Effects of Golf Drive Swing on Multiple Functional Wear Wearing

Jungwoo kim

Volume 16 Issue 1

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of drive swing on multiple functional wear wearing in golf. The subjects were 6 men (22.67±0.82yrs, 175.42±3.42cm, 78.75±4.78kg), who had career each with at least 8 years golf experience with right-hander. For kinematical analysis, this study used equipments with 7 motion capture cameras (300Hz) and analysis program (Nexus 1.5). The total time of the club head, displacement magnitude of the COM and swing plane were compared of according to functional wear wearing and non-wearing during golf drive swing. The results of the study are as follows. The total time of the club on wearing (2.18±0.06sec) was faster than non-wearing (2.52±0.15sec). Displacement magnitude of the COM on wearing (4.06±0.67cm) was shorter than non-wearing (5.79±0.72cm). Also, swing plane was found to be significantly different of 3 phase excepted BST-DS (back swing top - down swing) phase. AD-BST (address - back swing top) phase on wearing (13.86±3.08cm) decrease more than nonwearing (20.82±3.99cm), DS-IP (down swing – impact) phase on wearing (6.25±1.35cm) decrease more than non-wearing (7.18±1.52cm) and IP – FT (impact – follow though) phase on wearing (7.93±2.09cm) decrease more than non-wearing (9.68±2.02cm). The multiple functional wear wearing was contribution to come close for one-plane, a long with consistency and accuracy on golf drive swing.