Perspectives of Women Victims of Wealthy Batterers: Is Justice Served?

Diana Bruns

Volume 14 Issue 2

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

While domestic violence occurs in all demographical realms (races, ethnicities, classes, educational levels), research has been limited regarding wealthy batterers. Although domestic abuse is more visible in lower-class communities, abuse in high socio-economic classes remains hidden. Qualitative data from 12 survivors of wealthy and/or affluent batterers defined asupper middle class or upper class examines perspectives of victims of wealthy batterers to investigate if and how such victims face injustices due to the batterer’s wealth and prominence in the communities in which they live. As additional research is conducted on wealthy batterers, police, prosecutors, and judges may provide better treatment and protection, as they too, will become better prepared in dealing with wealthy and powerful batterers and minimize injustices or prejudice to toward the victims.