Job Stress in Software Companies: A Case Study of HCL Bangalore, India

Geeta Kumari, Dr. Gaurav Joshi, Dr. K.M. Pandey

Volume 14 Issue 7

Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology

In India software industry has become one of the fastest growing industries. The reason for choosing a particular software industry and its employees is that the level of stress these employees face is comparatively higher than employees in other private companies. Any kind of a job has targets and an employee becomes stressed when he or she is allotted with unachievable targets and are unable to manage the given situation. Thus the main aim of this article is to bring to lime light the level of stress with software employees in HCL and the total sample size for the study is 100 chosen by random sampling method in HCL. When the employees were asked how often they feel stressed while working while working at the company, 98 out 100 said they feel stressed about daily physically, mentally or emotionally. In a sample space of 100 employees, 16% of employees work for 4-6 hours a day, 32% works for 6-8 hours, 30% works for 8-10 hours while 22% works for 10-12 hours daily. When asked about the overtime they have to do, 28% said employees saying always were mainly from age group 20-29. 54% of employees said often while 18% of employees said they worked overtimes rarely. The other few aspects have also been studied about job satisfaction.