Prediction of Volumetric and Viscometric Properties of Acetophenone – Ethylchloroacetate Binary Mixture At 303K & 323K with Different Model Analysis

M. Sathiyamoorthy, Dr. Mazda Biglari

Volume 15 Issue 1

Global Journal of Research in Engineering

In this present investigation the volumetric properties and viscosity of the acetophenone ethylchloroacetate liquid binary mixture were determined. The properties were found as a function of mole fraction and at a temperature of 303 K and 323 K. The excess molar volumes and ultrasonic velocity are also determined. It is used to predict the intermolecular interactions in the process calculation, pipe design and automobile fuel section. The kinematic viscosities of this mixture were analyzed with four different models namely McAllister, Krishnan-Laddha, Jouyban-Acree and Redlichkister. The different properties were plotted against mole fraction of the liquid mixtures at various compositions and temperatures.