Archaeometallurgical Studies Metallic Artifacts from the Middle Bronze Age Sites of South – East of Azerbaijan

Dr. Aziza Hasanova

Volume 15 Issue 2

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

The article devoted research of metallic artifacts from the Middle Bronze Age sites of South – East of Azerbaijan Republic. In the article present the results of quantitative spectral analysis of metallic artifacts from study region. More part of them found in funerary monuments, dated to the period from the XX-XIX centuries BC. The purpose of the study show which alloys and metals were used in the studies periodfor manufacturing of metallic artifacts in study region. The analyses have shown that copper is the basic materials in all of them. Metallurgical results the results of analysis have shown more of artifacts made of tin bronze, one of them of copper arsenic. In study region discovered earliest artifacts of pure antimony, dated XX-XIX centuries BC. Handle of dagger from the admit burial made of tin – arsenic alloys contain 11.1 % tin and 0.85 % arsenic. It shows, that on the southeastern of Azerbaijan tin were enough and seems bring from the territory of Iran. Known, ancient tin mining are absent on the Caucasus. Nearly ancient tin mining fount on the Iran, used beginning of the III millennium BC.