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Author- João Teixeira PiresIntroductionHello, readers! Today I want to share with youthe results of my research on the main influential factors for the care ofsanitary sewage in Brazilian municipalities. This research was inspired by theneed to better understand the challenges[…]
Read more...Author: PauloDecoI. SYNOPSISThis research focuses onthe behavior exhibited by workers in informal workplace settings, particularlyin response to the structures (working conditions) provided by their employer.These structures-whether physical, technological, organizational, demographic,or psychological-may or may not be conducive to encouraging workers to carryout[…]
Read more...Author: Rusudan Sreseli, PhD in Business Administration, Ivane Javakhisvhili Tbilisi State UniversityIntroduction Preparing a Doctoral thesis is a challengingexperience, one that requires patience, dedication, and an understanding of thesubject matter. When I started working on a selection of topics that I[…]
Read more...Author: Yang Pachankis 1. OVERVIEWThe actual research was initiated in 2017 when I was proposing my graduate thesis in the School of Economics and Management in the Communication University of China. Inflation in mainland China soared over the last decade, and my[…]
Read more...Author by: Venketesh IyerThe most fundamental building block of any organization is Data; data is critical to any organization’s success. Getting data governance and quality right, can significantly improve the quality of sales planning and result in an intelligent data-driven territory[…]
Read more...Author: Dr. Nadia MANSOURSummary: The object of our study is the banking interaction and financial stability.With financial liberalization, developing countries can’t stay safe from bank risks. However, few studies have focused on the study of the relationship between banking regulation[…]
Enhancing Price-To-Win Targeting with Value-Base Pricing : A Bayesian Network Approach
Value Base Pricing (VBP) in the B2B industry is a recognize profit generatorsuported by multiple studies in the theoritical and empirical pricing field.VBP focus on customer's expectations and not just costs. However, despite its acknowledged benefits value-based pricing can be challenging. In this article we place VBP in Non-zero-sum game conflict...
Survival and Opportunity: Self-Employment Among Women Heads of Families in Mato Grosso’s Agribusiness and Traditional Sectors
I. Introduction F or most of the population of pre-industrial societies there was no separation between productive activities and domestic activities. Work was carried out at home or in its vicinity. This situation changed with the advent of modern industry, which caused a separation between the home and the workplace (Giddens, 2005; Nolan & Lenski...
Improving Nursing Night Shifts: The Importance of Low Light and Proper Breaks
The article explores the physiological importance of circadian rhythms, regulated by hormones like melatonin and cortisol, and reviews studies demonstrating the benefits of dim lighting and structured naps during shifts. Evidence from international research, such as a Brazilian study on nap duration, highlights the optimal 2.1–3-hour nap window f...
The Influence of Relational Social Capital (RSC) on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Innovation Performance: A Mixed Method Study
This study investigates the influence of relational social capital focusing on trust, norms of cooperation, reciprocity, and identification on innovation performance among Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) within Nigeria’s textile manufacturing sector. Operating in a resource-limited environment, these MSMEs face unique challenges that...
Properly Managing Generation Z
Abstract- The purpose of this paper was to provide all individuals within leadership roles with an enriched comprehension of properly managing Generation Z. This objective was fulfilled by the researcher conducting investigations on numerous articles and studies conducted by other specialists in the field of supervision and management. The research...
Nurturing Growth: Exploring Factors Influencing Female Youth Entrepreneurs in Lusaka's Central Business District
Female youth entrepreneurship is increasingly acknowledged as a catalyst for economic growth, productivity, innovation, and job creation. It plays a pivotal role in sustaining economic dynamism and competitiveness on the global stage. In contributing to the corpus of literature on female entrepreneurship, this study analyzed factors influencing the...
The Efficiency of Corporate Governance Practices in Bangladeshs State-Owned Commercial Banks
The goal of this research is to ascertain how corporate governance (CG) procedures affect Bangladesh's state-owned commercial bank's operational effectiveness. Secondary data were collected from the annual reports for all listed state-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh for the years of 2018 to 2022. The research employs various corporate governan...
Evaluation De La Performance Globale Des Établissements De Microfinance À Partir Du Balanced Scorecard: Une Étude Empirique En Contexte Camerounais
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the overall performance of Microfinance Institutions (EMFs) in Cameroon from the Balanced Scorecard (BSc). To achieve this goal, exploratory interviews with 10 EMFs followed by a confirmatory survey of 88 EMFs were conducted. The main results resulting from the construction of the overall performance index...
Audit Evidence Concept, Classification and Collection Techniques in China and the US
The audit process is the process of continuously collecting audit evidence. Audit evidence is processed when auditors are doing financial audits. Generally speaking, audit evidence shall be both reliable and relevant. Auditors exam evidence available from various sources to decrease the probability of material misstatement and audit failure (Bell, ...
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