Drugs, Motivation and Prevention Campaigns in Spain (1994-2007). Story of a Misunderstanding

Juan Carlos Checa Olmos, Maru00c3u00ada Josu00c3u00a9 Gonzu00c3u00a1lez Moreno, Carmen Salvador Ferrer

Volume 14 Issue 1

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

The aim of this article is to analyze and frame the level of efficacy and adequacy of publicity campaigns for the prevention of drug use in Spain. To this end, the contents of the messages used by the FAD (Antidrug Foundation) in television campaigns broadcast between 1994 and 2007 have been reviewed. The content of these campaigns has also been linked to the progress and motivation of drug users, using the biannual surveys of the Ministry for Equality and Social Welfare. The results show that the discourse followed in these campaigns has no relation whatsoever with the said motivations linked with drug abuse. Consequently, a strategy is required which will have an impact on discouraging and dissuading drug users.