Relationship of Speech and Language Disorders to Lateralization of Functional Impairments after Stroke

Goran Savic

Volume 14 Issue 9

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

Introduction Frequent consequence of a stroke is disturbances of communication expressed through difficulties or completely lost of ability for expression and / or understanding of speech. Aim of study is to determine SLD presence in relation to patient age, sex, functional impairment side of the body and the smoking habits. Methodology We took data from the medical records of 746 patients included in the rehabilitation after stroke. Results Average age of the sample was 67.50 years. Over one third of patients had registered two or more diseases. The most common type of stroke is ischemic. Near ¾ samples with right-sided, about 1/5 sample with the left sided, third with bilateral functional impairments of the body and one-quarter of patients without significant functional impairment had SLD. Conclusion Most of the samples with right-sided functional impairments body had SLD; a smaller part of the left sided functional impairments had presented SLD.