Rethinking Modern Sociological Theories: An Analytical Synthesis of Their Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology

Dr. Rabindra Garada

Volume 15 Issue 1

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

No matter how different sociological ontology, epistemology and methodology are, they pull together reasoning the social world for a better human understanding. So of their diverse theoretical paradigms and perspectives that developed over the time make sociology a distinct discipline. But so far their internal contradictions and dualism and could not be resolved, and rather invites challenges for the future prospect of world sociology. The challenge is not how they thrive humans on different or almost many a unique universe of meanings but to see their crossboundaries of meanings. Our study also reveals that now the foundationlism- the theoretical narratives of Durkheim, Marx and Weber (DMW) have been reconstructed and regained with a fresh lease of life in the sociological world. But the proponents for such original building block are not always visible protagonists. However, in this context, the neo-functional theorists buttress structural functionalism by introducing with some radicalism whereas the critical theorists juxtapose the conflict theoretical perspectives uncovering many missing dimensions of suppression and exclusions of sociological marginal and minorities.