generation methods, including piezoelectric and solar harvesting, are discussed, along with electrical circuit generation for wireless cha...

Fundamentals of Electro Kinetics and Ionic Interactions for Durability Enhancement of Cement Concrete

Durability of concrete structures is of great concern among civil engineering community. The concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials due to its relatively competitive affordability, versatility, easy availability of its raw materials, workability and mouldability to any shape and size. (1) Concrete is a composite material tha...

Towards Digitalization of Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain Digital Twins and Internet of Things Approach

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is known to confer numerous health benefits to individuals, owing to their remarkable nutrient density as agricultural produce. Rapid decay of perishable items leads to a reduction in quality and nutrient content. Additionally, these items are highly susceptible to spoilage. The implementation of cold chain ...

The Ctesiphont system. Evolution of the catenary structure

La complicada situació n de la España de los años de autarquía (1940-55), llevo a que algunos arquitectos propusieran soluciones sumamente económicas y de rápida construcción para tratar de solucionar el grave problema de la falta de vivienda. Entre esas propuestas llama especialmente la atención el sistema Ctesiphonte, basado en una catena...

Time Series Analysis Model For Annual Rainfall Data in Lower Kaduna Catchment Kaduna, Nigeria

Time series analysis and forecasting has become a major tool in many applications in water resources engineering and environmental management fields. The effects of climate change and variability on water demand in the 21st century makes the time series analysis of rainfall, a major replenishing source of water, more imperative than ever before. Th...

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