Subtalar Dislocation. Case Report and Literature Review

Pu00c3u00a9rez Cervera T.(a) , Roca Ruiz L.J.(b), Maru00c3u00adn Montalvo M.A. (b)

Volume 16 Issue 2

Global Journal of Medical Research

Subtalar dislocation is a simultaneous dislocation of the talo – calcanea and talo – navicular joints without any tibio – talar or talar neck assocaiated fractures. They are very rare injuries, for what few cases are described in the literature.(1) They predominate in young patients about third decade of the life, with a major incident in males that in women (6:1).(2) Usually these are opened injuries, being associated with high energy trauma. The mechanism of injury occurrs in relation with rainfalls, traffic accidents or in the sports practice.(3) They can happen in any direction, producing an important deformity of the ankle. In occasions they can produce fractures on the talus, the ankle or in the fifth metatarsal.(4) Four types of subtalar dislocation are described: a) Medial (80 – 85%) the foot and calcaneus is displaced medially, the head of talus is prominent dorsolaterally and the navicular is situated medially and sometimes dorsal to the talar head. The medial dislocation has been referred to as an “acquired clubfoot,” b) Lateral (15 – 20%) the lateral is described in the older literature as an “acquired flatfoot.” (2) c) Posterior and anterior formas are rare (1 – 2.5%)