Maturity and Conceptual Dimensions of Supply Chain Management: Establishing a Structural Model

Jeanfrank T. D. Sartori, Guilherme F. Frederico

Volume 17 Issue 1

Global Journal of Management and Business

Researches focused on Supply Chain Management – SCM – have increased in relevance since 1990’s due to its potential to generate opportunities of adding value to the companies and gaining competitive advantage on today’s global market. However, there are still lacks in the literature about the dimensions that promote the maturity and success of SCM and a deeper understanding of their relations. Considering that such knowledge can only be fully achieved through a model that aggregates all known dimensions of the SCM maturity, the present paper brings up thought a systematic literature review the proposal of a framework showing the relationship between Supply Chain Management Maturity and Supply Chain Management Concept. The main contribution of this paper is to present a better understanding of SCM maturity dimensions and SCM concept dimensions proposed on the literature and then show its relations. This framework can also support future field researches aiming to better understand the phenomenon of this relationship and provide a deeper view in terms of SCM theory and application.