Levenberg – Marquardt’s Algorithm used forPID Controller Parameters Optimization

Ahmed S. Abd El-Hamid, Ahmed H. Eissa, ALy Radwan

Volume 15 Issue 1

Global Journal of Research in Engineering

The determination of parameters of controllers is an important problem in automatic control systems. In this paper, the Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Algorithm is used to effectively solve this problem with reasonable computational effort. The Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Algorithm for optimization of three term (PID) controller parameters with dynamic model of pH neutralization process is presented. The main goal is to show the merits of Levenberg Marquardt algorithm optimization and to determine its suitability in the area of control systems. Lastly, the application of this approach to the calculation of the parameters of PID controller shows that the Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm has a better dynamic performance of pH neutralization process.