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Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (GJSFR): (B) Chemistry is an international journal for publishing natural science research papers. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, scientists and professors of natural science. We welcome original researches, surveys and review of papers of all the streams of natural science from all over the world. The GJSFR comprises comprehensive frontier trends of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bio-tech, Geology, Military Science, Environment and all Interdisciplinary & Frontier Subjects etc. Journal of Physics, Journal of Chemistry etc. are belonging to GJSFR. 


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GJSFR Volume 24 Issue 2
GJSFR-C Volume 25 Issue 1


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GJSFR-B Volume 25


ISSN Online 2249-4626
ISSN Print 0975-5896
Print Estd. 2001
mEDRA DOI 10.17406/GJSFR
CrossRef DOI 10.34257/GJSFR
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Recent Articles Published in GJSFR-B

Recurrent Relationships as an Important Class of Mathematical Objects in Chemistry

The unique potential and different areas of applications of recurrent (synonymous: recursive) relationships in chemistry and chromatography are considered. Recurrent relations can be used in two forms: as functions of integer arguments, y(x + 1) = ay(x) + b, and as functions of equidistant argument values, A(x + x) = aA(x) + b, x = const. The...

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Poison in the Hiking Trail

An approach combining reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was developed to analyze Urushiol congeners in poison ivy extract. The peak signatures detected in poison ivy were separated in 18 min at wavelengths 254 nm, 260 nm, and 280 nm with a gradient elution on the RP...

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Thermodynamic and Kinetic Regularities of the Swelling of Edible Gelatin in Water Irradiated with an Electromagnetic Field at Various Values of the Medium Acidity

The effect of water irradiation with an electromagnetic field on the degree, rate and heat of swelling of gelatin in it has been studied. Both an increase and a decrease in the degree of gelatin swelling were found depending on the field frequency (30–190 MHz) used to irradiate water. An increase in the swelling limiting degree is pronounced for ...

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The Unique Australian Flora, A Veritable Pandora’s Pharmacopeia of Compounds with Therapeutic Biomedical Potential: Are the Chalcones the Geni in The Box?

The aim of this review was to highlight the unique biodiversity of the flowering plants and shrubs of Australia and their component chemicals that evolved during the separation of the Australian continent from Gondwanaland. The chemicals produced by these flowering plants provided protection ensuring the survival of the Australian flora which had t...

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Frontier Chemistry Aspects

Chemistry laid the foundations for a wide range of branches of science from physics to biology. Moreover, its basic algorithm, the chemical formula, can be said to underlie the construction of mathematical graphs and the quantum-mechanical description with their help (Richard Feynman) of the interaction of elementary particles. And Chemistry itself...

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Articles under Press


Betaendorphin in Management of Oro-Facial Diseases

Endorphin is an endogenous opioid, neuropeptide, synthesize and stored in the pituitary gland in response to pain and stress. Out of three endorphins such as enkephalin, dynorphin, and betaendorphin. The betaendorphin is an abundant endorphin , binds with its µ receptors present on the nervous system and immune cells. Precursor of betaendorphin i...

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