Working for HumanityHumanity is the spiritual part of Creation. -Unknown Read More

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GJHSS-G Volume 24 Issue 5

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GJHSS-G Volume  24


ISSN Online 2249-460X
ISSN Print 0975-587X
Print Estd. 2001
mEDRA DOI 10.17406/GJHSS
CrossRef DOI 10.34257/GJHSS
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Pleasure of Describing in the College Cycle: The Documentary Film

Describing in our present study presupposes the exploitation of a new didactic support in French in the college Cycle, the documentary Film in the learning process. Our objective is to improve French among our learners in their communications by describing in a foreign language which is French....

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Relationship between Theory, Practice and Construction of Teaching Identity in Teacher Training for Basic Education: The Contribution of the Internship

Este estudo objetiva investigar a contribuição do estágio na formação de professores para a educação básica sob a ótica de estagiárias do curso de pedagogia com destaque para a relação entre teoria e prática, e formação da identidade docente. O estudo utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa de caráter exploratório. A coleta de dados foi ...

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Initial and Continuing Principals Training in Brazil: a historical perspective

This paper analyzed Brazilian authors’ works on school administration, focusing on the 1930-1969 period, to construct a historical perspective on principals’ training. One of the main difficulties of the research was defining its study object. Although we could highlight the main aspects of principals’ training in Brazil within the selected t...

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Navigating Change: Exploring the Dynamic Role of Educational Leadership in Advancing Chinese Schools

The quality of a school hinges not only on its curriculum and resources but also on the leadership that guides it. Leadership in education stands for vision-setting, collaboration development, and more, with the primary purpose of increasing the overall effectiveness of a school district. Efficient managers can develop suitable teacher employment, ...

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Early Childhood Education in Cote dIvoire

person's well-being and success depend largely on the experiences they were exposed to in childhood. A young child who has access to key early childhood development services (nutrition, health, social protection and early learning) and who benefits from nurturing parental care has a better chance of developing optimally. Much more than before, deci...

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Articles under Press


A detailed analysis of The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a worldwide economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe financial crisis ever experienced by the Western World, sparking fundamental changes in economic institutions, macroeconomic policy, and economic theory. Although it originated in the United States, the Great Dep...

Heteronormativity, Intrafamilial Coexistence with Homophobic Figures

According to data from the WHO-UN Comprehensive Action Plan on Mental Health (Health, 2022), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people represent a high rate among vulnerable and discriminated groups. The mental health identified as a risk factor, as well as violent acts, abuse and the feeling of isolation, makes it clear that living i...

Placing the History of Jamaican Immigrant Organizations in Toronto, Canada

This article proposes a typology of Jamaican immigrant organizations in Toronto, Canada and examines the circumstances shaping the establishment of immigrant organizations with diverse orientations within this immigrant group. This analysis is informed by archival research that involved the examination of Caribbean newspapers including The Share, C...

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