Making WorldThe question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. ~Edsger W. Dijkstra Read More

    Designing the bestIf a man happens to find himself, he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.~ James A. Michener Read More

    Developing World AccessScientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.
    ~James A. Michener
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Latest eJournals GJRE

GJRE-B Volume 24 Issue 1
GJRE-J Volume 24 Issue 1

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GJRE-F Volume 24


ISSN Online 2249-4596
ISSN Print 0975-5861
Print Estd. 2001
mEDRA DOI 10.17406/gjre
CrossRef DOI 10.34257/gjre
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Correlations Between Meteorological Phenomena and Interruptions in the Supply of Electric Energy in a Power Supplier

There are several technologies in the area of engineering, new and old, currently used with the objective of reducing the impacts of meteorological phenomena on electrical energy distribution networks. However, they still constitute one of the biggest challenges for companies around the world, the mitigation of the number of interruptions in the en...

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Fusion Reactor, Having Several Chambers For Synthesis, Operating By Turns

Work on creating a thermonuclear fusion reactor, which began more than half a century ago, has not yet led to the development of a continuous reactor design. The reason for this is the orientation of all teams developing reactors to use one chamber where the reaction occurs. With the arrangement, no materials or cooling schemes can withstand the su...

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The Future Grid in a Dynamic Spiral

Energy Transition from fossil fuel derived power sources to that of clean, renewably sourced, electricity enabling total electrification has emerged as the overriding challenge for humankind in the first quarter of the 21st century. Ensuring energy security, adapting to climate change, and embracing the low carbon economy were among the critical fa...

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Joint Sequential Use of the Reassigned Smoothed Pseudo Wigner

Digital intercept receivers are moving away from Fourier-based analysis towards classical time-frequency analysis techniques along with other novel analysis techniques for the purpose of analyzing low probability of intercept radar signals. This paper presents a novel approach of the joint sequential use of the Reassigned Smooth Pseudo Wigner-Ville...

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Market-Neutral Portfolios: A Solution Based on Automated Strategies

The equity market is known for its volatility and dependence on a number of factors that influence its trend. This characteristic inhibits many investors from entering this market, due to the fear of facing losses in their investments. A potential solution to this problem is to build portfolios that are neutral regarding their reference market. A n...

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Articles under Press


A Survey on Methods to Optimize Power Harvesting in Drones

This paper explores the challenges associated with limited battery capacity in drones and presents a comprehensive analysis of strategies to optimize energy harvesting and extend flight durations. Various energy generation methods, including piezoelectric and solar harvesting, are discussed, along with electrical circuit generation for wireless cha...

Fundamentals of Electro Kinetics and Ionic Interactions for Durability Enhancement of Cement Concrete

Durability of concrete structures is of great concern among civil engineering community. The concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials due to its relatively competitive affordability, versatility, easy availability of its raw materials, workability and mouldability to any shape and size. (1) Concrete is a composite material tha...

Towards Digitalization of Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain Digital Twins and Internet of Things Approach

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is known to confer numerous health benefits to individuals, owing to their remarkable nutrient density as agricultural produce. Rapid decay of perishable items leads to a reduction in quality and nutrient content. Additionally, these items are highly susceptible to spoilage. The implementation of cold chain ...

The Ctesiphont system. Evolution of the catenary structure

La complicada situació n de la España de los años de autarquía (1940-55), llevo a que algunos arquitectos propusieran soluciones sumamente económicas y de rápida construcción para tratar de solucionar el grave problema de la falta de vivienda. Entre esas propuestas llama especialmente la atención el sistema Ctesiphonte, basado en una catena...

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