Arab Nations Adopt eLearning to Improve Instruction

Maurice Odine, Ph.D.

Volume 15 Issue 3

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

Arab countries have adopted [virtual] e learning to provide interactive education, which characterizes a departure from the traditional classroom setting. Partnerships with Apple, Android, Blackberry, and Windows have resulted in mobile software applications. Researchers indicate that mobile devices inject fun into learning and increase students’ motivation. Furthermore, e-learning improves teacher-learner relationship by shelving face-to-face communication, and is most constructive in regions with fewer or less qualified teachers. While surveys show e-learning is effective, students’ evaluations are mixed. For instance, students are displeased about untimely posting of grades. Notwithstanding, e-learning initiatives, such as Arabic ‘Mathletics’ and Arab/English, provide unprecedented learning opportunities for the region.