An Investigation of Indigenous Knowledge and Institutions Contributing to Natural Forest Conservation in Yayo and Gechi Woreda, Illuababor Zone, Oromia National Regional State, South West Ethiopia

Gudina Abashula, Disasa Merga and Hassen Nagesso

Volume 17 Issue 1

Global Journal of Human-Social Science

The study was conducted to investigate the indigenous knowledge and institutions contributing natural forest conservation in Yayo and Gechi woredas in Iluabbabor zone, Oromia regional state, southwest Ethiopia. To this end survey was conducted with 120 randomly selected household heads. Moreover, in-depth interviews were employed with informants to collect information required for the study. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed using percentages and thematic analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the studied communities have special meaning and value for natural forests in their surroundings. Generally, forest is considered as “a source of life” for these communities as almost all basic requirements for human being stem from their natural forests. Consequently, the communities had been providing special care and protection for their natural forests through their indigenous knowledge and institutions. Delineation of intact sacred groves and trees, selective use of plant species, fluctuation of the use of natural forest species based on seasons, limiting the amount of natural forest used and its purposes are the major indigenous knowledge and institutions contributing to natural forest conservation in the studied communities. Almost all of the study participants confirmed that these indigenous knowledge and institutions are secret behind for sustainable use of natural forest in the study area since a long time, however, the legitimate power of these traditional knowledge and institutions in restricting human interaction with their natural forest has been declining due to poverty, unemployment and the abandonment of traditional religious beliefs and values. Moreover, the findings indicated that the government has been undertaking various activities that contribute to the local communities’ indigenous knowledge and institutions with regards to natural forest conservation, however, still many things are left to be done in linking